We'll see how long that lasts.
How come you get all the fun. England, you little prick. Where was my invite?
dun normaly neea n intvite
I do when my precious little fake diamond of a boss decides I'm responsible for a bunch of idiots who forgot how to score goals
y loveds yur boss las time
Well, now I think he's being unfair! Invite me over, I can say it's foreign relations or something. it'll look good for the press
We'll get drunk and wreck things from the shitty countries that cheated against us
....you haven't had enough yet. Invite me! Call the office and make it look legitimate!
I'm sure someone else is in better shape for . . . ah. Shenanigans.
Maybe Prussia isn't busy!
...that would be a bad idea as well, Finland.
. . . oh right. That tab you're still trying to sort out.
brb England climbing out window maybe
Oh, no, not that. He's had a few drinks and he's in a... aggressive mood.
Good luck to you too, then.
I'll be fine. He deserves the chance.
Sexually agressive or just normal aggressive?
...I'm not going to discuss that in public. Besides, you're going to be with Italy, correct?
Not right this minute. Tomorrow or something. Right now, I need a reason to get the hell away from the team
...even to the point of considering Prussia's company?
Never under-estimate the beauty of sexual aggression.
There would have been a hell of a lot more wars between me and England were it not for such things
only reson you got naptoleon t invade russia ws so you could spens a cpuple f months shaggin hism
yeah. Crimena was the same
.... as I say. Sexual aggression.