((Yes! The term is dooone /Highfives back <3))
((Hey! Missed you ;w; how are you?))
(Surviving well enough~ <3)
( And apparently cooking. ;o; )
(/is the main cook in the house when I'm home. xD)
( Share with your mod. ;; )
(I have left over bacon risotto? And the potato salad and deviled eggs are almost done.)
((Food? I also want ;;! ))
( I'm just hungry and can barely boil water. And we're spamming Ice's plurk. /shuts up )
thinks 14 years ago
he wants a sip.
((Don't worry, Ice's plurk is your plurk, of course))
a pack of cokes in the fridge, so you can go for a can.
((I don't know if I should beware that or not, but for now I like how it sounds |3))
goes to sit in the fridge. Even here in Iceland it is kinda warm. It has to be summer.
( Everyone will become one with Canada!mod. )
finishes his coke and goes for another one, it's summer and a cold coke it's everything he needs.
((But of course, and I'm more than glad to help you with this plan))
now trying to crawl into his freezer. Though this does not work and he just runs off with his ice cubes instead.
stares the scene, takes a coke and follows him. "What are you doing, Anori?"
totally did not stick ice cubes in his pants. He inches away, sheepishly, "Walking."
"... And what did you do with my ice cubes?" Opens his can and takes a sip.
blinks. Is this a trick question? "I, um...I stick them somewhere for safe keeping."
"...I see". Keeps looking at him, wondering where are the ice cubes.
just gonna walk away now.
decides he shouldn't worry for those ice cubes and goes to make more.
gonna come in now, 'cause the plurker is gonna be lame and play different characters in one plurk~. "Hello?"
"Halló, Vinland". Replies to the guy while puts the thing-whose-name-I-don't-know-but-makes-ice-cubes in the freezer.
frowns slightly before reminding him, "Canada." Just because they played for two minutes together when they were children and he got named
for twenty seconds, it did not mean he was a...vine land.
thinks 14 years ago
20 seconds are a fine amount of time for naming someone forever, but still nods at the reminder. "Do you want a coke?" Offers one.
never going to respect that idea. "Um, well..." He hesitates before accepting. It is rude to turn something down after it is offered!
doesn't know either why you didn't keep the name since Leif was the one who gave it to you. Anyway he gives you the coke and sips from his.
at least celebrates the man during October. He opens the coke given to him before taking a short sip. "Australia has told me about you but
I never really seen you around," he says, lightly.
"Really? What did he say?" closes the freezer and looks at him. "I've been busy organizing a concert here, though I spend most time at home"
nods, doing his best to understand. "He said you were fun when it came to clubbing."
"Of course I am" says grinning. "Do you like clubbing too?"
blinks in surprise to the other's response. He takes another sip of his soda. "A-ah...It's okay."
"I see. If you want to, we can go clubbing whenever you want". Finishes his coke and goes to throw the can to the thrash.
keeps hold of his, not done with it. "That sounds like fun."
"It really is. And how is William?"
about this before answering. "He is a bit stressed with elections next month, but despite that, he is good."
"I see, that's a lot of work." Wonders what he should do for dinner now.
brings his hands together to clasp them closed. "We should go clubbing together."
wonders 14 years ago
why so sudden Vinland said that, but nods anyway. "Sure, do you want to go now or later?"
, "I meant later. With Australia." He pauses. "France and America's party is tomorrow and I am leaving tonight to get there. Are you going?"
"Ah, of course". Blinks "True, I forgot their birthdays... Where will the party be? And... Wait. Wasn't your birthday July 1st?"
explains, "It is somewhere in France. I am not quite sure, though. I'm getting a ride there when I leave the airport." He then pauses,
surprised once again. "Yes. So was Hong Kong's."
"And Hong Kong's too... Anyway, happy belated birthday to you. I forgot everything with the concert my people did for promoting us".
"Also, if that's so, I'm not sure. I don't have someone to get me a ride there".
lightly smiles. "It is alright, thank you."
"You are welcome. And what are you planning to give them as a present?" he doesn't know what to give them, so he needs ideas.
replies, "I already gave them their gifts before hand."
"I got America a Buzz Lighyear and France a pin." No need for details.