( cough cough. Sorry for my inactivity for this few days. ;w; I got two weeks assignments to be finished in one week. OTL )
latest #11
( Next week everything should be back to normal though ><; )
( Do your work, mister. )
( /stares at homework ;3; Mattie save me )
(( Do it ;o; You'll thank yourself later! ))
( I can't even do my own homework. o_o; )
( O: You can't? COPY FROM FRIENDS-- unless you took art like me. orz )
(Art? .-.; I feel your pain /patpat )
( I never know art can be like this. XD; I thought they were supposed to be relaxing and stuffs. =w=;; -huggles- )
{ ahh goodness, I thought so too like three years ago xD -petpet- good luck, though <3 }
( ;v; It's deceiving. <33 thanks )
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