14 years ago
tried to get home after her business trip, but got lost in the dark and ended up somewhere completely different by mistake.
latest #42
Iceland was
14 years ago
out for an evening stroll that night and notices someone looking lost. "Hej, are you okay?"
14 years ago
turns around quickly, afraid from the dark and maybe a little teary-eyed. "I-Iceland!"
14 years ago
quickly recognizes the voice and notices that it's a little shaky. "Seychelles? Are you alright?" He rushes over to her.
14 years ago
fumbles around a moment, before latching onto his arm. "I got lost, and it's dark!" she exclaims, still a little worked up.
14 years ago
nearly falls over when she suddenly latches on. "It's okay now, you don't need to afraid. Where are you headed anyways?"
14 years ago
"I'm not afraid!" she says quickly, though she is. "I was trying to get home. But it's so late now!"
14 years ago
nods, though he knew she was afraid. "Alright. You're pretty far from home." He smiles a bit. "Where were you coming from?"
14 years ago
sighs, feeling much better with him around. "I was at India's. Dealing with pirate stuff." she glances behind her. "I don't know how I got
14 years ago
so lost."
14 years ago
starts walking towards the direction he thinks is the right way. "Did you have a GPS with you? Those can still get you lost though.."
14 years ago
follows after him, smiling nervously. "No. I thought I could do it on my own."
14 years ago
looks around the dark town. "Maybe you should stay at my place until morning." He suggested, worried that they'll both get lost in the dark.
14 years ago
nods quickly, just wanting out of the dark. "I can find my way home when it's light out!"
14 years ago
starts leading her to Den's house, which was close by. "Yeah, and it's more dangerous in the dark. One more thing, did you really walk all
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_the way here from India's?" He asked, curious.
14 years ago
blushes slightly. "I might have fallen asleep on my flight and ended up in the wrong place."
14 years ago
holds back a laugh. "O-oh. That can happen.. But good thing I found you here." He stops in front of the house and opens the door for her.
14 years ago
blushes more, walking inside the doorway and waiting for him. "I'm glad you found me, it's cold and dark."
14 years ago
walks in after her. He didn't think it was that cold outside, but wrapped his sweater around her. "I guess it was a good thing I took that
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_walk." He laughed lightly. "By the way, you can stay in my room and I'll go to the living room.."
14 years ago
takes the sweater from him gratefully. "B-but I don't want to kick you out of your room."
14 years ago
smiles, "You're a guest. And I'm not that tired anyways.." He lies.
14 years ago
pouts at him, having a feeling he's lying to her.
14 years ago
scratches the back of his neck and looks away, feeling that she caught his lie. "Um.. I'll go fix my room up, wait here for a bit." He walks
14 years ago
14 years ago
nods, waiting for him a little awkwardly.
14 years ago
comes back down after a little while with his own blanket and pillow. "It's ready. Just let me put these down." He throws the blankets on
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_the couch and holds her hand, leading her up the stairs. "I can carry your bags for you."
14 years ago
shakes her head, holding tightly onto his hand and following him up the stairs. "It's fine, I can handle them."
14 years ago
stops in front of the door with a name plate in the shape of a fish. In the middle of the fish, it says 'Iceland's room'. He opens the door_
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_for her. "It's not that clean.. Sorry." He smiles awkwardly.
14 years ago
beams at him, still not letting go of his hand. "It's fine. I don't mind.
Iceland has
14 years ago
put on new blankets and pillow just for her. "You can leave your bags here and the washrooms over there." He points to the door in his room.
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"I just cleaned it." He informed her in case.
14 years ago
Smiles sweetly and gives him a quick kiss on the cheek. "Thank you Iceland. You're not going downstairs yet, are you?"
14 years ago
blushes a little from the kiss. "Um.. Not, if you don't want me to.."
14 years ago
hums softly. "I'd like it if you stayed a while. I don't like the dark very much.".
14 years ago
walks into the room, still holding her hand. "Really? Are you scared of the dark?" He teases.
14 years ago
pouts, staying close to him. "N-no! Of course I'm not, that would be silly!"
14 years ago
puts an arm around her and smiles. "It's not that silly. To be honest, I used to be afraid of the dark. But that's all Norge's fault.."
14 years ago
continues pouting. "I might be...a little afraid of the dark. Maybe. Just a little."
14 years ago
tries to give her a surprised look. "Really? What about it are you afraid of? For me, it was the trolls and stuff like that..."
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