is irritated by th lamer...-.-''
latest #27
wah, what tht lamer do sia
u go see my blog th cbox and u will understand
suay sia you, i later then go see. now lazy kekeke
hahaha, need me help not. /:
anything sure
see i lazy anot first.
hahahas, standard me. AWESOME
th psb now sae wad he/she is entertaining me WTF!!
ohya btw i do th mini ver. of th torch le will bring tmr and i have some new ideas of wad to do fer pw
and i cnt stay bak cuz i frm mon to fri buzy
mon-fri busy? busy with what
wth. cannot even make time to help the grp meh\
thurs one is 4pm mayb i will go straight frm sch
mayb can help awhile den i leave
huh, aiya anything lo, tmr then say lahs.
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