toastman says
16 years ago
conclusion: MI5 could not have prevented the 7/7 bombings, it was the failure of policymakers to understand UK based Islamic radicalism.
latest #18
toastman says
16 years ago
And I can defend this point. I have a whole page of references.
toastman says
16 years ago
The good news is that the UK goverment, particularly the foreign office have a fucking clue and have decided to get with the program.
toastman says
16 years ago
Working to understand radicalism, and becoming better involved within the Muslim community
toastman says
16 years ago
including events where young British Muslims can encounter Muslim scholars tackling extremist misinterpretations of Islam
toastman says
16 years ago
and things like blue-light discos, sausage-sizzles and the like.
toastman says
16 years ago
Halal ones, of course.
AshDonaldson says
16 years ago
yesterday I came across my first bottled water which was 100% Halal and Organic!?!
AshDonaldson says
16 years ago
Halal: a license to print money
AshDonaldson says
16 years ago
Organic: Just 'cause it isn't relating to, or denoting compounds containing carbon - doesn't mean you can't call it "Organic"
AshDonaldson shares
16 years ago
hehehe last paragraph is an editorial note that got published... Idiots
toastman says
16 years ago
Lol@ "Also: Can you please go thru the first few pages and look at where we can add the tag line for Narmada 'Where water first flowed' "
toastman says
16 years ago
Thanks guys. Re-read this morning and is still good!
toastman says
16 years ago
Impossible, the cells were a handful of people, with no mastermind, great security awareness, and extreme suspicion from outsiders.
toastman says
16 years ago
We're talking about groups of 4s and 5s, not 50s and 100s.
toastman says
16 years ago
Sadly, this is what the UK Goverment expected of intelligence services.
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