El Capitán
14 years ago
Antonio grinned as he plopped down his bag in the spacious hotel room. He'd really outdone himself this time; it was a suite,and a nice one.
latest #124
El Capitán
14 years ago
Grinning, he looked at his husband, exeuberant as always. "We're here~! "
14 years ago
"Finally," Lovino groaned, flopping back on the huge fluffy bed. Despite being irritated from the traveling and the hot weather, he couldn't
14 years ago
help but stop and admire the room, decorated nicely.
El Capitán
14 years ago
Antonio was quick to follow, flopping on the bed beside him and rolling over on his side to press a kiss to his lips. "Happy honeymoon~"
14 years ago
It was... almost unreal. Honeymoon. Romano cuddled a bit closer to his husband, pressing a few kisses to his jaw, and let out a tiny sigh.
14 years ago
"Too hot..."
El Capitán
14 years ago
He smiled, toeing off his shoes, then pulled the Italian close to him, tangling their legs together. "Ahh...I can turn up the AC? I just
El Capitán
14 years ago
don't want to get up right now, ahaha~"
14 years ago
"Nnn..." He could understand; the younger nation very much just wanted to lie down for now. Maybe even take a shower if he finally forced
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himself up and off the bed. "No, it's fine..." Romano rubbed his foot against Spain's leg comfortingly.
El Capitán
14 years ago
The plane ride had been long and brutal; Antonio really was enjoying the closeness and comfort. After all, this was two weeks of Lovi time--
El Capitán
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two weeks he was looking forward to very, very much. Getting to be lazy with his husband was a perfectly acceptable way to celebrate it.
El Capitán
14 years ago
Spain leaned in and pressed a kiss to Lovino's nose, smiling. "Hmm, maybe we could take a siesta~?"
14 years ago
"If you want..." Lovino didn't know how easy it'd be to siesta when it was too hot out. Then again, Spain was most likely used to this heat;
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it was his country, after all. He reached out and looped his arms around the other nation's waist.
El Capitán
14 years ago
It wasn't that bad; really, he thought Lovino was just overreacting, like always. It was okay though; it was cute! The Spaniard smiled and
El Capitán
14 years ago
scooched closer, hugging him tightly. "I always want to siesta, ahah~It's up to you. We could go explore, if you'd like~"
14 years ago
"Nnn...." Romano fought back the biting urge to demand a shower, shifting slowly off the bed and standing up, stretching carefully.
El Capitán
14 years ago
(ff sorry, got dragged to the store XD; )
14 years ago
[[No problem~]]
El Capitán
14 years ago
Antonio watched his fiancee, tilting his head up to rest his chin in his hand. "Hmm~<3 "
14 years ago
"What?" Lovino crossed his arms over his chest, scowling.
El Capitán
14 years ago
"Just admiring how nice you look." He chirped, moving into a sitting position and latching his arms around his husband's waist.
14 years ago
14 years ago
He rolled his eyes. "Yes, I look nice when I'm sweaty and red-faced." Sometimes Antonio was really illogical.
El Capitán
14 years ago
"You look like a cute tomato~" he chirped, standing up and kissing the other's cheeks, then his nose. "So, so cuuute~"
14 years ago
"Stupid," he mumbled without much of a bite, arms wrapping around the other's neck and leaning up for another kiss.
14 years ago
[[/Wanted Spainnuendo there goddammit >u>]]
14 years ago
((-offers port some ice cream-))
El Capitán
14 years ago
Antonio happily accepted, leaning down to kiss the Italian sweetly, wrapping his arms around his waist.
14 years ago
The brunette pressed up against his husband, rubbing against him slightly, eyes drifting shut as he opened his mouth a bit hesitantly.
El Capitán
14 years ago
He wasn't really expecting that; either way, the Spaniard smiled against Lovino's lips and pressed into the kiss, slipping his tongue in
El Capitán
14 years ago
between the other's lips.
14 years ago
Somewhere in the back of his mind he wondered if he was being too forward, but shrugged it off, figuring Antonio would say something.
El Capitán
14 years ago
Antonio was the country of passion--he definitely didn't mind one bit. The Spaniard happily delved deeper into the kiss, pulling Lovino
El Capitán
14 years ago
closer by the waist.
14 years ago
[[Sorry, it's hard to be talking on the phone and smutting OTL. But I'm off the phone now.]]
El Capitán
14 years ago
((Mkay! )
14 years ago
The nation leaned up against Spain, pressed against him, trying to get rid of the incessant need to be closer.
El Capitán
14 years ago
Antonio broke the kiss after a few moments, tucking his head in the Italian's neck and pressing little kisses there. "Lovi, are you still
El Capitán
14 years ago
hot? I was thinking we could take that shower, hmm...?"
14 years ago
He blinked a few moments, wondering if he had been too forward, until a lightbulb went off in his head and a tiny smirk broke across his
14 years ago
face. "*We* could take that shower?"
El Capitán
14 years ago
Antonio grinned, nipping lightly at the other's neck. "Si.~"
14 years ago
Sighing softly at the nips, he tilted his head to the side. "Sounds nice... Do we have a big shower?"
El Capitán
14 years ago
( Brb, skyping =3= )
14 years ago
El Capitán
14 years ago
El Capitán
14 years ago
He nodded, starting to push the other lightly towards the shower. "It's big enough, si~? "
14 years ago
He laughed lightly, backstepping into the bathroom, and pausing at the sight. "...Better than big enough. How did you manage to get such a
14 years ago
nice room?" Multiple shower heads...!
El Capitán
14 years ago
Antonio beamed and started stripping out of his shirt, tossing it on the ground. "Cause I'm the boss, duh."
14 years ago
Romano rolled his eyes lightly, leaning back and turning on the shower, admiring the tile backsplash. "Dork."
El Capitán
14 years ago
Antonio grinned and wrapped his arms around his husband, unbuttoning his shirt. "Maybe a little bit, ahah~"
14 years ago
He leaned up and pressed a tiny kiss to the other nation's nose, unbuttoning his own pants and pulling them off carefully, trying not to
14 years ago
disturb Antonio taking off his shirt.
El Capitán
14 years ago
Antonio smiled, pulling off Lovino's shirt, followed quickly by his own. "This is a good way to start our honeymoon, I think~! "
14 years ago
He smirked a bit, fingering the edge of his boxers teasingly, not quite ready to take them off. "Mm, quite a good way." Lovino paused for a
14 years ago
moment, expression going thoughtful. "...Actually, we should make it a point one of these days to finish opening our wedding presents." They
14 years ago
had somehow gotten sidetracked and hadn't finished opening them, but Romano had packed them just in case.
El Capitán
14 years ago
Antonio nodded. "True! There was still that box from Russia. I was a little afraid to open it, ahahha~"
14 years ago
((i love you guys QWQ))
14 years ago
A shudder traveled down the smaller male's spine. "Anything from that creep practically emanates evil."
14 years ago
[[No problem, bb~ ;w;]]
El Capitán
14 years ago
Antonio laughed and stepped out of his own boxers, grinning wickedly at Lovino. "We'll find out later."
14 years ago
That grin made a small blush rise to the Italian's cheeks, entranced by the expression on the other's face. Blinking a few times and shaking
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his head, he resumed undressing, pushing his boxers off and kicking them across the expansive bathroom.
El Capitán
14 years ago
Antonio bent over to pick up the boxers on the floor, a habit he could never quite seem to kick, and surely giving Romano an eyeful of
El Capitán
14 years ago
'dat ass'. "Ah, could you check the water?"
14 years ago
He blinked a few times, rolling his eyes, and leaning back to pop open the shower door, dipping a hand under the steaming water. "You're not
14 years ago
the room cleaner, you know. Water's hot."
El Capitán
14 years ago
"I know, I know. 's just habit." With a laugh, the Spaniard stood back up fully and cracked his back, then held the door open for Lovino.
14 years ago
He smiled and slipped under the water, sprays coming from all directions, and stepped to the back, leaning against the wall and giving the
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Spaniard a 'come-hither' look.
El Capitán
14 years ago
And he did just that; Antonio scrambled into the shower moments later, letting the door fall shut behind him, and immediately kissing the
El Capitán
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Italian before him.
14 years ago
The Italian wasted no time in leaning up into the kiss and rubbing up against Antonio, skin touching skin under the hot water.
El Capitán
14 years ago
That was a sensation Antonio could get used to. The Spaniard moaned breathily against Lovino's lips and pushed him against the shower wall,
El Capitán
14 years ago
deepening the kiss hungrily.
14 years ago
"Nnn...!" He moaned softly, pressed up against the cool tile wall, opening his lips and absolutely loving the other's forcefulness.
El Capitán
14 years ago
Antonio grinned against the other's lips, nibbling down on one and reaching an arm down to pick up Lovino's leg, winding it around his waist
El Capitán
14 years ago
and moaning at the much closer contact.
14 years ago
(( If I were there, I would be recording you both under the bed. ))
14 years ago
He quickly took the oppurtunity, with his leg wrapped around the other's waist, to push against him, a moan slipping from his mouth.
14 years ago
[[Is that so, fff. XD /Notes not to invite Hun on vacations]]
El Capitán
14 years ago
Antonio rolled his hips against the other's happily, deepning the kiss again to ravish the other's mouth. "Hnnhn~"
14 years ago
"Ah-ahh..." He leaned against the shower wall for support, standing there dumbly, stunned by the affection. His cheeks flushed bright red.
El Capitán
14 years ago
Antonio pulled away after a moment to grin, tucking his head in the other's neck and nipping down. "So cuuute~like a red tomato~"
14 years ago
"Not cute," Lovino mumbled, tilting into the nibbles and taking a few deep breaths, calming down slightly.
El Capitán
14 years ago
Rolling his hips again, the Spaniard bit down a little harder, now sucking at his pulse. "Hnn, so so cuuute~"
14 years ago
"Sh-shut it--" The brunette moaned softly, leg slipping off the other's waist as Spain ground against him.
14 years ago
(( D8 /FEELS DEJECTED oh okay I'll just lurk *whimpers* ))
14 years ago
[[-Laughs- It's bad enough we've got Vash taping us...]]
El Capitán
14 years ago
"Make me~" he purred, leaning back up to press gentle kisses to the other's lips and get a hold of his hips, pulling them against his own.
14 years ago
(takes popcorn)
14 years ago
He panted out a tiny moan, dripping with water. "F-fine then," he mumbled, reaching down and stroking the Spaniard's cock a few teasing
14 years ago
El Capitán
14 years ago
Antonio let out a low moan, bucking his hips forward into the touches; at the same time, he reached a hand forward and stroked the other's
El Capitán
14 years ago
curl, gripping it between two fingers.
14 years ago
"Ah-ahhn--!" He moaned loudly, pressing forward against his husband dizzily, hands pressed against his chest in an attempt to steady
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himself. The Italian was flushed from head to toe.
El Capitán
14 years ago
"See, tomato." he laughed quietly, pressing a kiss to the other's lips and winding the curl gently around his forefinger.
14 years ago
"D-dumba*aaahh*!" His words blended into a moan, jerking forwards and pressing more closely to Spain, growing hard very quickly.
El Capitán
14 years ago
Antonio was quickly getting to that same state, grinding and rubbing up against the Italian. "H-haa--!"
14 years ago
"N-nn--" Lovino leaned up for a messy kiss, eyes half-lidded and darkened with lust, breath coming out in shallow pants.
El Capitán
14 years ago
Antonio happily kissed him back, drifting a hand down to rest between the other's legs, stroking his entrance. His fingers were already
El Capitán
14 years ago
soaking wet; but the gentle prodding served as warning, waiting for a sign to go ahead.
14 years ago
He pulled away from the kiss at the touch, looking up and breathing heavily. "W...want me to turn around...?"
El Capitán
14 years ago
He nodded, pressing gentle kisses to the other's neck and cheek as encouragement. "Por favor."
14 years ago
He nodded, offering a smile with lust-colored eyes, and spun around, pressing his chest against the shower tile, back getting covered with
14 years ago
El Capitán
14 years ago
Antonio took a moment to enjoy the sight before him and how much of an absolute *turn on* it was; grinning, he spread his own legs to
El Capitán
14 years ago
steady himself, then slipped a wet finger inside the other, leaning over to kiss his neck.
14 years ago
Romano knew that the weird sensation was something he'd never get used to; the Italian bit at his lip, tilting his neck into the kiss, and
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did his best to make stretching him easy for the other, taking in and holding a deep breath.
El Capitán
14 years ago
Antonio carefully searched inside the other, crooking his finger every now and again, until he felt the brush of throbbing nerves underneath
El Capitán
14 years ago
his fingertip.
14 years ago
O-oh fuck-- "A-*Antonio*!" he screeched, jerking forwards with a dizzied moan, breath quickening and shallowing.
El Capitán
14 years ago
Grinning, he leaned over to press butterfly kisses to the other's neck, stroking the spot mercilessly and addnig a second finger.
14 years ago
Mercilessly was right-- The southern Italian let out another screech, bending over a bit, trembling from the stroking of that spot. "A-ahh--
14 years ago
o-oh god, t-that's--" His legs were shaking, swallowing after speaking.
14 years ago
(( ...... -wipes away nosebleed- ))
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