Lukie says
15 years ago
Obama is not going to Hawaii to visit "seriously ill" grandmother (that is already home from hospital) he is going to block an attempt
latest #14
Lukie says
15 years ago
to have his birth certificate released.
maggiesmind says
15 years ago
hmmm, I'm not convinced on the conspiracy theorists. these folks seem to disagree.
maggiesmind says
15 years ago
maggiesmind says
15 years ago
maggiesmind says
15 years ago
I don't know that they are right, but they are more unbiased than most sources.
maggiesmind says
15 years ago
and one that's very current, from today. I'm just not convinced.
Lukie says
15 years ago
for every site that states there is not an issue you can find three more that state there is an issue. Who knows. I just know that there
Lukie says
15 years ago
is enough of an issue for Obama to suddenly become very concerned of his "seriously ill" grandmother. The same one he threw under the bus
Lukie says
15 years ago
a few months ago. I don't know if he is trying to look like the dutiful grandson or if he has bigger worries under his hat.
Lukie says
15 years ago
I don't understand the big deal. Release the information. What he released is NOT a birth certificate. He is adding to the speculation.
Lukie says
15 years ago
I also don't understand why this is NOT REQUIRED before he even announces his candidacy. You can bet some laws will be changed.
Lukie says
15 years ago
what happens if after the election it is proven he is not a US citizen.
maggiesmind says
15 years ago
I try to stick only to non-biased, non-partisan, non-agenda websites for my information. Those sites research and report good/bad about each
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