MissivesFromSuburbia hates
16 years ago
that the socks NEVER match up completely
latest #13
Pat says
16 years ago
NEVER EVER! it's impossible, and pointless to even try
BusyDad says
16 years ago
especially when you write on em
MissivesFromSuburbia says
16 years ago
yeah, whose brilliant idea was it at Nike to label running sock L and R?
Canucklehead says
16 years ago
I have the rest over here.
MissivesFromSuburbia says
16 years ago
awesome... i'll send mine to you. i normally just throw away the mismatches after all the laundry is done and all hope is lost
Canucklehead says
16 years ago
I save mine for patches and puppets.
Canucklehead says
16 years ago
Which just means I have a huge bag full of socks taking up space. :-)
MissivesFromSuburbia says
16 years ago
i used to have a similar bag. one day i realized it was creating its own minor stress, so i tossed it. very freeing.
BusyDad says
16 years ago
they are excellent for dusting. Just wear one and rub things.
MissivesFromSuburbia says
16 years ago
"dusting"... is that what you call it? here, we call those jerk socks
BusyDad says
16 years ago
BusyDad says
16 years ago
16 years ago
I tape those Pledge mitts around my kids feet, spray'em with Pledge, and let them "Skate" in the house. Clean floors, happy kids.
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