Arthur is
14 years ago
finally out of the house again... or at least, in his front yard tending to the weeds that have taken over in his absence.
latest #97
Alfred wonders
14 years ago
if he wears weird clothes to garden in. Like pink gloves and big hats.
14 years ago
doesn't. He wears brown gloves and may occasionally wear a hat to shield him from the sun, but currently he isn't. He also tends to wear--
14 years ago
slightly more worn down clothes considering he's most likely going to get dirty.
14 years ago
can't believe he owns anything considered 'worn down'. But he needs a really big hat!
14 years ago
actually does... he just never wears it in public. In fact he hasn't quite yet noticed the presence of Alfred, even. He bends down to pick--
14 years ago
a weed.
14 years ago
comes up and bends down right beside him, tilting his head to grin at him sideways. "Whatcha doin'?"
14 years ago
almost falls over with a heart attack. "Bloody hell Alfred you scared me." he pauses. At least he got the weed out. "I'm just gardening." he
14 years ago
14 years ago
looks at whatever he's got going on. "Really? Kinda looks like you're just pullin' stuff out of the ground."
14 years ago
blinks. "I'm weeding. My garden is practically overrun."
14 years ago
misunderstands that and starts to snicker. But then again, this is England. Oh well. "Arthur, I never knew. Been hanging out with-
14 years ago
14 years ago
doesn't quite get it. "Huh? What does Matthew have to do with this?" He asks quite obliviously.
14 years ago
snorts and takes a seat in the grass. "Y'know. *Weed*ing?" He mimes smoking a joint. "Pretty big in Canada?"
14 years ago
raises an eyebrow. "Haha very funny Alfred." he sighed, grabbing onto another weed and pulling it out. "I'm done with my drug days..."
14 years ago
plucks a blade of grass and examines it. "Just messing with ya. You gonna plant stuff too?" Better that he changes subjects instead of-
14 years ago
keeping with this one. He sticks the blade of grass between his palms and blows on it, making it whistle.
14 years ago
shrugs. "Maybe, if it doesn't take too long to pull out the weeds. You know it would probably be easier if you helped." Then again he--
14 years ago
didn't expect Alfred to know the difference between a flower and a weed.
14 years ago
sticks the end of the grass blade in his mouth and chews on it. For about half a second, then spits it out. "What, just pull out the green
14 years ago
thingies that don't look like flowers?"
14 years ago
nods then. "These things." He said, holding up the weed he just picked. "And make sure you get the roots, otherwise they'll just come back."
14 years ago
gets up on his knees and examines the place where Arthur's working. He frowns, then selects what looks like a weed and tugs it out. "Like-
14 years ago
14 years ago
smiles. "Yes. Just like that. Make sure it's not a plant." He said, glad none of his flowers had been pulled out... yet. He grabs another--
14 years ago
close by
14 years ago
pulls several more all at once, clearly enthusiastic that he got this right the first time. "How come you gotta do this?"
Arthur says
14 years ago
, "Otherwise the garden would be overrun by weeds and my plants and flowers would die."
14 years ago
looks at a handful of what might be a combination of weeds and grass, he isn't sure, then dusts his hands off. "You could hire somebody-
14 years ago
to do this for you, y'know."
14 years ago
shrugs. "It gives me something to do. Besides, you seem to be doing a good enough job." He teases. He then gets up and brushes himself--
14 years ago
off, going to grab the hose. Arthur was going to water the plants.
14 years ago
stays with his pile of vegetation, trying to tie a few pieces together. "What'cha doin' now?"
14 years ago
turns on the hose. "I'm going to water them." he states. That was before he accidentally splashed water from it all over Alfred...
14 years ago
squawks loudly and scrambles up. "H-Hey, that's *cold*!"
14 years ago
( sorry, having computer issues. e.e )
14 years ago
blinks, feigning innocence. "What is?" he asks, spraying him again with the hose.
14 years ago
[It's okay, I had to go for dinner real quick myself.]
14 years ago
yelps and takes off running for the corner of the house. "C'mon, knock it off!" Next destination: Arthur's front door, out of water hose
14 years ago
14 years ago
had momentarily forgotten the plants. He was too absorbed in being entertained by this to notice. Besides, they could be watered later.--
14 years ago
"What the hero can't take a little water?" He said lightheartedly, laughing before getting him once more. He would probably stop after--
14 years ago
this, but he couldn't help it this time; he was practically daring him to squirt him with it.
14 years ago
throws his arms over his head to shield himself, but trips and faceplants the grass anyway. "I can take anything *you* dish out, but-
14 years ago
that's really cold and I don't have extra clothes!"
14 years ago
snorts. "They'll dry out!" But he doesn't do it anymore anyway. He then remembers his flowers and moves to water them.
14 years ago
rolls over onto his back and plucks at the front of his shirt. "It's all gross and sticky now. Man. That's cruel."
14 years ago
rolls his eyes. "Get over it." He's half-tempted to do it again if he complains, but he's done for now. He waters another patch of flowers.
14 years ago
sits up, takes his damp shirt off, and flings it at Arthur's head. "Get me a new shirt. You owe me a present anyway."
14 years ago
flails and drops the hose. He flings the shirt back his way. "Like you can fit into one of my shirts."
14 years ago
catches it and wads it up in a ball. "Maybe, maybe not. I wasn't askin' for one'a *yours*. I said a new one."
14 years ago
goes to turn off the hose before staring at him blankly. "I'm not going to take you to a store shirtless."
14 years ago
gets up and picks up the now useless hose, shaking whatever water's still in it in Arthur's direction. "Why not? I look good without one."
14 years ago
flinched slightly at the little amount of water left in the hose that hit him. It *was* cold. "That's... not the point." He blushed a bit.
14 years ago
starts inching very slowly back towards where he saw Arthur turn the water off. "Then what? I'd have a shirt by the time we left."
14 years ago
just sighs. He doesn't notice Alfred inching closer to turn the water back on. "I don't know." Really he does know, it's just he doesn't--
14 years ago
want to tell him he doesn't want anyone else to see him not wearing a shirt. As weird as that was already.
14 years ago
flexes with one arm, figuring are a good distraction. " 'cause I'd stop traffic goin' out like this?"
14 years ago
snorts but grins. "Not exactly. You'd more likely stop traffic by how full you are with yourself." he drawled.
Alfred thinks
14 years ago
that's a perfect cue to crank the water back on and blast him with the hose.
14 years ago
( off to bed~ <3 be back tomorrow though. >3< )
14 years ago
[Mmkay~ <3]
14 years ago
let out a rather loud squeak at that, flailing to shield himself from the water. "Bloody fucking hell Alfred that's cold!" He ran from his--
14 years ago
line of fire, shivering. At least he was wearing old clothes... Arthur didn't fail to glare at the American though. He looked more like a--
14 years ago
an angry drenched cat if anything.
14 years ago
crows victory, trying to spray him again even though the stream falls short. "*Is* it?! Psht, you don't gotta tell *me*."
14 years ago
glares and shivers. "Git." He's forgetting the fact that he sprayed him with it only a few minutes ago.
14 years ago
turns the water off again and tosses the hose aside. "Hey, you started it."
14 years ago
(...i like how i make one post and fall asleep directly after. >.< )
14 years ago
[Fft Lol xD I was wondering what happened.]
14 years ago
only comes back over after the hose is off. He doesn't make a comment to that, mostly because he knows it's true, but...
14 years ago
pokes him in the chest. Specifically right on his nipple. "Cold out?"
14 years ago
squeaked, then slapped his hand away. "No I was just thrown into a river." He says blandly.
14 years ago
pinches him instead. "Must have been some really cold water then. You look funny with your hair like that."
14 years ago
huffs, "Well that's not exactly my fault, is it?" By now he's drenched and sort of wants to go inside.
14 years ago
nods. "Yup, completely your fault. You provoked me. Go change. You can get polio from sitting around in wet clothes."
14 years ago
rolls his eyes. "Come inside, I might have something you can wear." He said. Probably not, but he can at least look.
14 years ago
shrugs. He's not as cold now with the wet shirt off but will follow him inside anyway.
14 years ago
takes off his own shirt. The fabric is clingy and generally uncomfortable wet. He had to admit, he probably did deserve the payback. It was-
14 years ago
fun while it lasted.
14 years ago
squints at him for a moment, as though he's studying him. "You need a tan."
14 years ago
rolls his eyes. "I don't tan. I sunburn." He sighs.
14 years ago
"I tan! Maybe you should try indoor tanning. Or spray-on tans..."
14 years ago
makes a face. "No thanks. I'll stick with my sunburns." he grins.
14 years ago
sighs. "Well. At least you won't have tan lines, I guess. I'm hungry."
Arthur says
14 years ago
"I'll make you some food later. First let me get a change of clothes, and possibly take a shower." He starts to dig through his wardrobe.
14 years ago
lays down on whatever looks comfortable and makes sure to roll around.
Arthur gives
14 years ago
him a look that says 'You act retarded sometimes, you know that right?'. He finally picks out a shirt and pants.
Alfred is
14 years ago
busy getting his sheets slightly damp with his wet hair. Ingenious. "You act like you got somethin' up your butt sometimes, you know-
14 years ago
*that*, right?"
14 years ago
huffs. "I was going to say you're welcome to use my shower, but now I'm not so sure." He will have to change his sheets later.
14 years ago
flops over the edge of the bed, grinning at him upside down. "Sure you're sure."
14 years ago
snorts. "Uhuh." He walks into the bathroom.
14 years ago
rolls back over onto his stomach, watching the doorway. "Are you gonna take a shower too?"
14 years ago
nods, sitting his clothes down on the counter. He can probably read his mind right now, but he doesn't make a comment.
14 years ago
picks at the blanket idly. "Good. You been playing in dirt all morning, I bet."
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