I like my supervisor.Haha
latest #31
the one who got dengur ryt?
tak..ni dr firdaus.yg cardiologist tu..yg dr dengue lum jmpe lg.hmm..kne jumpe bsok..hope de best gk
dr saiful yang ensem
saiful nizam eh. ckp laju. sy ske lecturer yg ckp laju
sy concentrate the whole time kot
ntah..ku pnh ece ngn de.ko pun kot.dlu ece kn slalu same
muke de,...hmm.mcm melayu yg baek
oh lupe ko da bgtau bidang die haha
ha..nt ko jumpe ko cam la..
pegi kul?yana fifah pegi x?
tp yg pasti hud othman xnk, afiq da tanyekan
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