weiong says
14 years ago
my 1st match on of the whole world cup!! (LOL)
latest #8
YeapYeeTeng says
14 years ago
weiong says
14 years ago
haha!! LOL really la..
YeapYeeTeng says
14 years ago
but now only the climax of world cup, clever huh! :-D
weiong says
14 years ago
haha..oni see semi n final oni la...
YeapYeeTeng says
14 years ago
but all midnight dy wor..
ah fong! says
14 years ago
haha.. wake up and see la
weiong says
14 years ago
tak mau..wa panda eyes ard soo gaii d....
YeapYeeTeng says
14 years ago
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