kuanalex is
14 years ago
latest #10
nicky says
14 years ago
kuanalex says
14 years ago
yay~~~~~~~~~~~ 2 more hous
kuanalex says
14 years ago
nicky says
14 years ago
yay~~ (is ur weekend busier than weekdays? lol)
kuanalex says
14 years ago
this weekened is okay...it's just that i have to stay home to continue working on the photos
nicky says
14 years ago
oh~ then that's not bad... add oil on photoshopping... @ @
kuanalex says
14 years ago
taking my dogs to dog park this weekend!!!
kuanalex says
14 years ago
but still ...at least the stuff i do at home is more fun than what i do at work = =
nicky says
14 years ago
lol~ dog park is fun XD
genie(紅牌) says
14 years ago
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