溫布頓是一個蠻『白』的網站,明明盧彥勳都把 Roddick 幹掉了,網站照片放的竟然是 Roddick 敗戰的表情,如果今天 Roddick 贏了我看也還會是放他的照片。
latest #9
Note to the broadcasters: Despite what the ATP media guide might say, Lu is not from Chinese Taipei
He is from Taiwan, the capital of which is Taipei. Lu called his people "Taiwanese" and we should, too.
不過我是覺得新聞本來就是這樣。就像奇摩就是很"黃" 的網站。 王建民贏也好輸也好都是放他的照片一樣。 因為觀眾只認是他
溫布敦在臉書上 profile picture 是盧彥勳喔
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