14 years ago
is feeling very grumpy today, as she goes for a walk, feeling very unamused at all the happy people she sees.
latest #83
Mattie wonders
14 years ago
what happened. He'd join her for the walk if he could.
14 years ago
will just have to come see him in that case.
14 years ago
would enjoy that, he was getting a little annoyed with all of Francis' fussing.
14 years ago
can understand that all too well. She heads over to Matt's house, and let's herself in the front door. "Mattie?" she calls out.
14 years ago
jumped up a bit from his seat on the couch but got trapped by all the pillows and he fell back again. "In here!"
14 years ago
peeks into the room, and tries not to laugh at the scene. Oh, poor Matthew. "Need some help?"
14 years ago
frowned and pouted. "Yeah... Please, I really need help."
14 years ago
can't help but giggle a little, no matter how grumpy she still was. "Should I even ask why you have so many pillows?" she asks, stepping
14 years ago
closer to him and starting to readjust the pillows, taking a few away. There was no way he needed that many.
14 years ago
sighed and tried to get up again. "Francis... He's been fussing over me."
14 years ago
offers him her hand to help him up, but only if he wants it. "What did you do to yourself?"
14 years ago
takes her hand and pulls himself up, favouring his broken leg. "I... fell off a roof. What happened to you?"
14 years ago
watches him to make sure he doesn't hurt himself. Francis might kill her if he does. "I've just been really busy, Al's getting on my
14 years ago
nerves with this whole spies thing, and..." she trails off for a moment, then pouts. "I miss my boyfriend. It's all put me in a bad mood."
14 years ago
leaned against the edge of the couch as he listened before smiling widely. "Hold on, make yourself comfortable. I'm getting you a drink."
Suzette thinks
14 years ago
about arguing, but doesn't, and sits down. "If you say so."
14 years ago
smiles back at her. "I do say so, I can't join you because of the pain killers, but I can listen."
14 years ago
fidgets nervously, and smiles back at him. "Thanks Matt. You're the best. Do you need any help?"
14 years ago
shakes his head, he took his time going into the kitchen to get it before coming back with a bottle of water tucked under one arm and the_
14 years ago
bottle of rum under the other. A held out for her. "You're down, you need someone to listen or someone to let you drink."
14 years ago
takes the bottle from him, and attempts to change the subject, rather badly. "How did you fall off a roof?"
14 years ago
goes red as he sits down next to her and hands her the glass. "Um... I... just uh fell."
14 years ago
pours herself a glass, then sets the bottle aside for the time being. She tsks quietly at him. "You should be more careful!"
14 years ago
nods and sighs. "I should be..." He twists the top off his bottle of water. "So what happened to Iceland?"
14 years ago
shrugs, pausing to take a long drink before she replies. "He's on a trip. But I was so busy I didn't get to see him before he left."
14 years ago
leans over and pats her on the head. "I... kind of did the same thing to Francis. I went on a trip and didn't say good bye to him."
14 years ago
squirms a little when he pats her, but lets him. "Was he really upset?"
14 years ago
shakes his head. "No... I don't think so."
14 years ago
sighs out of relief. "Oh, well, that's good at least. I expected him to have been a drama queen about it."
14 years ago
smiles a bit. "He was... a bit, I felt really bad about it."
14 years ago
smiles a little too, leaning back against the couch, and taking another drink. "You two are doing really well, huh?"
14 years ago
looks over at her and smiles. "I guess so... we're engaged."
14 years ago
14 years ago
blinks a few times and pats her on the back. "A-Are you okay?"
14 years ago
coughs, trying to regain her breath. "I-I'm fine, you're-- you're engaged!"
14 years ago
blushes and nods as he sipped at his water.
14 years ago
manages to breathe regularly again, then takes another drink and goes to refill her glass. "Oh, wow Matt. Wow."
14 years ago
watches her for a long moment. "I-Is... Is it a bad thing?"
14 years ago
shakes her head immediately, though she really isn't sure. "It's a good thing!"
14 years ago
doesn't believe her. "Really? You can be honest..."
14 years ago
pouts. "Oh, but Matt, that'll upset you!" she blurts out without really thinking.
14 years ago
shakes his head quickly. "No... it wont... please tell me."
14 years ago
chews on her lip. "I'm happy for you! I just....don't think it's a good idea!"
14 years ago
brushes his hand through his hair for a moment. "W-Why not?"
14 years ago
sulks a bit. "Because! Y-you guys really haven't been dating that long! And... What if something happens?"
14 years ago
nods a bit and moves closer to her, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. "I... I'm not trying to take him away from you."
14 years ago
startles a little, but doesn't move away. She just sits there, holding her glass with both hands. "I didn't say that!"
14 years ago
looks down at his lap. "I know you didn't... I just... I know how much you like Francis."
14 years ago
frowns, and sets down her glass. "Well. Yeah. He raised me. But you two are in love."
14 years ago
nods. "We are but... I don't want to make things weird for you. He... he kind of raised me as well."
14 years ago
shrugs. "Things are always weird for me."
14 years ago
watches her. "They shouldn't be."
14 years ago
giggles. "I'm surrounded by really strange people. Things are always weird."
14 years ago
rolls his eyes and leans back into the couch. "Oh..."
14 years ago
beams, picking her glass back up and going back to drinking. She's already forgotten why she was upset.
Mattie was
14 years ago
glad she seemed happier now as he went back to drinking his water. "So why are Francis and I... not right?"
14 years ago
shakes her head. "I just....know how he is! I don't want you both to end up hurt. That's all."
14 years ago
nods and closes his eyes. "Yeah... we've had a fight or two... they don't last long though."
14 years ago
frowns at him. "I don't really see anything wrong with it then. It's not really any of my business."
14 years ago
looks over at him and shakes his head. "Sey... we don't... I don't have to marry him. I know I shouldn't."
Suzette is
14 years ago
completely confused. "If you know you shouldn't, then why are you doing it?"
14 years ago
fidgets with his water bottle. "Because I want too, I love him. I shouldn't do it, but I want to do it."
14 years ago
sighs. "Then do it."
14 years ago
smiles and leans over to hug her. "I wanted to make sure you were okay with it."
14 years ago
hugs him immediately. "I'm fine with it."
14 years ago
hugs her back and kisses her on the cheek. "Thank you."
14 years ago
keeps on hugging him. "I just want you both to be happy!"
14 years ago
holds onto her for a moment longer. "We will be and you'll come over lots and visit right?"
14 years ago
finally lets go of him, she's not ridiculously clingy. "Yeah! And you guys can come visit me!"
14 years ago
smiles and nods, sitting back. "Oh course! We'll come see you all the time."
14 years ago
beams, feeling a little better about the situation now. "Okay. You better."
14 years ago
pats her on the head. "I wouldn't dream of not coming to see you. You know Francis will still want you to stay over sometimes too."
14 years ago
pats him on the head in return. "Even with you two married?"
14 years ago
smiles. "Yeah, if someone else isn't there some times Francis would probably want to have sex every chance he gets."
14 years ago
pouts. "He'll want to do it even when I'm there!! He's a pervert, Mattie!"
14 years ago
frowns and gives up. "I-I know... but if your there I can convince him otherwise."
Suzette is
14 years ago
a little skeptical of that. "Maybe."
14 years ago
shakes his head. "He does... pretty much anything I ask him too."
Suzette is
14 years ago
a little surprised by that. "Huh? Really?"
14 years ago
nods. "Y-Yeah... It's kind of... scary."
14 years ago
blinks, trying to process that. "A little bit."
14 years ago
looks up at her, quite serious. "How do I fix it?"
14 years ago
shrugs. She has no idea how Francis' mind works. "Have you tried talking to him about it?"
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