Kiku is
14 years ago
sick again and it's bronchitis. He is tiredly resting on his couch.
latest #83
Arthur hopes
14 years ago
it's nothing too bad... He's slightly worried.
14 years ago okay. Just drowsy."
14 years ago
frowns. "You should sleep then... I can stay with you, if you'd like..." he murmurs.
14 years ago
*smiles gently at him* "I would enjoy that, if it is not a problem for you.."
14 years ago
smiles. "It's not a problem." If it was, he wouldn't have offered. "Do you need anything?"
14 years ago
"Um...perhaps some tea?"
14 years ago
nodded. "Is mine fine...?" He doesn't exactly know how to make Japan's.
14 years ago
" cream or sugar please..."
14 years ago
only nods again. "Honey...?" Kiku doesn't sound like he wants anything in it, but he wants to make sure.
14 years ago
"Um...that may be good."
14 years ago
smiles. "Coming right up! Hopefully it'll make you feel a little better." He says, moving to make some.
14 years ago
*smiles weakly as he watches him make it*
14 years ago
stirs some honey into it before handing him the cup. He isn't quite sure if he'll like it or not, but it's worth a shot.
14 years ago
*sips it gently and smiles up at him weakly* " may sit with me if you wish..."
14 years ago
does so. For once, he doesn't have a cup of tea in his hands, but that's more because he forgot to make some for himself if anything.--
14 years ago
"I haven't seen you in awhile." he murmured, sending a weak smile back to him.
14 years ago
"Hai...the same for you when it comes to me...I have been busy with work. Is it the same for you?"
14 years ago
pauses. "Mostly..." He has been somewhat busy with work, but then again he's also holed himself up in his house for practically the last--
14 years ago
week and a half. "Either way, I hope smoking didn't cause this." He stated, hopefully turning the subject.
14 years ago
*listens wondering if there was more to it but did not think it was in his place to ask* "No...most likely from overworking my self-
14 years ago
I have not smoke much on my own. I think I am what they refer to as a social smoker.."
14 years ago
gave a nod. "That is good then." It eases his fears somewhat. "I guess smoking is out of the option for tonight then, huh?" he smiles.
14 years ago
*smiles a bit more* "Hai...I am coughing enough..." *chuckles lightly and coughs* "Um...we could watch something or something light like-
14 years ago
that ."
Arthur thinks
14 years ago
that sounds sort of nice. "Well... it's whatever you want." he says.
14 years ago
" choose." *points to the huge shelf full* "Most of my anime has not been westernized subtitled though.."
14 years ago
[I'm thinking we could have fun with this if Iggy accidentally picks out a porn movie. FFT]
14 years ago
((go for it))
14 years ago
[woot XD]
14 years ago
stands up. He knows little to no Japanese... but, well, maybe he can get what's going on from the pictures? He picks a random one.
14 years ago
*watches him but cannot fully see what he has picked* "Can you please put in?"
14 years ago
nods and moves to put it in. He doesn't seem to find the lack of options in the menu that conspicuous. Instead he pushes play.
14 years ago
*recognizes it by the menu and blushes deeply looking down. Arthur had chosen one of his Japanese pornos*
14 years ago
still seems completely oblivious. He sits down as the 'movie' starts to play.
14 years ago
14 years ago
finally gets what's happening when it starts erm... getting more heated. Quite fast, actually. "Er y-yes?" He's almost hoping this wasn't--
14 years ago
what he was thinking...
14 years ago
*looks at the screen mortified* " is what they refer to a pornographic movie...that my citzen's made..."
14 years ago
kind of.. already figured. He's now scrambling for the remote blindly to turn it off... He's also sure he has never blushed so hard in his--
14 years ago
entire life.
14 years ago
*had blushed deeply as well* "Gomen nasai..."
14 years ago
finally pushes the stop button. He looks just about mortified at this point. "W-What the bloody hell..." he shoves his overly-red face in
14 years ago
his hands
14 years ago
*looks down* " must be ashamed of me for owning that..:
14 years ago
14 years ago
keeps silent for what seems like the longest moment in his life. "W-Well I certainly didn't expect you to... o-own something like that." It-
Arthur was
14 years ago
just Kiku was so reserved...
14 years ago
*still stares at the couch mortified* " is not something...I show others...."
Arthur feels
14 years ago
... slightly disgusted now. Not at Kiku but moreso... "W-Well I mean it's not like you *meant* to show me..."
14 years ago
"Hai....I probably should not own it...but..." *he did not know the best way to phrase it without making it sound worse*
Arthur gives
14 years ago
a half-hearted laugh. He's sure Kiku isn't exactly the only one. "W-Well..." He isn't exactly sure what to say yet.
14 years ago
"D...Do you own such things..." He asked hoping he would say yes so he would feel less dirty for having it.*
Arthur was
14 years ago
about to tell him that it was fine and he shouldn't be one to intrude into his personal life, considering it was just an accident, but he--
Arthur was
14 years ago
interrupted first. He blushes. "N-No not exactly..." He stutters out.
14 years ago
"Oh...." *looks down more, he was not hoping to hear that. Maybe he was a closest perv.*
14 years ago
felt more-so discomforted from the fact that he *didn't* have anything like that. At least, he felt like he must be an odd one out.--
14 years ago
"W-Well it was an honest mistake." he said.
14 years ago
"Hai.." *still feeling embarrassed about it* "Perhaps we could watch something else as long as you show me first before putting it in.."
14 years ago
blushes at the fact that he has more of this stuff. But... "T-That should be fine..." He moves back over to the shelf and bloody hell--
14 years ago
*hopes* he doesn't pick out another one like that. "This one?" He shows him the case.
14 years ago
*glances up at it* "Hai..that is a shojo school girl one."
14 years ago
grabs it. He doesn't know what that means, but it sure as hell can't be worse than what they just watched.
14 years ago
*watches him put it in, wondering if he would mind it since he chose a title with school girls in tiny skirts with huge breasts and lots-
14 years ago
of panty shots*
14 years ago
only seals his own doom when he puts it inside the dvd player instead of the porn-o one. But then he pauses. "Anything I should uhm...--
14 years ago
want to know before I press play?" He's practically begging him to say no.
14 years ago
" I do not think so..."
14 years ago
looks warily at the screen before pressing play, then goes to sit down. He's still slightly nervous that Japan might've only misplaced one--
14 years ago
of his cds in that particular case.He's not thinking rational, at this point.
14 years ago
*notices at how on edge he was* "England-san this is generally harmless. It is only fanservicey but that is all."
14 years ago
blushes. "S-Sorry." After what just happened, it was hard not to be on edge. Something like this was more awkward now if anything.
14 years ago
*suddenly a very big breasted girl popped up on the screen and bent over to get her book innocently yet revealing her pink panties*
14 years ago
almost jumps a little. He pries his eyes off the screen and instead focuses them on Japan. Maybe he shouldn't have picked *this* one. Then--
14 years ago
again he was half expecting the girl to just rip off her clothes now. Either way, he wasn't looking at the screen to find out.
14 years ago
*had not really found anything wrong with it since most of these were like this but noticed Arthur's reaction and looked at him confused-
14 years ago
* "Are you okay, England-san?"
14 years ago
"I-I'm fine." He says a little half heartedly, looking back at the screen again. Words couldn't express how relieved he felt when he found--
14 years ago
that the girl was still clothed.
14 years ago
*glances at the screen unfased as a few more big breasted girls appeared on the screen in the same skimpy uniforms* "Does this bother you?"
14 years ago
blinks. "N-Not exactly..." After what he had just seen, yes, but regularly, no. Right now he was just a little edgy. He was sure the fact--
14 years ago
that it wasn't very realistic *and* he couldn't understand what was being said had something to do with it.
14 years ago
[We can continue this tomorrow, I'm dead tired xD; night~]
14 years ago
((sure so I am too being sck))
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