Lovino is
14 years ago
eating a huge plate of pasta, watching horror films.
latest #175
14 years ago
quickly realizes this is a bad idea but continues anyway.
Shaliza hates
14 years ago
horror films >_<
Belarus wonders
14 years ago
why everyone thinks horror films are scary.
Alfred thinks
14 years ago
Bela is a horror movie in herself....
Shaliza thinks
14 years ago
Alfred is mean!
Mattie thinks
14 years ago
that was really mean of Al.
14 years ago
also smacks him upside the head for said...thought.
Alfred was
14 years ago
just telling the truth!! And rubs his cheek where Trini hit it.
Shaliza thinks
14 years ago
that you shouldn't say mean things unless provoked.
14 years ago
........is sorry....
Mattie thinks
14 years ago
he had better be sorry.
Shaliza thinks
14 years ago
he should apologize to Belarus (Cause she's scary >>;;-)
14 years ago
[[WOAH wierd face]]
Alfred thinks
14 years ago
maybe not right now.... (cause she's REALLY scary! But no~ I love Bela~ <3 Cause she scares away Russia~)
Shaliza wonders
14 years ago
...who's more scary. Belarus or the movie...
14 years ago
coughs and refuses to answer that.
14 years ago
clings to Lovi, not liking scary...things...people...and otherwise.
Alfred thinks
14 years ago
he's not the only one who thinks Bela's scary... >>
Shaliza wonders
14 years ago
if Alfred would maybe like to...huddle with her and Lovi?
Alfred will
14 years ago
be an awesome hero and protect them from the scary-ness instead!! (ow<)b
14 years ago
looks at Alfred and asks, "I hear when you watch horror movies you scream like a girl and cover your face, is that true?"
14 years ago
frowns and strikes a heroic pose. "Of course not! Cause I'm a hero! And heros aren't afraid of anything!"
14 years ago
hides a snort, but laughs into Lovi's shoulder.
14 years ago
admires the pose, "Then you wouldn't mind watching a horror film with me right now?"
14 years ago
laughs heroically, trying to keep the nervousness out of his voice. "Of course not!"
14 years ago
"That's great, because I just so happen to have Evil Dead II with me." Pulls out the DVD case and shows Alfred.
Shaliza will
14 years ago
leave Alfred and Belarus to their scary movies and makes Lovi take her for...gelato...or something.
14 years ago
shoots her a thumbs up, still grinning. "Well alright then!" REALLY HOPES TRINI DOESNT LEAVE HIM.
14 years ago
"Excellent, I'll put it in the DVD player." Walks over to the television and fiddles with the DVD. "Do you like roller coasters?"
14 years ago
blinks, and nods. "Yeah, why?" TRINI DONT YOU LEAVE YOUR DADDEH.
14 years ago
"That's good, because one critic described it as "The roller coaster of horror movies." " Looks up at Alfred, clicks 'play' on the remote.
14 years ago
gulps and nods as he flops down on the couch, grabbing the nearest pillow.
14 years ago
sets his palm to his face and shakes his head. "You know, I was having a nice time by myself."
14 years ago
glares at Lovino. Then watches the picture on the TV.
14 years ago
ignores Lovino because he's focused on the movie, since he's never seen it before... And he's trying not to shake already...
14 years ago
shakes her head when Ash plays the recording of the Necronomicon being recited. "This will not end well."
14 years ago
's eyes widen and he whimpers loudly, trying not to scream with Bela in the room.
14 years ago
watches, eyes wide when Ash's girlfriend becomes possessed by the demon. "Ut oh, now the movie's going to get really good."
14 years ago
can't hold in his scream and lunges at Bela to cling onto her. "AAAAAHHHHHHH NO NO TURN IT OFF!"
14 years ago
jumps when Alfred screams, then is hugged. "Alfred ... we haven't even made it to the part when he cuts off her head with a shovel."
14 years ago
turns to look at her as though she's grown a second head. "WHAT!? I DONT WANNA SEE THAT!!!" Clings to her tighter with just the thought of_
14 years ago
the image, shaking.
14 years ago
notices the tight clinging, but for some odd reason, doesn't seem to mind. "Yes but because of the demon, both the head and body_
14 years ago
are still alive. Are you sure you don't want to see any more?"
14 years ago
shakes his head vigorously, yes, whimpering loudly. "JUST TURN IT OFF!!"
Shaliza is
14 years ago
not Alfred's daughter, but clings to Lovi anyways =w=
14 years ago
sighs, "Okay, fine." Switches the TV off and looks at him. "So, it's true after all."
14 years ago
looks around frantically, hoping there's not any demons in here, or people that could blackmail him. "Y-you wont tell anyone, right??"
14 years ago
shakes her head. "I won't tell anyone." Thinks terrified Alfred is cute, in an odd way.
Shaliza has
14 years ago
recorded the whole thing. This will come in very handy....
14 years ago
looks around again. "Thanks....you don't think there's any demons in *here*...do you?" WILL KILL TRINI DARNIT.
Shaliza thinks
14 years ago
she can summon demons if he would like her too >w>
14 years ago
14 years ago
"I doubt it, unless that recording on the radio really does call them up." Watches Alfred's face for his reaction. "But I'm pretty sure_
14 years ago
you're safe."
14 years ago
squeezes Bela tighter, looking thoroughly freaked out. "Just *pretty* sure? What if they spring up and attack me!?"
14 years ago
looks up at him. "How did you beat Ivan in the Cold War? You have to admit, he can be pretty scary when he wants to be."
14 years ago
lets go of Bela to sit up, giving her a slightly incredulous look. "Are you kidding? He's a commie! Commies' aren't scary, they're just_
14 years ago
villains! And since I'm a hero, I defeat those villains!!"
14 years ago
pouts at him. "I used to be Communist, do you think I'm evil?"
14 years ago
blinks and tilts his head to the side slightly. "Well are you still a commie? Or do you plan to be one ever again?"
14 years ago
"I'm glad I'm not communist anymore. I trade manufacturing parts with countries like Iran."
14 years ago
grins and shoots her a thumbs up. "Then you're cool in my book!"
14 years ago
looks at his thumb, then imitates him. "Cool."
14 years ago
nods, still grinning. "Yeah! But that brother of yours..... Well I guess he'll just always be the villian in my mind!"
14 years ago
"I can see how you would see him that way. He likes to play games."
14 years ago
scowls a bit now. "Yeah, crazy homocidal commie games..."
14 years ago
"Yes, good thing he's not communist anymore and you don't have to do that." Looks up at him. "Or do you?"
14 years ago
pouts slightly and crosses his arms. "Pft, yeah I do! He still tries to play those crazy games with me even though our politics and people_
14 years ago
are getting along better!"
14 years ago
"So ... those 10 spies they found in your country ... that was just a misunderstanding?"
14 years ago
pauses. "Well except for that, they're on better terms!"
14 years ago
tilts her head, "Sure you don't want to watch any more?" Holds up the remote toward the TV.
14 years ago
screams at the reminder of the movie, quivering and shaking his head no. "AH, NO!!"
14 years ago
puts the remote down and looks at him, "But there's this great scene where the demon chases him, and the whole time it's from the point of_
14 years ago
view of the demon. It's pretty fun."
14 years ago
scoots away from Bela... "ARE YOU CRAZY?! THAT'S SCARY!!! I DONT WANNA WATCH THAT!!"
14 years ago
pouts when he scoots away, drops the remote on the couch cushion. "I guess you really don't like that sort of thing."
14 years ago
sighs in relief and snatches the remote away so she can't force him to watch the movie. "Damn straight!"
14 years ago
[Ffffft sorry, I just love that phrase~ >u> ]
14 years ago
frowns a bit. "Nice language."
14 years ago
raises an eyebrow. "What, you don't like cursing?"
14 years ago
"Do you always talk like that in front of a lady?" She was a lady, despite her knife-throwing habits.
14 years ago
laughs at this. "Well I haven't met very many women that call themselves 'ladies'!"
14 years ago
"Not many of us nations are female, so I imagine you haven't." Fidgets with the hem of her dress.
14 years ago
nods. "Yeah, and Hungary doesn't really act like a lady a lot!"
14 years ago
"When we have to deal with so many male nations, that like to bully and fight each other, you have to be tough and able to fight too."
14 years ago
nods. "True, true." Grins sheepishly as he thinks about it. "I guess we *do* fight a lot!"
14 years ago
nods, "Yes, you do fight all the time." lets her skirt drop from her fingers and smooths it out. "Since you don't want to watch a movie_
14 years ago
what else would you like to do?"
14 years ago
shrugs. "Well, I'm definately not going to sleep for a while! How bout we get some ice cream or somethin', cause I'm starting to get hungry_
14 years ago
14 years ago
nods, "Yes, ice cream sounds good."
14 years ago
stands then, offering a hand to Bela. "Sweet! There should be one pretty close to here too!"
14 years ago
takes his hand, "alright," stands up. "Do they have lots of different flavors?"
14 years ago
nods, and lets go of Bela's hand, leading her out of Lovi's house. "Yeah! They have a whole bunch!"
14 years ago
follows behind Alfred, trying to keep up with the taller nation. "What is your favorite flavor?"
14 years ago
hums in thought. "I'm not sure if I really have one! I like a lot of flavors, but I guess my favorites are chocolate and vanilla!"
14 years ago
"I think butter pecan is good, but also blueberry."
14 years ago
nods. "I don't think I've ever tried butter pecan before!"
14 years ago
"It's very good. I recommend it." Enjoying the walk with him. Not many nations want to spend time with her.
Alfred thinks
14 years ago
she's actually pretty cool when she isn't threatening people with a knife! "I'll have to try it then! But not tonight, I'm in the mood for_
14 years ago
some good ol' vanilla!!"
14 years ago
"Vanilla, that is good to have too." Has already decided on blueberry, if this shop has it.
14 years ago
(*arm wiggle* I made a new plurk for us~!)
14 years ago
14 years ago
(just waiting for it to show up ... )
14 years ago
(it should be there....It says you and me are in the ice cream shop!)
14 years ago
(I've refreshed a few times but I don't see it yet)
14 years ago
(... poop >>)
14 years ago
(*shrugs* we can continue it here? )
14 years ago
(Oh, it's on your page, I don't see it on mine. )
14 years ago
(ffft weird.... BUT SEE! IT LIVES *W* )
14 years ago
(Okay, I'll respond to it there, I just can't see it from my page so I won't know when you've replied)
14 years ago
(Fffft lol okay~ <3)
14 years ago
orders himself several scoops of vanilla ice cream in a waffle cone when they get to the shop, and grins as he points to one of the tubs_
14 years ago
of ice cream. "Hey look! They have blueberry!"
14 years ago
"Blueberry? Really?" a faint trace of a smile crossed her lips, then quickly disappeared. "I'll have one scoop of that please."
14 years ago
nods and goes to order it, but stops. "Waffle cone or not? Though waffle cones are awesome! You should get one!"
Belarus thinks
14 years ago
about that. "Okay, because you said I should, I will try it with a waffle cone."
14 years ago
shoots her a thumbs up and orders her the ice cream, paying for it as well, before handing her the ice cream. "So you've never had a waffle_
14 years ago
cone before??"
14 years ago
shakes her head, taking the ice cream from him. "Dziakuj, no I haven't. I don't eat much ice cream."
14 years ago
gawks at her. "You really must be crazy! Ice cream is awesome!!"
14 years ago
blinks at his response. "I like ice cream, but it's a treat, not something you eat every day." Licks her blueberry. "Mmm, this is good!"
14 years ago
licks the sides of his ice cream to prevent it from dripping. "Glad you like it! See, I usually have ice cream after dinner or something, _
14 years ago
so it ends up being an everyday thing!"
14 years ago
"Ice cream every day? That seems like a lot of ice cream." I usually have a cup of tea after supper." Licks her ice cream.
14 years ago
makes a face at the thought of having tea. "Ew, why would you have tea? That stuff is gross!" And it brought up some bad memories.
14 years ago
"But I like tea, it's very refreshing after a meal." tilts her head at him as she licks her ice cream.
14 years ago
licks his ice cream again, shaking his head afterwords. "Eh, I just like my ice cream better!"
14 years ago
"It is a fun treat, and this blueberry is very good." Nibbles on the waffle cone.
14 years ago
grins when he sees this. "Sooo? Whaddya think of the waffle cone??" Takes a bite of his ice cream.
14 years ago
"It's really good. I would think as sweet as the ice cream is, the added sweet of the cone would be too much. It isn't." Nibbles_
14 years ago
some more.
14 years ago
takes another bite of his ice cream, licking the sides again. "Told ya it was awesome~!"
14 years ago
eats hers, licking a drip on the side. Dziakuj for the treat Alfred. " Tries to smile, but doesn't quite manage it. Comes out as a grimace.
14 years ago
can't help but laugh at her attempt. "No problem!" Starts to walk towards the exit, looking back to Bela as a sign for her to follow.
14 years ago
gets up and follows Alfred, still munching on her cone.
14 years ago
finishes off the first two scoops of ice cream, getting closer to the waffle cone as he leads Bela outside. "I've got too much energy to_
14 years ago
stay sitting down!" He explains to her, grinning as he then starts down the sidewalk.
14 years ago
follows him. "I don't mind, I like to walk." Has to work to keep up with him, he's taller and moves faster.
14 years ago
notices this and slows down a bit, pushing his ice cream further into the cone with his tongue.
14 years ago
catches up to him, then sees him push the ice cream down. "isn't that cold?" Licks hers, watching him.
14 years ago
glances over to her, licking the sides of the cone. "Yeah, but it's worth it! Once I do this, then I can eat more of the cone with the ice_
14 years ago
14 years ago
"Ah, I see." Pushes her ice cream down with her tongue, then munches on the cone. "This is good!" Eats some more.
14 years ago
grins and takes a bite of the ice cream and cone, talking with his mouth full. "See! I told ya so!"
14 years ago
looks at him eating with his mouth full. "Uhm ... it is very delicious." Eats more of hers, watching him eat because it's amusing.
14 years ago
doesn't see how eating ice cream can be amusing, but continues eating anyways, and finishes off his cone, sighing contently afterwords._
14 years ago
"Ah, that hit the spot!"
Belarus is
14 years ago
almost done with hers, savoring a little longer because blueberry is the best flavor. "It was very delicious."
14 years ago
licks his fingers, then wipes the extra spit on his pants and sticks his hands in the pockets of his bomber jacket. "Yep~!"
14 years ago
pulls a paper napkin out of her pocket. "Do you need one of these?" holds it out to him.
14 years ago
shakes his head, chuckling lightly. "Nope! I already licked my fingers clean! That's my version of a napkin~!"
14 years ago
puts the napkin back in her pocket. "You have some interesting habits, Alfred." Wondering if Arthur taught him to do that, finishes_
14 years ago
her cone.
14 years ago
tilts his head to the side slightly. "What, you've never licked your fingers before after getting food on them?"
14 years ago
looks up at him. "No, not in public, or around others. Why do you do it?"
14 years ago
blinks at this, and scratches his cheek absentlly. "Well, I don't really know! I guess started with the thought that good food shouldn't go_
14 years ago
to waste, no matter who I'm around!"
14 years ago
"Yes, but ... even on your fingers? Isn't that rude?" Wipes her lips and fingers with the napkin, then finds a trash can to put it in.
14 years ago
shrugs. "Not in my country! Especially down south! They do it all the time!"
Belarus thinks
14 years ago
about this, imagines Americans everywhere licking their fingers. "... that must be an interesting thing to see."
14 years ago
laughs lightly. "Not really! We do it so much that we don't even notice when someone else does it!"
14 years ago
would do nothing but stare, "I guess if you're used to it." thinks about how strange America must be.
14 years ago
frowns as he thinks about his habit. "I can't be the only country that does it though... Do any of the European countries do it?"
14 years ago
shrugs her shoulders, "I don't know, I just know in my country it's considered rude, poor manners. I am not trying to judge you, Alfred."
14 years ago
laughs lightly. "Oh I'm not worried about you judging me! I just can't believe I'm one of the few countries that do that!"
14 years ago
"It's possible there are other countries, I'm just not familiar with it." looks up at him. "When you're not screaming at movies_
14 years ago
you're fun."
14 years ago
waves the comment off. "Psh, what are you talking about? I didn't scream at the movie!"
14 years ago
stares at him, stops walking. "You most certainly did. You didn't get past the first 30 minutes."
14 years ago
shushes her, glancing around. "Shhh! You're supposed to agree with me when we're in public!! I can't have anyone knowing that secret!!"
14 years ago
puts her hands on her hips and faces him. "And why should I agree with you?"
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