El Capitán
14 years ago
(..sort of AU?) Antonio scowled as he made his way into his home late, late one evening. There had been a meeting between him and England
latest #135
El Capitán
14 years ago
over the possibility of Spain getting back Gibraltar, but--it was just a ruse set up by the Brit so they could laugh at him. In fact, they
El Capitán
14 years ago
took him to a muesuem, where he saw the pieces of his former glory; pieces of his armada. It hadn't depressed the Spaniard, no. It just
El Capitán
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made him...furious, almost, clicked into a whole different mindset. Something a little less modern, a little less controlled. A little wild.
El Capitán
14 years ago
Antonio slammed the door shut behind him, stalking towards the closet on the bottom floor. Maybe taking down some things (people count,
El Capitán
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after all, wretched savages are not people but things, things) with Cortés might make him feel a little better.
El Capitán
14 years ago
(Done. For Lovi )
14 years ago
The Italian blinked as he heard the door slamming, wondering who Antonio brought home that would be rude enough to slam a door. Hopping down
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the steps lightly, he peered around the bottom of the staircase, looking into the hallway. "Antonio...?"
El Capitán
14 years ago
Hearing his name, the Spaniard paused mid step. That voice sounded familiar, but...older. No matter. Whirling around, Antonio turned to the
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person before him and went through a mixture of motions before settling on one; twisted amusement. "...Well, well."
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He stared at his husband blankly, arms crossing over his chest, scowling with annoyance. "Well *what*?" He didn't pick up the eerie change
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of mood in the Spaniard or his twisted expression from this far away.
El Capitán
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Antonio frowned. Someone was...talking back to him? No one did that. No one that lived, anyway. The Spaniard strode across the hall to move
El Capitán
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in front of the Italian, grabbed him by the throat, and promptly threw him up against the wall, holding him there. "*Callate*. I was
El Capitán
14 years ago
14 years ago
He couldn't hold back a tiny gasp, heat beating faster. Of course that *fucking* meeting, the one he'd told him not to go to, would set him
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off, tip the other male ovee the edge. Swallowing harshly and breathing carefully, he stayed quiet.
El Capitán
14 years ago
"What gave you the right to interrupt me, hm? Silly, stupid, human." A twisted, dark chuckle escaped his lips, and he held on, hand still
El Capitán
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closed around his throat. "I should kill you for that."
El Capitán
14 years ago
(Fact. Conquistador!Toni considers humans kinda lower than him. Because he went batshit in mexico and they all thought he was a God. 8D)
14 years ago
Pushing down his fear-- the other could *sense* it when he was like this-- the smaller male narrowed his eyes defiantly. "You interrupted my
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nap, I get to interrupt you if I goddamn well feel like it." He was going out on a limb here, but Lovino knew that Antonio didn't kill what
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interested him. Might as well seperate himself from the 'stupid humans'.
El Capitán
14 years ago
The Spaniard's eyes widened for a moment, surprised at the cheek from the other. Then, he let out a low chuckle, dropping the other to the
14 years ago
[[/Kinda taking her liberties with this]]
El Capitán
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ground and putting his boot on his chest, leaning down. Green eyes looked practically demented in the low light, the shadow hanging over hsi
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eyes downright menacing. "Oh, ho. Do you think you're so *tough*, majito?
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*" At the word tough, he pushed down with his boot, cackling.
El Capitán
14 years ago
(majito is spanish slang meaning plain, boring, stupid)
El Capitán
14 years ago
(really it's majo, but it's been turned into a pet name there yeah XD)
14 years ago
Lovino bit down on his lip to stop himself from crying out, heavy boot pressing into his ribs. "I--" his voice broke as he sputtered out a
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cough, "...think I'm not going to bend to your whims." Oh how wrong he was.
El Capitán
14 years ago
"Oh you'll bend to *something*" Lifting his boot from the Italian's chest, he pulled him up by the shirt and slung him over his shoulder,
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the grin on his face downright manic. "Hnnn~I love it when they fight back~"
14 years ago
"H-hey! Put me down!" He kicked his legs angrily, trying to squirm out of Spain's grip but god was he strong. That wasn't his greatest
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concern, however; rather, the other male's words were. Bend to *something*?
El Capitán
14 years ago
Reaching a room in the bottom of the house, Antonio babbled lightly to himself in Spanish. It was obvious something had snapped; with a
El Capitán
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quick laugh, he opened the door to one of the "forbidden rooms". Inside were weapons and torture devices, things dating back to the
El Capitán
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Inquisition. Luckily for Lovino , he strode past those, pausing only to coo at one of the particularly nasty looking machines. The Spaniard
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kicked open a door in the back to reveal an opulent room filled with red and yellow silk and satin; he put the Italian down rather roughly
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on the floor and paused only to look around, inhaling the scent of spoils taken in this very room.
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Thunking to the floor and thanking his fucking lucky stars that they didn't stop at the torture devices, he tried to squirm backwards and
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put some distance between himself and the other brunette. He still didn't know what was up next, but he hadn't ever dealt with the Spaniard
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when he was this deep into his alternate persona.
El Capitán
14 years ago
THe Spaniard turned around and locked the door behind him, then strode over to the Italian and grabbed him by the back of the shirt,
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dragging him over to the wall where a chain and collar connected to it. Laughing quietly, he opened the collar and clamped it shut around
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Lovinos's neck, leaning in to yank on the chain once. "There we go~you probably like that, huh, you little whore~? "
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Romano'd tried to escape as he was dragged, but again, Spain was just too strong. "You're sick..." he hissed, letting out a strangled yelp
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at the tug. Since he was expecting torture, his mind buzzed with ways to snap Antonio back to normal.
El Capitán
14 years ago
Antonio laughed, and left the room, returning after a few moments with a small dagger. Setting is aside, he paused, taking a fistful of
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Lovino's hair in his hand and yanking, forcing his head up to look at him. "THat's no way to talk to a *God*, now is it~? I'll hav e to
El Capitán
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punish you for that~":
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Dagger. His stomach twisted nervously at the thought, jaw clenching as his hair was pulled. "Antonio... Snap out of it..." he whispered
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El Capitán
14 years ago
"Do me a favor, little whore? Shut up." His voice was barely a hiss, now, and there was a lilt to it as he leaned for a searing kiss,
El Capitán
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forcing the other's lips open and invading.
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Whoa whoa whoa wait-- *kiss*? That was hardly what the Italian expected, and the thought passed through his mind that what if this was all
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some little roleplay of sorts his husband had thought up? But no; Romano was familiar with the Spaniard's kisses and this was... different.
El Capitán
14 years ago
Different was right. There was nothing sweet and passionate about this. This was searching, exploring, *conquering*, taking what he believed
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to be only his own and forcing the other to go along with it. Just like always. The Spaniard fumbled for the dagger on the table--grabbing
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it, he brought it straight down, ripping the other's shirt straight open.
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When the other male picked up the dagger, Romano snapped back to his senses and *bit* down on the invading tongue; maybe pain would bring
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his Antonio back.
El Capitán
14 years ago
(fffffffffff I gota go. Be back later >u>; )
El Capitán
14 years ago
Maybe. If not, bye~)
14 years ago
[[;w; -Blows kisses- Bye! And thank you!]]
14 years ago
(( ... :-) ))
14 years ago
[[;w; Morning Swiss.]]
14 years ago
(( now I'm craving more smut... ))
14 years ago
[[Aww, I'm sorry. <33 If Spain comes back you'll get more, promise.]]
El Capitán
14 years ago
(back ouo but idk for how long)
14 years ago
[[Okay! <3 If you don't want to continue that's okay~]]
El Capitán
14 years ago
( I definitely do. *pats belly fulla paella*
14 years ago
[[-Shimmers; stomach growls-]]
El Capitán
14 years ago
"Nnngh--!" Sure, it was a cry of pain, but...it sounded more like a moan. Fighting back was a good thing; in response he did the same,
El Capitán
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grasping at the other through the front of his pants *hard*.
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"Ahh--!" He squirmed backwards, pressing against the wall, legs pulling close to his chest. He scowled at the way his body was responding,
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but... It was somewhat to be expected. Touched like that, and he was *married* to Antonio.
El Capitán
14 years ago
Antonio broke the rough kiss to drop his head and bite down against his neck, hard, sucking down on the soft skin and barely murmuring, "I'm
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going to make you *mine*, tesoro, all *mine*. My perfect little topaz treasure. Ah ha ha ha ha~~"
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He let out a tiny noise at the bite. It hurt, but... Not necessarily in a bad way. Clamping his legs tighter together, he glared at the
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Spaniard, hissing his words. "I'm not a *treasure* and I'm most certainly not going to be *made* anything, especially 'yours'."
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"That's what you think. You see, I'm a *God*, little treasure, and if I want something? I take it."" The conquistador shoved his knee
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between the other's legs, forcing them open and gicing a yank on the Italian's chain.
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He gasped, coughing from the yank on his chain, feeling pathetic that he wasn't even strong enough to keep his legs closed. He had to have
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crazy for doing it, but his eyes narrowed, and he spoke. "A *god*?" Lovino laughed in the other nation's face.
El Capitán
14 years ago
"A teule, a God. The natives, they all know it!" Lucky for him, it seemed to be a tirade; the Spaniard laughed again and roughly ground his
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knee into the Italian before him, tugging hard on that fistful of hair. "How does it feel, then, to be the *pet* of a teule, hm? You should
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be on your knees worshipping me!"
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Cheeks staining a deep red, a low moan slipped out of his mouth, the other's actiopns leaving him gasping. "Nn- G-get away from me..."
El Capitán
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Antonio didn't even respond; just laughed and moved the hand in his hair to give a harsh tug on the other's curl, grinding his knee against
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him once more.
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He bit at his bottom lip furiously, growing erection pushing against his pants. Romano lifted his hands and shoved at Spain, anything to get
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the other male a safe distance away.
El Capitán
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The Spaniard tugged the curl again, hard, grinding against him. "Come on, I want to see you cry, scream for mee~"
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He moaned desperately, shamefully as his body yelled for more. "I won't! Y-you're fucking sick!"
El Capitán
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Antonio just cackled and kissed the other again, hard and fast, yanking that curl once more. He'd take him whether he wanted it or not.
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"Nnnn--" Judging by his reactions, the younger nation was leaning more towards the 'wanting it' side, which stunned him. Antonio being
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forceful like this turned the Italian to mush, even though this wasn't quite his Antonio. But he wouldn't make himself appear willing in
Lovino hopes
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that the other male would come to his senses. Lovino told himself he didn't want it.
El Capitán
14 years ago
( Ahhhh fff ;;; my grandma is back in the room XD )
El Capitán
14 years ago
(We shoudl write but...not smut lulz. This hotel room is tiny and she keeps coming over heeere ;;;;;;;; )
14 years ago
[[Psssh, whoops. I'm sorryyyyyy.]]
El Capitán
14 years ago
(It's okay! I'm enjoying it though)
El Capitán
14 years ago
(Iiiiii...had a request? *pokes fingers together innocently*)
14 years ago
[[-Positively SHINES- Yes?]]
El Capitán
14 years ago
( erm. Don't start shining cause you might no tlike it but )
El Capitán
14 years ago
(Iii kinda wanted to test drive the hospital theme ...since I did all those notes on Toni earlier today and stuff //// )
14 years ago
[[-Shines at the thought of roleplaying anything with you, fff- Okay then! -Nods-]]
El Capitán
14 years ago
(Ermmm...maybe with them first meeting I guess? /moemoe)
14 years ago
[[Alright. /Um, doesn't really know much about your notes and therefore how to start uwah]]
El Capitán
14 years ago
(lolkay ;u;' )
14 years ago
[[-Shamecorners, then tucks this plurk away for another time, perhaps-]]
14 years ago
(( ...........eh, both of you. Such....drama. *records* ))
14 years ago
[[I-is that bad?!]]
14 years ago
(( nope, it's amusing. XD ))
14 years ago
[[A-ah... Well, I hope the drama doesn't kill the smuttiness. /Wriggles and wants to continue this pfft]]
14 years ago
(( *sighs and ruffles hair* Oh you masochist. XD ))
14 years ago
[[hdfjshfudkshfrdkf /Feels too maso right now sobbbb]]
14 years ago
(( /offers a dildo to play with ))
14 years ago
[[......D< Lovi's only half-willing! That would do no good in this plurk! XD]]
14 years ago
(( *smirks* Still, Lovi will be greatly satisfied. *winks* Since Spain's not around much. /is cackling ))
14 years ago
[[Sorry, I prefer my maso!Lovis with sadist!Spains, and then be teased and played with till submission/admitting he wants it. =u= ]]
14 years ago
(( .... *facepalms* kaaay~ *crushes dildo like cucumber* ))
14 years ago
[[;w; -Approval-]]
14 years ago
(( *laughs* oh, you adorable Lovi. *resists from calling you* ))
14 years ago
[[Adorable? -Wonders how being painfully kinky is adorable-]]
14 years ago
(( *eye twitches* I didn't mean that. XD I meant you, silly. D: ))
14 years ago
[[......-N-no comment on that ahaha...- How come me and you always get into crazy epic discussions and spam up plurks? XD]]
14 years ago
(( Because we're both awesome. /dully straightforward )0
14 years ago
[[;w; Of course. Like the one on Denny's plurk, ffft.]]
14 years ago
(( *giggles and nods* Although, I find myself quite in a foul mood today. ))
14 years ago
[[;3; /Takes cheer-up charms to my OOC plurk fff]]
14 years ago
(( *eye slightly twitches* ))
14 years ago
((/lurks this~))
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