[;A; I've missed you too! /CLINGS How've you been bb? ]
[/petpet. Good overall~ You? Aside from...the computer stuff ;A;]
[Aaah. Iffy. Up and down for me. <<;; As usual though so! It's all right. ;u;]
[that's good overall. ;3; Do you know when you're getting a new router?]
[;A; Well they keep saying they've sent another one out, but they never get here, so...I think I'm going to have to try and fix the stamped-
[orz. Good luck. Hopefully it'll arrive soon. ;3;]
[Sometimes things take a week or two to arrive, so...;3;]
[ /SNUGGLES FOREVERRR ;;A;;;; I missed you dnlsfksa sob ]
[/SNUGGLECLINGETC How've you beeeen bb? <333]
[ /HUGGLESNUG ehh ;u;;;' I've had my ups and downs but I'm ok now~~ I miss you tho ;A; how've you been? ;u; ]
[Hnn same for me really. ;n; Up and down but mostly sort of eh and stuff. ;A; Sob, I missed you too adhkskf /clings tighter]
[ ;;;A;;; yeahh I know what you mean ndslfask sob /clingu foreverrr when you're back we need to catch uuup ;A;<3]
(( /interrupts the touching moment. Prussia! We need to exchange some sort of IM so we can talk and then meet and have coffee ;; Idk ))
[;A; /nuzzle Sob yesss we do. ;;;A;;; <333 And, William! I has an AIM and an MSN, which d'you want? At the moment I'm using AIM because for-
-some gay reason the computer here won't run MSN properly. |: ]
(( Aim then. We can sort msn later ;u; I'm so happy I caught you /fails ))
[/flaily! <3 pruusiskas on AIM, then. ;u;]
(( You have made me one happy Scot <e ))
(( ... do I spy someone else in Western European timezone here? .u. ))

I can't tell how this works :C
(( /kicks aim. Did you get my request? ))
(( And yar, GMT... I think your from Netherland-y area? /stalker ))
(( Me? ouo<3 Oh, no, no~ Haha I'm from Portugal :'> ))
(( Ahhh, Portugal ;u; /jealous. ))
(( Come down here to visit me 8|a /shoe'd <33))
(( I would if I wasn't poor. The curses of being a student ;n; ))
(( A-aww Indeed; I know the feeling ;A; /highfives ))
(( /highfives. Students should stay together. Do you have aim too? Or msn? ))
(( Yeah, they should ;3; yes, yes I do :'> xmsblackbirdx on aim~~))
[ .... ;A; /clings to Neddy and Iggyhusbando ]
(( This is exciting, I've never been kidnapped before :'3 ))
[Be glad I'm a nice kidnapper. /takes you to Disney World]
(( Only if they have Brother Bear

[....I'm sure they do? It's been like. 15 years since I've been.]
[I'm supposed to be going this fall. /o/]
(( \o/ Have lots of fun! ))