14 years ago
slams the door in a fury. "There was nothing *wrong,* Elias, so if anything happened while I was gone, I swear-" He then stops. And stares.
latest #99
Elizaveta feels
14 years ago
like her stomach has suddenly become lead. Lead which, for some reason, piranhas like to feed off of. Okay these metaphors and similes --
14 years ago
aren't really working to express her state of OHSHI- right now. She tries to get up, but fails. Her muscles feel like melting rubber.
14 years ago
spends a good minute starting half into space, half at the terrible, disgusting wreckage that used to be a gorgeous, perfect instrument. How
14 years ago
had this happened? He had compared its sound to crystal just a few days ago, and now...He turns to
14 years ago
face Elias. Now. "What happened." His voice is soft, almost a parody of soothing, but rage is trembling beneath.
14 years ago
hasn't ever heard that sort of tone before, but is sure it isn't good. "I-" She stumbles as she stands, "I was knocked out, and..." No, keep
14 years ago
it at that. If she said anything more, it might end up screwing her over.
14 years ago
's fists are trembling. Can't Elias see that his *piano* is *destroyed?* Can't he understand that he wants more answers than that? He
14 years ago
strides forward until his face is just a foot from Elias's, grabbing his wrist. "You let this happen?" he says in the same tone, then
14 years ago
appears to reconsider. "Yes. Of course you did. Because I had an *imaginary crisis* to attend to." His voice's volume is climbing.
14 years ago
nearly falls when his wrist is grabbed - what did Gilbert *do* - and feels her breath start to hitch. "I... Gilbert, he-" All those little--
14 years ago
safteynets supposedly put up didn't really do much good when Roderich was inches from her face and on the verge of murder.
14 years ago
realizes his nails are digging into her wrist. "You little *moron,*" he says, voice laced in acid. "You're working for him." He says this
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as if it's fact. For all he cares, it is - rational thought doesn't matter right now. The piano is smashed, exploded into splinters.
14 years ago
He digs his nails in *harder.*
14 years ago
tries to ignore the pain in her wrist, but can't help but bite down. "I'm *not*..! He blackmailed me and then knocked me out once you left!"
14 years ago
She's starting to get a headache from whatever the hell Gilbert did, and Roderich was *right there* and she just didn't know what to do -
14 years ago
14 years ago
laughs, too loudly. It sounds wrong, even to him. "You weren't. Even. *Winded.* " His face is close enough to share breath.
Elizaveta feels
14 years ago
that this is a losing battle. "I was *knocked out*."
14 years ago
clamps his other hand down on Elias's shoulder, at the base of his neck. "I was *referring* to when you 'ran' all the way back from the
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warehouse. Do you think I'm an *idiot?* Do you think I don't know when there is a traitor in my ranks?" He feels what control he has left
14 years ago
spiraling away.
Elizaveta feels
14 years ago
claustrophobia start to well up because he's right there right fucking there and she doesn't know if she can even run if she tried or if--
14 years ago
that would even do any good and *damn it*. "I was *blackmailed* sir- I had no other choice..!"
Roderich is
14 years ago
done talking. He uses Elias's overall disorientation and his own anger to pull him forward, turn him around, and slam him into the nearest
14 years ago
wall. The funny thing is, Elias may be physically stronger than him. But he feels no doubt that he
Roderich will
14 years ago
not fight back. "Well then," he says, clasping Elias's hands behind his back, "If you still work for me, you won't mind the punishment."
14 years ago
cusses as she's thrown into the wall. It doesn't do much for her head and she's pretty sure she just bit her tongue. " sir." She hopes
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that means she still has her job, so things might not have been as bad as she first imagined.
14 years ago
would have enjoyed that sense of control, if he were in any state to be anything besides furious. He'll start with a simple whipping - he'll
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have an opportunity to release his aggression (the piano is dead, it's *dead* ) - and see where to go from there. "Remove your shirt."
14 years ago
swallows. "Uh, sir..?"
14 years ago
lets up just enough to be able to slam him into the wall again slightly. "You heard me. For the whip."
14 years ago
let's out a "mmph..!" as she's slammed again. "I- do I have to, sir?"
14 years ago
makes a sound of derisive disbelief. "Questioning the punishment already? We haven't even *started.* " He twists Elias's wrist.
14 years ago
squeaks a bit in pain. "F-fine. Sir." She grist her teeth, and takes off her vest, then blouse, and there's the binding wrapped tight around
14 years ago
her chest, still hiding what she's sure he'll soon find out about. Her hands hover over the tight bandages, hesitant.
14 years ago
notes vaguely that Elias must have been wounded some point, but the bandages aren't bloody - there
14 years ago
is no reason to hold back. He probably wouldn't have anyway, at this point. "Those too."
14 years ago
starts taking the bandages off, not even bothering to try to be bashful about it anymore. "You asked, sir," she says in her own, real voice.
14 years ago
doesn't really comprehend what's off here for a few seconds, focusing instead on grabbing the whip and holding it taut. Then he notices
14 years ago
...something. Something very obvious that causes him to lose his train of thought entirely with the surprise for a few seconds. "...
14 years ago
You're..." He scrambles for words, caught between surprise and anger and a strange betrayal. Because everything he had thought
14 years ago
Elias was didn't exist anymore. "Who *are* you, then?"
14 years ago
looks off to the side. Why even bother with hesitancy anymore? "Elizaveta Hedervrry."
14 years ago
's expression of surprise quickly slides into one of disgust. "One last betrayal then."
14 years ago
shoots him a glare. "Would you have hired me otherwise?"
14 years ago
laughs bitterly. "Obviously, that was a mistake.
14 years ago
doesn't think she deserves this sort of treatment. "I've been working for you for six years. *You* promoted me to your second-in-command.-
14 years ago
This has been the first major incident to happen and- and what was I supposed to do? He threatened my job with this, because I knew you-
14 years ago
wouldn't want me as an employee, and then what would I do?" Damn it, she fucked up. "Use my salary to pay it off, and let me still work for
14 years ago
you, and you'll have enough money for another piano." After all this, she couldn't lose her job. She just couldn't.
Roderich is
14 years ago
sort of at a loss, but he's angry enough that he can focus on that and ignore the other parts. "You think your little mistake is going to
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disappear, just like that? Now, obviously I can't be as severe as I had wanted to - physically -
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because your body can't take it. But there *will* be punishment, and do you really expect me to trust you as my second anymore?"
14 years ago
whips around. She was *not* going to stand for that, not after all the work she's done. It wasn't as if she took on work less physical than-
14 years ago
any of the other men aboard the ship, and she was pretty sure she could beat him in a fight if she really wanted to. "Then let me earn that
14 years ago
trust back, *captain*, but don't think for a second that just because I'm a woman that I can't handle something."
14 years ago
scoffs, still trying to keep her to the wall. "Well you certainly didn't handle *this* well. My piano is *dead.* Because of you."
14 years ago
knows this conversation will go nowhere, other than in circles focusing on her recent let-down. "Then have me pay for it, punish me, just-
14 years ago
*just get on with it*. Treat me as you would any of your other men. Treat me as *Elias*, because I haven't changed."
14 years ago
tightens his grip on the whip. "It goes against my every instinct to harm a lady, I'll have you know." He shakes his head.
14 years ago
"It's a good thing you haven't acted like one." And he brings it down for the first lash.
14 years ago
screams, caught off guard at first. She's able to stop the sound halfway through, clenching her fists. "Being a *woman* has *nothing* to do
14 years ago
with who I am."
14 years ago
brings it down again. "Quite frankly, I don't *care.* All I know is that you have proven far, *far* from what I
14 years ago
thought you were." And his piano is destroyed. But he'll deal with Gilbert for that later.
14 years ago
nearly yelps again. "What did you think I was, then?"
14 years ago
considers, emphasizing each trait he lists with another lash. "Trustworthy. Brave. *Honest.* Incorruptible-"
14 years ago
He pauses as a disgusting thought overcomes him. "I suppose he seduced you, didn't he?"
14 years ago
nearly whips around to face him. "*What*? No! You think he *could*? Because it's disappointing that after all this time you could doubt
14 years ago
something like that."
Roderich gives
14 years ago
the back of her head a cold look. "I didn't think he could blackmail or overpower you, either." Another lash.
Elizaveta feels
14 years ago
the blood start to trickle down her back. "Oh, and because I completely trusted that you'd be completely fine with me being a woman."
Roderich thinks
14 years ago
she seems to be in far too little pain if she's still talking like that. Admittedly he may have softened up a bit due to learning her
14 years ago
gender, but...he ignores her last words and focuses on putting a bit more effort into this.
Elizaveta feels
14 years ago
the muscles in her shoulders start to quiver, but does her best to hide any telltale signs of pain.
14 years ago
simply continues. Despite his rage, he does feel a bit of guilt peeking through - he's whipping a woman. Usually only the most uncouth of
14 years ago
society resort to that. But does Elias, or Elizaveta, even count? Her crime was a man's crime. And she, as incredulous as he is about it,
14 years ago
is holding her own. "You're making it harder for yourself like this," he says as a test.
14 years ago
lets out a cool, even breath in an attempt to keep her voice from shaking. "Would you rather have me have a conversation with you? I thought
14 years ago
you abandoned that idea."
14 years ago
frowns with a frustration he doesn't quite understand. "I meant your refusal to admit to the pain. It must be "
14 years ago
hurting your body more than you pretend.
14 years ago
doesn't know how she's supposed to reply to this. "I'll start screaming once it starts to hurt." It's a challenge. It's a desperate, last-
14 years ago
minute hope to gain some respect.
14 years ago
doesn't know how to respond to that, so he keeps up the lashes - only harder, now.
14 years ago
eventually, gives into the pain. The scream, for some reason, doesn't sound quite like she meant it to. In fact, it sounds more like a
14 years ago
14 years ago
, while still furious, is beginning to temper his anger with other thoughts, such as the fact that he is *whipping a woman.* Strangely
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enough, she's taken it well - it took as long for her to make a sound as most men would. He gives her a few more, because he's certainly
14 years ago
still *angry.* Then he slides a gloved hand along its length, removing the blood. "Put on your shirt."
14 years ago
wraps herself back up quickly because, well, she'd like some support even if it's not to conceal her breasts, and tries to slip the shirt on
14 years ago
as easily as she can with the blood now sticking to it. She puts on the vest, as well, for decency's sake.
14 years ago
waits until she's finished before speaking. "I want you to stay in this house until I've decided what to do with you. Do you understand?"
14 years ago
nods. "Yes sir." She says it as if it's confirming he's still her boss.
14 years ago
honestly doesn't know what he's going to do with her. But there's still Gilbert to deal with, and for now, that
14 years ago
takes precedence. "I hope he realizes he's started a war," he muses to the air.
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