14 years ago
Germany 3-0
latest #22
.::Abby::. says
14 years ago
those were the dumbest goals i've ever seen
Adam says
14 years ago
lilya1567 says
14 years ago
but they scored, but yes those are goals that are just.....
.::Abby::. says
14 years ago
they were the saddest goals I've ever seen, next to the one where people kick into their own goals
lilya1567 says
14 years ago
but they scored, that's the important thing. we're still friends don't be mad
Adam says
14 years ago
we're not friends until you support argentina, right abby?
☆海亮亮☆ says
14 years ago
Adam says
14 years ago
.::Abby::. says
14 years ago
cookie_loves_annie : RIGHTO! But..why would it be "until"? I've supported Argentina since grade six O.O
Adam says
14 years ago
oh haha the first sentence is for lilya XD
lilya1567 says
14 years ago
Actually, I support Messi, but I like Germany. does that count
.::Abby::. says
14 years ago
Uh, no it doesn't. It's like Annie liking someone from the England team while she supports the US
.::Abby::. says
14 years ago
or something like that? I dunno I'm confused
lilya1567 says
14 years ago
But you guys support Argentina because of him right
.::Abby::. says
14 years ago
actually, i support argentina since grade six because the whole team's just really great...and messi/higuani make a good team
┌┤不太亮├┐ says
14 years ago
LOL I misread the topic into Germany 3-D
Adam says
14 years ago
no!!!!!! i supported brazil AND argentina ever since i started to watch the world cup!!!!!! and besides, they ARE great
lilya1567 says
14 years ago
Ok, abby, when you're in Vancouver, get online so I can try and turn your point of view
Adam says
14 years ago
Adam says
14 years ago
☆海亮亮☆ says
13 years ago
cookie_loves_annie: (rofl)你好激動喔XDDD
Adam says
13 years ago
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