tapplunk is
14 years ago
so confused by this plurk thing
latest #17
GingerLewman says
14 years ago
You'll be confused if you don't use it each day. Let me see if I can help: FAQ page
GingerLewman says
14 years ago
What other questions do you have?
GingerLewman says
14 years ago
Also, heres a plurk I created to help folks out. Feel free to friend anyone who's responded there, too!
teacherricks says
14 years ago
Hi my dear friend. Don't give up! :-)
teacherricks says
14 years ago
Did you read my blog on Sunday? I posted it to fb too. It includes my initial thoughts about Plurk teacherricks.blogspot.co...
teacherricks says
14 years ago
Have a great day Miss Plunk :-D
Cheryl57 says
14 years ago
it is a GREAT place to be to learn many new things in education (especially technology) and just meet new friends!
14 years ago
(wave) you can learn, gossip, cry on shoulders.. :-)
Oretha says
14 years ago
Welcome to Plurk from Fort Smith, Arkansas (wave)
Oretha says
14 years ago
Plurk is a great collaborative tool. If you want to just follow people, Twitter is great, but if you want to collaborate, get ideas, talk,
Oretha says
14 years ago
and coke1 is right, need a shoulder to cry on or someone to just listen, Plurk is the ultimate best!
lfeld52 says
14 years ago
there is a bit of a learning curve. But you will find out quickly if you prefer the Plurk way, or the Twitter way.
lfeld52 says
14 years ago
matters on what you are seeking
ktibbs says
14 years ago
Welcome! Feel free to ask questions - we love helping:-)
tamlo says
14 years ago
The more friends you have the more you can learn!
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