Gilbert is
14 years ago
leading Elias away from the main streets and into a back alley warehouse, never letting go of her arm.
latest #105
Elizaveta feels
14 years ago
kind of like a captive at this point, and is debating pulling out a gun on him. "This isn't shady at all," she comments.
14 years ago
snorts. "You said you wanted some place away from the streets. We're away from the streets."
14 years ago
rolls her eyes. "Whatever. Now just tell me what you want to know, and I'll be on my way." Hopefully that was all he wanted. Hopefully.
14 years ago
snorts. "I don't think so. You're going to *help* me get my revenge."
14 years ago
frowns. "Right, and hows that? And what do you even want revenge *for*?"
14 years ago
huffs. "That's none of your business!" ...because, really, getting gassed out of his warehouse was embarrassing.
14 years ago
pffts. "Really now? Because I think I have a right to know if I'm being pulled into this."
14 years ago
nods. "Yes. That is so. All you need to know is that I want revenge."
14 years ago
crosses her arms. "Whatever." She switches to her normal voice, which is in between her "lady" voice of last night, and her "man" voice --
14 years ago
of every day. "Now can we get on with this already?"
Gilbert is
14 years ago
a bit surprised at her normal voice--he had expected it to sound exactly like it had last night. It's good, though, cause her girl voice was
14 years ago
annoying. He runs a hand through his gradually lightening hair and nods. "Yes, of course! Start talking!"
14 years ago
almost replies with, "I've *been* talking, dumbass," but resists. She sighs. "If you want to get to Roderich, I'd say go after--
14 years ago
his pianos. He would marry them if he could, but... he gets a little... terrifying when something happens to them." Terrifying as in, --
14 years ago
willing to torture someone to death.
14 years ago
raises an eyebrow. "...seriously?" ...Well, he guessed that made sense. "...He did seem to flip when I touched his piano last night..."
14 years ago
runs her hand through her hair nervously. "It's a little... risky... though. I'm not kidding about the terrifying bit."
14 years ago
knows that he can be terrifying. =\ Stupid gas... he nods. "Okay. What else, then?"
Elizaveta thinks
14 years ago
, biting the inside of her hip as she huffs. "Uhh, he has high prices but is stingy to the extreme when it comes to buying things?"
14 years ago
isn't selling Rodering anything, though. He does buy things from Roderich at times, though. "Hmm....How well guarded
14 years ago
is his warehouse when he's not in it?"
Elizaveta gives
14 years ago
him a look. "You think he'd risk anything? It's rigged as good as heck with traps. Guard-there are a set of five to ten guards that switch
14 years ago
off, with at least four on guard at all times."
14 years ago
frowns, kicking a rock on the ground. "Well, fuck! I know he's got that fucking gas, but really?" He frowns, but then realizes
14 years ago
something. "Wait. You're his copilot. You could order the guards away, right?"
14 years ago
didn't want to get involved *this* much. "Well, yes, but..." She trailed off. That would mean the guards could tell Roderich she was--
14 years ago
Gilbert has
14 years ago
a plan! He smirks. "Perfect. Okay, so, *you* go tell Roderich that I'm blackmailing you into forcing the guards away from the warehouse.
14 years ago
That way, you keep your job and you still seem loyal and all that shit. Meanwhile, while he goes to the warehouse to get me....I'll sneak in
14 years ago
and destroy his piano!" Haha! Foolproof.
14 years ago
runs a hand down her face, feeling a bit stressed by this. "Alright. So long as you don't screw things over." Which, for some reason, --
14 years ago
she doubts.
14 years ago
huffs. "I'm not going to screw things up. *You* better not screw up! Or else you won't have a job anymore."
14 years ago
understand that by now, thank you very much.
14 years ago
adds, "but in that case, I have no reason not to chop your balls off."
14 years ago
snorts. "You could always work with *me* if he fires you."
14 years ago
frowns. "You think that would prevent me from trying?"
14 years ago
scoffs. "At least you'd have a job!"
14 years ago
eyes him. "How do you get money, anyways"
Gilbert is
14 years ago
a pirate! "I steal shit and sell it--what do you think?"
Elizaveta thinks
14 years ago
that's obvious. "But how much would *I* get?"
14 years ago
raises an eyebrow. "How much do you *want*?"
14 years ago
's eyes widen a teensy bit. "Well... wait, I get a *choice* in this?" Was it really *that* easy?
14 years ago
shrugs. "Unless you ask for too much, sure why the fuck not?"
14 years ago
isn't exactly used to that. Doesn't particularly *want* to be a pirate, as she much prefers to have a respectable position in society, --
14 years ago
but that was a better response than what she expected. "I just took you as a prick, is all." Though she's also used to Roderich, who is a--
14 years ago
14 years ago
huffs. "Just because Roderich is a cheapskate doesn't mean *I* am. As long as I have enough to take care of myself and my brother
14 years ago
(and maybe a little more for bars and stuff... >.>) you can have the rest. It might be a little, it might be a lot..." He shrugs.
14 years ago
blinks. "You take care of your brother? And you're a pirate?"
14 years ago
waves a hand. "Well, I don't take care of Ludwig cause he's in the military and can take care of himself and wouldn't take anything I gave
14 years ago
him anyways. But Allison's 7, so *yes* I take care of him. I'm a pirate, yes, but I'm also human."
14 years ago
didn't really expect that. "I wasn't aware that you had a younger brother. I take it your parents aren't to speak of..?"
Gilbert is
14 years ago
*older* than Ludwig, thank you very much. He shrugs. "Woke up one day and they were gone. Ludwig found a mentor, and went
14 years ago
off to the military, and Allison stayed with me." He shrugs. "You do what you can."
14 years ago
thought Ludwig was older. ;; Maturity and looks, an' all. "It's surprising that Ludwig doesn't take Allison, seeing that he's the one with-
14 years ago
respectable job."
14 years ago
rolls his eyes. "Lud's just buff is all. And taller. But I''m older." He shakes his head. "Nah, you can't bring kids into the
14 years ago
military. He *wanted* to, but his superiors wouldn't let him. So, he's with me."
14 years ago
laughs. "Do they even know who they left the kid to? And how come you're shorter and scrawnier, if you're supposed to be the older one?"
14 years ago
glares at her. "Hey. Just because he works for the military and works out every day and gets good food, doesn't mean *I* do."
14 years ago
pokes him in the chest. "Naw, you're just scrawny."
14 years ago
huffs, slapping her hand away. "At least I don't *pretend* to be a guy."
14 years ago
crosses her arms. "Well hey, I've been able to pull it off for the past nine years, haven't I? You're the second to find out."
14 years ago
raises an eyebrow. "Oh? Whose the first?"
14 years ago
scratches her head and does the "heh heh" thing again. "This girl... let's just say she liked me. A lot. Until she... uh, *attacked* me --
14 years ago
only to find out for herself that I had boobs." That hadn't been awkward. Nope.
14 years ago
pauses for a second, and then starts laughing hysterically.
14 years ago
punches him lightly in the chest. "Hey! It wasn't MY fault I was too good at being a man! Probably closer than YOU ever got anyways."
14 years ago
punches her back, laughing. "Sure! But at least I'm the one with the penis!"
14 years ago
frowns. "I have high doubts about that. And you just admitted that you've never had any."
14 years ago
raises an eyebrow. "What, you think I've never had sex. I'm a *pirate*!"
14 years ago
laughs. "That doesn't mean anything if you don't have anything to back it up down there. AND you admitted it."
14 years ago
huffs. "I did not!"
14 years ago
smiles. "Did too. And you don't seem the type, anyways."
14 years ago
crosses his arms, glaring at her. "I did not! And is that so?"
14 years ago
shakes her head. "Naw, I don't think you'd be able to over-power a woman to do that sorta thing."
14 years ago
advances on her, raising an eyebrow at her. "Oh? Is that so?"
14 years ago
raises both her eyebrows at him. "Pretty sure." That, and she has her hand on a gun in her pocket, just in case her impression of him is--
14 years ago
14 years ago
smirks at her, moving closer, moving to put a hand on her hip. "...And how much are you willing to bet on that?"
14 years ago
snorts, a defiant look in her eyes. "You seem to have forgotten our first run-in."
14 years ago
raises an eyebrow. "Yeah. You ran away."
14 years ago
frowns. "Only because you gave me that look. Your face is kind of... euugh."
14 years ago
snorts. "You didn't run away at the ball." He points out.
14 years ago
puts a hand on her hip. "I had an *act* to keep up, and you had a mask on, so I wasn't as shocked."
14 years ago
snorts. "You can't *honestaly* tell me that Roderich, with his mole and one hair that sticks up," he said, imitating Mariazell with his
14 years ago
finger. " better looking than me."
14 years ago
shrugs with a smirk. "I'm just not into guys who look like bloodshot old men."
14 years ago
snorts. "Well, I'm not into girls that crossdress, sorry to disappoint."
14 years ago
pulls out her gun with a smile. "Good, because girls that crossdress tend to be armed."
Gilbert is
14 years ago
quick to take out his own gun. "As are *pirates*."
14 years ago
cocks it. "If anything, my gun is most likely much more advanced than yours. Unlike the ones you bought from Mr. Edelstein."
14 years ago
glares at her. "Well, if *Mr. Edlestein* wouldn't inflate his prices (as well as his ego) then more of us could pay for the better guns."
Elizaveta feels
14 years ago
satisfied with that glare he's giving her. "You're a pirate. I don't think you're at liberty to be complaining about prices on the black--
14 years ago
14 years ago
can and will, thank you very much.
14 years ago
pokes him with her gun. "Now, excuse me, but I'd like some air to breath if you wouldn't mind."
14 years ago
rolls his eyes, but takes a few steps back. He's probably got rabies standing next to her for so long.
Elizaveta is
14 years ago
most likely much healthier and cleaner than Gilbert, thank you very much.
Gilbert thinks
14 years ago
that doesn't mean she still could get rabies.
14 years ago
agrees. She can't get rabies. C:
14 years ago
couldn't* fuck you
14 years ago
agrees with that as well.
14 years ago
...that was correcting a typo, not a sentence. CONTEXT CLUES please read them.
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