my best friend has her custody hearing today.
latest #17
terrified. Her husband was physically abusive with her and her 3 year old
klfjds /hopes for the best! D:
he threatened to kill her and she took off. Her daughter has ptsd and 5 different professionals think she was sexually abused
thanks. I'm just, yeah. Logic says no judge would give Aura to him but still
things like this make me miss smoking :=
i don't blame you. it must be nerve wracking for everyone involved .____.
Oh no. DDD: I hope she wins it.
D: *hugs, squish* I hope she wins it.
It'd be insane if she didn't.
I hope the husband has a sucky lawyer. >:
thanks guys. They appointed a law guardian for her little girl but they've been forcing her to let her ex have unsupervized time with her
and he's been doing his best to spoil/coach her
and Aura is three so presents and toys and games are making her think 'daddy is nice'
yeah... And from everything we know if the doctors are right and she was sexually abused he's the most likely candidate
but she's three so the most she'll really say is that there are 'monsters in the white house'
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