Feliciano is
14 years ago
lurking outside of Germany's house!
latest #108
14 years ago
isn't surprised.
14 years ago
rings the doorbell a bunch of times.
14 years ago
tries to ignore it until it gets to be too much and he *has* to answer. "...what is it, Italy?"
14 years ago
sniffles (he has a bad cold) but smiles up at him. He's hiding something behind his back. "Hi, Germany~!!"
14 years ago
tends not to trust Italians when their hands and whatever's in them are hidden from sight... "Hello, Italy..."
14 years ago
rocks back and forth on his feet, staring at him a few moments before thrusting a bouquet that he was hiding in Germany's face.
14 years ago
jerks in surprise and takes the bouquet, albeit still apprehensively. "...what are these for?"
14 years ago
doesn't answer him, and stealthily ducks under his arm to get inside his house. "I should have brought you something else too! Ve.."
14 years ago
"What--...Italy!" Oh, tricky Italians. Cursing, he slams the door shut and turns to find him. "What are you doing?"
Feliciano is
14 years ago
just standing there innocently. "I wanted to bring you something! That's what you do for someone you care about, right?"
14 years ago
really expected him to have taken off running through the house looking for food or something. He blinks and looks at the flowers. "Well.-
14 years ago
Yes, I suppose... Thank you."
14 years ago
grins. "I'm so happy that Germany likes them!" He stands there, kind of awkwardly, not sure what to do next.
14 years ago
heard loud noises, so he comes downstairs wearing what is easily identifiable as Ludwig's shirt. He yawns. "What's goi---hi Feliciano."
14 years ago
blinks and turns around to look at Francis. "Uah... were you here to sleep with Germany too? You must have been naked!" He notices the_
14 years ago
shirt that he's wearing. "I hope he didn't get angry with you!"
14 years ago
cannot decide what to do first. Tell Francis off for coming downstairs without pants - not...not really his shirt, because that part's-
14 years ago
sort of...nevermind. - or have an aneurysm over what just flew out of Feliciano's mouth. "Francis where are...no, wait Italy, *what* did you
14 years ago
just say?"
14 years ago
blinks. "Ve... oh! I came to sleep with you!" Of course, he means the innocent type of sleep, but with him it's hard to tell. >.>
Francis is
14 years ago
really amused with his scenario. And really doesn't do anything to help it. "Are those flowers? They're gorgeous."
14 years ago
goes red and practically hisses at Francis. "*Quiet*. Go back to bed." ...which of course is a terrible thing to say, considering the-
14 years ago
situation and present company. "I-Italy...you...ah..."
14 years ago
speaks up quickly, ignoring Ludwig's command. "You can sleep with us, chéri. There is plenty of room."
14 years ago
runs over to Francis and hugs him. "Really?! Yay! I get to sleep with Germany and France-nii...!"
14 years ago
goes to facepalm, completely forgetting the roses and accidentally shoving them in his face instead.
14 years ago
bursts into giggles. "Germany's not supposed to eat them!"
14 years ago
hugs back. "Here, I'll take care of that." He goes to take the flowers to put them in a vase. Or beer mug. Whichever he finds first.
14 years ago
helps himself to Ludwig's bathroom and comes back with a facecloth for him, still giggling.
Ludwig will
14 years ago
shove Francis out of the bed if he finds those flowers in a beer mug. But he hands them over then thanks Feliciano and wipes the flower-
14 years ago
bits off his face.
14 years ago
doesn't hesitate before stripping down, ready for bed. = 3=
14 years ago
does find a vase for them, and after trimming the stems, he puts them in the vase, adds water, and sets them on the kitchen table.
14 years ago
closes his eyes and sighs. "Take your clothes up with you, Feliciano."
14 years ago
nods. "Okay~!" He grabs his clothes and runs upstairs before diving under the covers. = w=
Francis is
14 years ago
going to try to make it upstairs unscathed.
14 years ago
goes to find Francis first, before he can get up there. "You hold it."
14 years ago
wears his innocent face. "Oui?"
14 years ago
latches onto his arm to keep him there. "Do *not* encourage him like that. And you had damn well better keep your hands where they belong."
14 years ago
"And where exactly do they belong?" He's smart enough not to tease him by putting his hands in certain places.
14 years ago
frowns, trying to keep his voice down for Italy's sake. "You know what I mean. Where they were earlier-" And yes, he blushes violently. "-
14 years ago
or above the blankets, not on Italy. He doesn't...get things like that as quickly. Are you wearing shorts under that?"
Francis is
14 years ago
grinning now. Screw the innocent face. "What do you think?" Here, he'll stretch a bit so you can see for yourself.
14 years ago
frantically grabs for the front of the shirt and tugs it back down, glancing up the stairs for Italy. "*Shorts*. You absolutely must wear-
14 years ago
shorts in bed." He glances down as his grip loosens some. "Even if you look incredible like that." Cough.
Francis is
14 years ago
grinning even wider, if at all possible. He likes seeing this side of Ludwig. "All right. Fine." He'll put some on as soon as he's upstairs.
14 years ago
, if he were there, would think that Ludwig is silly! No need for pants or shorts in bed. = u= But he's already sleeping.
14 years ago
lets go of the shirt and nods, still frowning and still very red in the face. "I'll put you right out of the bed." Except he probably-
14 years ago
wouldn't, be he just heads on up the stairs before that thought can sink in too much.
14 years ago
so* not be )
14 years ago
follows him upstairs and heads for the drawer he thinks he remembers the shorts being in. He's very quiet though, lest he wake Feliciano.
14 years ago
undresses while keeping an eye ok Francis to make sure he's really getting those shorts. Definately isn't watching how the hem of his shirt
14 years ago
hits right on Francis' thighs. Francis' rather nice-...hold on, Italy's in the bed. He takes a little extra time putting his clothes away-
14 years ago
then gets into bed.
14 years ago
gets out a pair of shorts and slips them on, then slides the drawer closed. His usual spot is taken, so he walks to Ludwig's side of the-
14 years ago
bed and tries to nudge him over so he can say down there rather than crawling over for the middle spot.
Ludwig is
14 years ago
almost adjusted to finding a naked Italian in his bed. And by adjusted, I mean he's begun to shout at a slightly lower volume. And as for
14 years ago
Francis, well...it's probably safer that he scoot over and take the middle to play the buffer between French hands and the unsuspecting
14 years ago
14 years ago
easily ignores the shouting and climbs into the bed, not only successfully stealing a lot of blankets, but Ludwig's pillow too.
14 years ago
( lmao. but naw, I meant in general, not that he's shouting now. It's been a long day -.-)
14 years ago
(my bad. I can't delete on my phone, either.)
14 years ago
(just disregard the first part of what I wrote.)
Feliciano is
14 years ago
pushed over just enough to land off the bed with a loud thump.
14 years ago
smacks Francis and gets off the bed to help Italy back up. "Now look what you've done."
14 years ago
frowns. "I didn't do that." Now he's going just be stubborn and roll up in more blankets for that.
14 years ago
wiggles. "I want to snuggle with France-nii!"
14 years ago
"No. Lay down and go to sleep. No one needs to *snuggle* with anyone." Not while naked.
14 years ago
stares at him with big, wet puppy-dog eyes. "But... yes I do! I need to snuggle!"
14 years ago
finds it easier to ignore that face when not looking directly at it. "Put clothes on first. Francis' snuggling is different when nude."
14 years ago
blinks. "Ve... really? I wonder what kind of snuggling it is! I want to try~"
14 years ago
is maybe a bit too worn out for that kind of snuggling.
Ludwig thinks
14 years ago
he damn well better be. "No, you don't. He's already snuggled once today. He tends to starfish on the second round. Go to sleep."
14 years ago
protests that statement into the pillow. But mumbling in combination with his accent is hard to understand anyway.
14 years ago
blinks. "Starfish? Do I get to snuggle with Germany instead?"
14 years ago
would prefer to just sleep and not have anyone snuggle with anyone, in any sense of the word.
14 years ago
pouts. "I can't sleep without snuggles..."
Francis thinks
14 years ago
Ludwig should just cuddle him if it means *he'll* be able to sleep.
14 years ago
won't be able to sleep without his damn pillow anyway, you inconsiderate French bastard. "...fine."
Francis will
14 years ago
make up for it some other time. He needs his beauty sleep.
14 years ago
jumps into his arms. "Cuddle time!"
14 years ago
falls back, landing on his ass on the bed. "Stop that. You can only do this if you promise to go right to sleep."
14 years ago
pouts and nods. "Ve... okay..."
14 years ago
curls up on his lap for a little bit of cuddles. =u=
14 years ago
sighs and pats his head. Whatever will get him to sleep...
Francis is
14 years ago
already sleeping.
14 years ago
nuzzles. "I need a goodnight kiss too."
Ludwig is
14 years ago
thankful for that part and hopes he's a heavy sleeper. "...give Frankreich one."
14 years ago
shakes his head. "I want a goodnight kiss from Germany~"
Ludwig gives
14 years ago
him a brief kiss on the forehead. "Now go to sleep."
14 years ago
makes a happy noise and cuddles into the blankets.
14 years ago
tries to scoot over some to get his personal space back, but first of all, that Frenchman on the other side makes it difficult to move-
14 years ago
more than an inch or so. And the bastard took his pillow. ...so Ludwig jerks it right out from under his head.
Francis is
14 years ago
woken up due to losing his head and neck support so unceremoniously and nearly immediately tries to elbow him before turning on his-
14 years ago
opposite side, aiming to reclaim the pillow. "Salaud. I need that."
14 years ago
winces but keeps the pillow. "Tough."
14 years ago
frowns. "What am I supposed to use, then?"
Ludwig thinks
14 years ago
for a minute. Sharing a pillow wouldn't work. He'd wake up smothered by Francis' hair. So he climbs out of bed once more, grumbling, and-
14 years ago
goes to the guest room, bringing back an extra pillow. ...that he rather unceremoniously flings at Francis' face.
14 years ago
cannot see well in the dark when he's still bleary-eyed, so there's no way for him to avoid it. He grumbles, using a few choice words in -
14 years ago
French, then rolls back over to face the wall, holding onto this pillow firmly.
14 years ago
resists shoving him off and stretches out on the bed again, on his back between the other two this time. This is...awkward.
14 years ago
fluffs the pillow a bit and shifts farther toward the edge before falling asleep again.
Feliciano has
14 years ago
rolled ontop of Ludwig in his sleep. And is getting steadily closer to squishing Francis as well.
14 years ago
absolutely cannot sleep through something like that and tries to push him back over to his side.
14 years ago
falls back to his part of the bed, though his leg is draped across the both of them as he snores happily. =u= "Ve, ve, ve, ve..."
14 years ago
can sleep through that so long as he remains on the bed.
14 years ago
picks his pillow up and presses it over his head, trying to drown out the sound. Like hell he'll get to sleep tonight...
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