Elizaveta is
14 years ago
heading back to the air ship after much too long a day.
latest #68
14 years ago
, running away from Heracles *again*, runs into her. He's still kind of...bleeding everywhere.
Elizaveta is
14 years ago
knocked backwards with an "oof" and automatically spits out a, "hey, watch it." She looks down... to see a bloody Gilbert. --
14 years ago
She's not sure if this is a good thing or not, yet. "What happened to *you*?"
14 years ago
glares at her, legs a bit wobbly and trying not to collapse. "N-Nothing! I just...got in a fight is all!"
14 years ago
holds onto his shoulders, attempting to steady him. "Looks more like you got the shit beaten out of you. Here, come with me for a sec." She-
14 years ago
turns taking a step towards the air ship before glancing back at Gilbert for him to follow.
14 years ago
leans on her more than he would like. "Yeah...Y-You shoulda seen the other guy!" He laughs, gritting his teeth together
14 years ago
and tries to follow her without falling over.
14 years ago
rolls her eyes. For some reason, she can't quite believe him. She looks back again to see him struggling. "Need any help, there?"
14 years ago
glares at her, and tries not to lean on a wall or anything. "No! I'm fine!"
Elizaveta wonders
14 years ago
why he's so huffy all of the sudden. "Fine, fine." She puts her hands up in a non-involved gesture, and continues walking.
14 years ago
continues struggling after her. He could really use some help, but he's not going to admit it.
14 years ago
isn't going to give him help until he asks or maybe falls over. Time with Roderich has taught her to just leave people by when they're huffy
14 years ago
would probably throw a fit if she tried to help, anyways. He leans heavily on the walls and poles as they pass, but doesn't ask for help.
14 years ago
continues walking~ It's kind of amusing to hear him struggling behind, though also annoying that it's holding them back. :C
14 years ago
would like to see HER be attacked and walk fast! Hmph.
Elizaveta thinks
14 years ago
if he can't walk fast, he should just ask for him. She HAS been crossdressing as a guy some time, and therefore is used to carrying people.
14 years ago
*he should just ask for her. /fail
Gilbert is
14 years ago
not going to ask--she can just deal with not going fast. =|
Elizaveta thinks
14 years ago
he can deal with trying to keep upright as he looses more blood. :]
14 years ago
*is* trying! Gott...
Elizaveta thinks
14 years ago
trying is the word of focus here. She steps up, onto the plank leading to the docked airship.
14 years ago
tries to step over the plank, but is too tired, and ends up tipping over it, landing with a cry of pain and curses.
14 years ago
snorts and turns around. This time, without asking, she picks him up over his shoulder, and carries him to her quarters on the ship.
14 years ago
It's probably better she doesn't let him have free reign, anyways. Once there, she drops him onto the cot, and searches for bandages.
14 years ago
leans heavily against her as he half walks and is half dragged onto the ship. He looks around, but is too exhausted to memorize any of the
14 years ago
details. He lays back on the cot, trying not to fall asleep or pass out while he waits for the bandages.
14 years ago
finds a few bandages and sits on the couch."Shirt off, and how did you end up getting like that, anyways?"
Gilbert has
14 years ago
difficulties taking his shirt off. After all, his chest is slashed in several places. "I told you. I got into a fight."
14 years ago
rolls her eyes. "Sorry, think I missed the part where *how*, and with *who*." She takes a bowl of water and dabs a cloth in it before --
14 years ago
dabbing some of the dried blood off.
14 years ago
winces as she dabs at his wounds. "A fucking *theif*, that's who."
14 years ago
holds a hand up to tell him to stay still. "A thief? Stealing from a *thief*? The nerve." She grabs a glass bottle of antisepsis before -
14 years ago
Gilbert has
14 years ago
never been good at sitting still. He nods. "Right?! So, of course, I fought back and won!" It's a lie, but she doesn't need to know that.
14 years ago
laughs sarcastically. "Doesn't look like it to me." She dabs a bit of the disinfectant onto the cloth before reaching to his chest. --
14 years ago
She pauses, hovering above the garish slashes. "This will sting." Because she's not going to bullshit him and say it *might*.
14 years ago
And so, with that warning, she presses it to his open wounds.
14 years ago
huffs. "Well, you haven't seen the other guy!" He nods, and grits his teeth together, trying to prepare himself from the pain. Even so,
14 years ago
he can't help but flinch and start cursing.
14 years ago
makes a hushing noise. "There *are* other men on the ship." A pause. "So, what was this other guy like, to be able to beat big bad you up?"
14 years ago
glares at her. "He just got in a few lucky shots is all."
14 years ago
presses in the medicine to a particularly deep part of a cut. "A few?"
14 years ago
huffs and looks away. "Yes. A few."
14 years ago
whistles. "Ookay then, tough guy." She reaches for the bandages to begin wrapping around the majority of his midsection. "Arms up."
14 years ago
rolls his eyes and raises up his arms, wincing. This really hurt.
14 years ago
tightens it juuust a bit~
14 years ago
flinches and glares. "Hey!"
14 years ago
smirks gleefully and begins to tie the bandages. "What?"
14 years ago
wacks her upside the head. D<
14 years ago
raises a hand in defense. "Hey! I'm helping you out here."
14 years ago
crosses his arms, completely messing up the bandages. "And your point is?"
14 years ago
huffs in annoyance. "My point *is*, that you shouldn't be hitting me when otherwise you'd be left bleeding on the streets." She starts to --
14 years ago
wrap up the bandages again, trying to fix what Gilbert just happily messed up. :I
14 years ago
scoffs. "You wouldn't leave me on the streets!" ...except, he thinks she would. He rolls his eyes and lets her mess with the bandages.
14 years ago
finishes off the bandages, finally. "Why wouldn't I? You're *blackmailing* me." Actually, fuck, why *didn't* she?
14 years ago
lowers his arms to cross them across his chest. "Exactly~" He had seen her, and he knew she saw him. If she
14 years ago
*hadn't* helped...what was stopping him from going straight to Roderich?
14 years ago
pushes him off the bed. "Shut up and get your shirt on before I change my mind and have my men detain you."
14 years ago
flails a bit and flinches as he falls off the bed. He huffs, but grabs his bloody shirt to put it on.
14 years ago
eyes the shirt. "Ugh, never mind. Let me find you something that's *not* completely covered in blood."
14 years ago
rolls his eyes, but drops the shirt and crossing his arms.
14 years ago
goes to fish out a shirt for him to wear. All of hers are slightly baggy just to make sure something doesn't show. She finds a simple --
14 years ago
button-up white shirt and tosses it to him.
14 years ago
grabs it, rolling his eyes when he sees it's a *nice* shirt, but puts it on and buttons it up, leaving the top few unbuttoned.
14 years ago
rolls her eyes. "Trying to show off or something?"
14 years ago
huffs. "Why would I need to show off to *you*?"
Elizaveta gives
14 years ago
him a blank look. "Because you look like an old man."
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