The_GazerocK bilang
14 years ago
Oh no...!!! (tears) when i listening to gazette music, i don't see her...then my friend tell me she is smiling at me... :-)
misa richima bilang
14 years ago
don't cry guy's i'm stay here... :-Dbut i'm your friend's :-D
The_GazerocK bilang
14 years ago
ok thx my friend...:-) but i so sad i can't give smiling at her...
misa richima bilang
14 years ago
not problem my friend's ....... :-) (LOL)hahaha....
PrinceRega23 bilang
13 years ago
hmmmhh hahha .. i had remind you but you didn't see her ... may be someday you can see her again :-D (LOL)