irishblue is
14 years ago
testing... signed up a long time ago but this is my first post wahaha (LOL)
latest #7
whateva says
14 years ago
me too, Ah C is amazing at finding new stuff for us to figure out :-P
duffy says
14 years ago
haha...welcome! There are some ways to connect Plurk, Twitter and Facebook together, but depends on you want them or not
立山* says
14 years ago
heard about plurk for a long time, surprisingly it's pretty fun!
duffy says
14 years ago
In Taiwan, Plurk is far more popular than Twitter. On of the founders stays in Taiwan now
SasHoCC says
14 years ago
welcome, welcome!! (LOL)
kitcat01 says
14 years ago
irishblue has
14 years ago
come back to explore cos hocc is here too keke :-))
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