dallen asks
16 years ago
who is better, McCain, Obama, or Donald Duck?
latest #13
16 years ago
Bugs Bunny
dallen says
16 years ago
I think you are right bugs sure has a lot more going for him than our political choices
gecko68 says
16 years ago
Yes, but Bugs has been caught dressing in drag, and that may become a scandal.
16 years ago
So true gecko68! (LOL)
gecko68 says
16 years ago
But imagine his cabinet : Science :Wile E Coyote, Roads : Road Runner, Space : Marvin the martian, Foreign Affairs : Pepe Le Pew
Lady-Queen-Kam says
16 years ago
dallen says
16 years ago
what do you mean blah? I think Bugs would be a great write in, but the scandalous cross dressing is an issue
dallen says
16 years ago
maybe we need a less scandalous character such as Jerry
gecko68 says
16 years ago
How can we spin this. In order to better understand the struggles of the opposite sex, Candidate Bugs dressed in drag.
16 years ago
gecko68 - now YOU should be a campaign advisor!
gecko68 says
16 years ago
Yes, but if Daffy ran, our campaign slogan could be "Change is good, Bills are better"
Hav says
16 years ago
Donald has anger management issues. I don't think he'd be quite right. :-P Perhaps Jimminy Cricket?
Hav says
16 years ago
He always let's his conscience be his guide!
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