spiderwebwoman is
15 years ago
plurking from my new MacBook!!!!! (new for me anyway)
latest #16
trixieisme says
15 years ago
you got another new computer?
15 years ago
cooooly (woot)
spiderwebwoman says
15 years ago
yup - I bought a slightly used MacBook from a friend at work
spiderwebwoman says
15 years ago
very cooly
15 years ago
trixieisme says
15 years ago
i'll sell ya a slightly used dell. been used 2 hours in 2 months.
spiderwebwoman says
15 years ago
hahaha (LOL)
trixieisme says
15 years ago
you think i'm joking. (tears)
spiderwebwoman says
15 years ago
i know you're not joking
trixieisme says
15 years ago
maybe once i start school i'll use it more. dunno.
trixieisme says
15 years ago
check out the video i posted. well i posted two...one to watch and one to listen
spiderwebwoman says
15 years ago
trixieisme says
15 years ago
on here. one is just a song to listen to. the other one you gotta watch
spiderwebwoman says
15 years ago
got it
Άτροπος says
15 years ago
congrats on the laptop! I really enjoy my MacBook, especially when I travel.
spiderwebwoman says
15 years ago
Thanks! It's so small and light it will travel easily, I'm sure
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