you make fiends in SL and all of a sudden they don't show up there anymore
I always hated that, thats why I dont get too close to most people in SL anymore
on the other hand, I met my RL husband there, so ya never know
friends are friends, no matter what sites they use, which country they are from but
on the other hand, is it friendship if it is conditional? like you can only be my friend when you logon to SL or send me a plurk message
twinky, but you met him in RL
I am talking about online only
like people you never meet in RL
I have had several SL friends that just disappear, and has made me really sad
yes, that is sad
I think it is just natural to want to extend it to RL in some way
even if it's just a friendship
you think that person cares about you as much as you care about them and the poof, they are gone
i had a hard time with that
same here twinky , I hear you
too many treat SL like a game
in the other hand, they might have had an accident or something , or are in hospital in ICU and can't be online and have no way to tell you
or someone might have hurt them and they were so upset, they left for good and were not able to inform everybody
the issue may not be in their side
did yountryto contact them, twinky? did you send them email?
would be good to have the friendship extended in RL and have their phone number or something
then they show up a few months later
for a few days then nothing again
buy it is not only about ppl hat leave and never show up again
it is also about ppl who think they can hurt you coz you haven't got a face
yes, there are a lot of people like that
someone hurt me so much, I have left SL as well
so I am one of the people that go away when hurt too much
I have been burned a few times before I met my husband
I even swore off SL relationships for a while
I tend to care about people too much
good you found a husband that cared as well
yes, I was very lucky, he had been burned a couple times as well. we both got lucky