Annabel♥ wonders
14 years ago
should she pursue her dream course or not? Sigh , in dilemna...
latest #56
Eileen. :D
14 years ago
Eileen. :D
14 years ago
Annabel♥ says
14 years ago
but the course i want right , i think next time very hard to find job sia...sigh.
Eileen. :D
14 years ago
what course?
Annabel♥ says
14 years ago
hospitalityv and tourism management (:
Annabel♥ says
14 years ago
14 years ago
Its a big management both local and overseas .
14 years ago
Get on with your goal ! Dont stop !
Annabel♥ says
14 years ago
sigh , but i dun think local uni have this course sia....):
Eileen. :D
14 years ago
Eileen. :D
14 years ago
OMG, WOW!!!!
Eileen. :D
14 years ago
singapore have. tp!
14 years ago
Yup. Go TP .
14 years ago
nice goal
Annabel♥ says
14 years ago
hahaha , i know poly have but uni...i dun think so sia. scared that i choose the wrong choice. ):
Eileen. :D
14 years ago
i don't think uni will have. overseas have.
14 years ago
confirm have 1 that is related de, if not how nurses doctors tour guides get their jobs
Eileen. :D
14 years ago
wa, imagine if we go same course and school. coooooool! then maybe we can go overseas to study together. shiok!
Annabel♥ says
14 years ago
DerickChanZhenYu: hahahaha , hmm..just hope that my choice is right. (:
14 years ago
i don't even knoe what i wanna be ! -.-
14 years ago
Annabel♥ says
14 years ago
eileennnPY : yeah! per per! i wanna go same course+school with you! :-D
Annabel♥ says
14 years ago
DerickChanZhenYu: Hey dun sad , you still have 2 more years to think carefully :-D
14 years ago
you still have 1 and a half :-D
Eileen. :D
14 years ago
Annabel♥ says
14 years ago
hahahah , yeah. but i have to have a goal so i can push myself really hard in order to acheive my goal :-D
Annabel♥ says
14 years ago
eileennnPY: Yeah!!!! hmm... i think i will take this course as my goal! :-D
Eileen. :D
14 years ago
straight A1s! you sure can one lor. smart ahma.
14 years ago
Bel , nth's impossible . Local uni maybe dont have but hospality in overseas is much more better , actually . So jyeaa , jyjy
Eileen. :D
14 years ago
mirza got same dream as us too!
Annabel♥ says
14 years ago
sabby: thanks sabby!
Eileen. :D
14 years ago
he wants to be an air steward!
Annabel♥ says
14 years ago
eileennnPY: really?? aiseh!!! then nadia be air stewardess...hahahahah! :-P
Eileen. :D
14 years ago
nadia wants to be a fashion designer.
14 years ago
Hospitality so have wide range of courses , so the choices aren't limited. For me , damn hard . Eileen , dont say what I want pursue , okay!
14 years ago
Sssshhhh !
Annabel♥ says
14 years ago
okok! sabby!!! i want know wyr goals!! per per!! tell mua!!! :-D
Eileen. :D
14 years ago
haha, why not? it's a good paying job whattttttt.
14 years ago
But quite rare amongst our generation , actually .
14 years ago
ppl say I complacent .
Eileen. :D
14 years ago
no. you must be prove of your ambition and dream!
14 years ago
I stil cant decide whther do I want to pursue it locally or in overseas .
Annabel♥ says
14 years ago
sabby: whats goal?
Annabel♥ says
14 years ago
*whats yr goal?
Eileen. :D
14 years ago
i may want to study in MDIS. but then... the certs they give are not so good. government schools' certs are the easiest to find job in sg.
14 years ago
But MDIS is business , right ?
Eileen. :D is
14 years ago
Annabel♥ says
14 years ago
MDIS is local uni?
Eileen. :D
14 years ago
it's a private school.
Eileen. :D
14 years ago
can get your diplomas there.
14 years ago
Yes la ,. MDIS is business de .
Annabel♥ says
14 years ago
but is it easy to get a job with this certificate?
Eileen. :D
14 years ago
my sis learn physiology there ley.
Eileen. :D
14 years ago
not in s'pore.
14 years ago
Hospitality ; Get diploma and pursue further . Atleast get a degree . It gives you higher chance to get better position in Spore , really .
Annabel♥ says
14 years ago
okay :-D
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