Roel is
14 years ago
storming into his house angrily, and just sitting down, staring at his pipe before throwing it and letting it smash into the nearest wall.
latest #118
14 years ago
resigned to going to her brother's house. Some apologies are in order; she was kind of really mean to him. Knock knock.
14 years ago
runs a hand through his hair, pulling at it with a huff. "..." He looks up, startled at the knocking though. "Who...who is it?!"
14 years ago
doesn't verbally reply though, since she figures he won't even open the door for her. Instead she just knocks again. Knock knock.
Roel is
14 years ago
wondering who the hell is so persistent as he pushes himself off the couch and stomps over to the door, throwing it open. "W-What is it--"
14 years ago
stops though, definitely not expecting Eva to be there.
Eva is
14 years ago
the one who is standing there, though and she looks completely serious. "Het spijt me. I did not think you would react so badly."
14 years ago
just thinks being straight to the point is the best solution right now.
14 years ago
blinks, staring at her for a moment before glancing down and shaking his head. He's shaking badly and he's starting to close the door.-
14 years ago
-"D-Dank u please. Go. I-I'm busy, yeah?"
14 years ago
notices that and she places her foot in the way of that door so he won't close it. "Nee." Maybe she looks kind of sad. "Don't push me away."
Roel is
14 years ago
not going to smash her foot, but he's still keeping the door closed as much as he can. "...E-Eva...alsjeblieft, doe dit niet.."
14 years ago
shakes her head and pushes the door gently, urging him to open it. "No. I'm sorry if it bothered you so much but don't do this."
Roel gives
14 years ago
her a pleading look, but finally just let's out a held breath and throws the door open. "....fine." He turns and walks back over to his-
14 years ago
-previous sitting place and folds his hands, resting his chin on them and staring at the broken pieces of pipe.
14 years ago
stays by the door for a while but soon steps in, closing the door behind her and follows him, but-- "You didn't.."
14 years ago
stares wide-eyed at the broken pipe.
14 years ago
let's out a sort of choked sob and let's his hands cover his face as he slouches over.
14 years ago
immediately turns to look at him and moves over to him, placing her hands on his shoulders. "Roel why did you do that..?"
14 years ago
sounds far too gentle for someone who is to blame.
14 years ago
flinches at her touch, trying to move away from it. "....I-Ik was boos m-met het..." He manages to say through his fingers.
14 years ago
almost considers just moving away completely but she really can't. "... Y-you shouldn't have done that, though. B-but it was my fault.."
14 years ago
shakes his head, not trying to move away anymore. "...Ik k-kan hier niet mee o-omgaan zuster." He finally looks up, staring at her with-
14 years ago
-defeated eyes. "I feel like I'm going insane."
14 years ago
does look away this time, though, feeling her stomach churn. "... I'm sorry." Her voice feels like it's fading away, ow. "I-- I should go."
14 years ago
can't handle seeing him like this.
14 years ago
nearly feels himself break at this as well, his hands shakily moving over to cling to her. "N-Nee, please don't go. I-I'm...just reckless-
14 years ago
-right now. I-I..." *swallows, staring at the pieces and then back at her* "...will you help me clean that up?"
14 years ago
doesn't make a move to walk away, although just the touch is even making her toes curl. She's afraid she might cry in front of him. "I..."
14 years ago
nods slowly, looking at the pieces, unable to look at him in the eyes. "Alright.."
14 years ago
nods slowly, letting go of her and getting up shakily to go and find a broom or something.
14 years ago
watches him go and moves over, dropping on the floor to pick up some pieces by hand. It kind of makes her want to cry really, but she won't.
14 years ago
finally returns with a little dustpan and leans down, sweeping up the smaller pieces of broken clay, remaining silent.
14 years ago
holds up the larger pieces and looks down at them sadly. It was a really pretty pipe. "... I'm so sorry."
14 years ago
shakes his head, motioning for her to put the pieces in the small garbage can he managed to drag over. "...don't be."
14 years ago
does so quite reluctantly, wincing at the very sound of the pieces hitting the bottom of the can. "I shouldn't have taken it in the first -
14 years ago
14 years ago
( /feels guilty... ;; )
14 years ago
dumps the rest of the debris in the trash, sighing and glancing at her. "You...were trying to do a good thing, right? Don't...regret that."
14 years ago
(( Why do you feel guilty? D': <3))
14 years ago
(baww, don't xD /petspets)
14 years ago
( his pretty pipe got owned by wall. D: )
14 years ago
((Yeah ; w ; But its not your fault silly~ /pets))
14 years ago
shakes her head. "I was being selfish again. It is none of my business what you do."
14 years ago
(that's right, it's BELGIUM'S B( baww we'll get him a new one ;A; )
14 years ago
turns, setting the dustpan down and grabbing her face softly. "Eva. Do not regret doing the right thing, godverdomme. I...I hate that I-
14 years ago
-broke it. But maybe--maybe this is a good thing." He furrows his eyebrows, wondering why he still looks so sad even with those words.
14 years ago
( just kiss, you two. /sob ;; )
Eva wants
14 years ago
to look away but she feels awful; she can't even do that now. "It's not that. And it's not a good thing. I do not want you to change -
14 years ago
because I did something selfish. I didn't do the right thing, I broke something precious to you." And she feels terrible. He seems so sad...
14 years ago
(/snorted irl ;;-)
14 years ago
(.. ew icon .)
14 years ago
( this is heartbreaking. .~. )
14 years ago
( ;n; /offers popcorn?)
14 years ago
( /takes; sniff; quietly lurks again. )
14 years ago
((/same oh lord XDD <3))
14 years ago
((pff MatthewXD <3))
14 years ago
shakes his head, thumbing her cheeks softly. "Please...please just stop...I'm not crying in front of you again....damn it..."
14 years ago
won't say anymore if it means he won't do that. She does not want him to cry; it's not him, she's blaming herself. "I should go before I say
14 years ago
something stupid."
14 years ago
keeps thumbing her cheeks, continuing to shake his head. "Nee....don't go..."
14 years ago
tries to move his hands away, if only because it's making her more nervous. "Don't do this. What good will it be if I stay today?"
14 years ago
shrugs, pulling his hands away only because she's making him. "It will stop me from breaking something else." He's blunt, cause he knows-
14 years ago
-a window is going to get shattered if he's left alone right now.
14 years ago
sits back on the floor, looking at her shoes. "Or it will make you break more things." She can't help thinking that. "I say stupid things."
14 years ago
glances down himself, staying close to her. "I won't. I promise I won't. As long as you stay..."
14 years ago
shrugs a little, hugging herself. "This has been a bad day. I can't see how it would help." Or perhaps she is just in denial.
14 years ago
steps forward a bit, pulling her into a bit of a weak hug. "'ll help a lot. Please stay."
14 years ago
nods slowly but does n0t return the hug otherwise. She's almost afraid to hurt him more just with that. "... Alright then."
14 years ago
nuzzles into her neck, letting out and exasperated sigh. "...dan u wel.."
14 years ago
((*dank ff))
14 years ago
(( /petspets))
14 years ago
chokes back a little sob at that - she isn't going to cry, she *can't* - and sort of leans against him, though looking away. "I-It's fine.."
14 years ago
((/purrs ; w ; <3))
14 years ago
holds her tighter, swallowing and staying quiet now.
14 years ago
leans closer, leaning her head against his shoulder. "Why..." She bites her lip, trying to hold back another sob. "We are so... Tragic."
14 years ago
(( ,3;/ <3)
14 years ago
rubs her back softly, chuckling emptily. "...I think we are..."
14 years ago
(( ; A ; <3))
14 years ago
just nods, swallowing drily. Her throat hurts now, but she refuses to cry. "... It's not fair. It just. Isn't."
14 years ago
shakes his head softly, nuzzling closer. "...I know..."
14 years ago
hesitantly wraps her arms around him, burying her face in his shoulder. "I'm tired of this." She sighs. "I want- I want us to be happy."
14 years ago
sighs himself, continuing to rub her back and nuzzle into her neck. "I..I do too. I can't handle us fighting anymore."
14 years ago
"It hurts." She sighs again, holding him tightly. "I do not want to hurt you like today. I don't want to fight. It's just... Not fair."
14 years ago
shakes his head softly against her neck, swallowing hard. "I-I know..its not..."
14 years ago
shrugs lightly at the gesture and pulls away just enough to kiss his forehead, avoiding the scar. "We need to change that, don't we.."
14 years ago
leans into her, sighing softly and closing his eyes. "...ja, we really do."
14 years ago
pets his hair gently, looking away again. "I'm so sorry.. I just don't know what to say or do anymore, I think."
14 years ago
nods, leaning more into her touch. "...I don't either." He chuckles weakly, staring at her.
14 years ago
leans down slightly so that their foreheads are touching. "I could visit you more... And behave less like a child, I think."
14 years ago
nuzzles against her, sighing. "And...I think I could listen to you more and nod yell so much. Or, ya know be an ass about things."
14 years ago
((*not D'|))
14 years ago
shakes her head. "I love you for who you are. I don't want you to change, really..."
14 years ago
snorts, giving her a smile smile. "Well if yer changing something, then I'm changing something. We're making this fair, yeah?"
14 years ago
nods, offering a tiny smile of her own. "Ja, I suppose so.. But that is something we must work on, little by little... Right?"
14 years ago
nods a bit, chuckling weakly. "Ja, I suppose so~"
14 years ago
leans against him, nodding. "You need a new pipe now.."
14 years ago
snorts, leaning back and just stroking at her back again. "Tomorrow. Or next week, I don't care...m'too fuckin' exhausted..."
14 years ago
rests her head in the crook of his neck, humming softly. "Soon, then. You should rest, after all of this.."
14 years ago
shivers but sighs himself. "...ja, I know~"
14 years ago
nuzzles a bit, closing her eyes for the moment. "Then go do that, ja? Don't pass out."
14 years ago
huffs, still holding her close and blushing lightly. "....w-will you...uh, come take a nap w-with me...?"
14 years ago
doesn't notice that, but she makes no effort to move away from him, anyhow. "Mm, ja. If you really want me to..
14 years ago
14 years ago
nods a bit, trying to pull himself away from her. "mm ja...then let's uh, go do that." *blinks, starting to head to his bedroom*
14 years ago
offers a tiny smile as she stands and dusts her clothes a little before walking after him, reaching out to hold his hand.
14 years ago
glances down, smiling weakly and giving her hand a squeeze as he leads her into the room.
14 years ago
looks around the room, as if it was an unknown location to her before now. "Sleep will help, I think.."
14 years ago
nods, throwing off his shirt and pants to get comfortable before flopping onto his bed. "Ja, I think it will.." He sighs softly, rolling-
14 years ago
-over to look at her and motion her to lay on the bed as well.
14 years ago
doesn't take anything off, really, but does lie down across from him in the meantime. "Mm.."
14 years ago
stretches his arm over to pull her closer. "hrmpf..." He nuzzles into the back of her neck, sighing.
14 years ago
shivers and smiles slightly, rolling around just to face him, breathing softly. "This is better.."
14 years ago
nods, holding her tighter and pressing a kiss to her forehead. "Ja..."
14 years ago
snuggles closer at that for a moment but-- she pulls away for a bit, enough to sit up and throw off her shirt before returning to her -
14 years ago
previous spot snuggled up against him. "That's better.. Mm, sleep well.. ♥"
14 years ago
appreciates this quite a bit but he's too tired to do much at this point. "..dank u..." He pets at her back, shutting his eyes and soon-
14 years ago
-falling asleep.
Eva is
14 years ago
quite tired herself and only manages to give him a little kiss on the cheek, before sleep gets to her too and she closes her eyes to rest...
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