El Capitán
14 years ago
Antonio had tried to fight it long enough now. He'd felt the rising urges of the blood lust screaming at him every night, but now it was
latest #215
El Capitán
14 years ago
reaching a crescendo. He was losing grip on his ability to change forms; in fact, he was stuck in his wolf form now. And with a sickening
El Capitán
14 years ago
realization as the last of his usual concious slipped away, he knew why. The full moon was out, tonight.
El Capitán
14 years ago
There was a moment of absolute silence as the wolf looked blank eyed, for just a brief second, looking into the distance; then suddenly, his
El Capitán
14 years ago
eyes snapped open, irises bright, bright yellow. It was time to go on a hunt. With a near earsplitting howl to the moon, the wolf dashed off
El Capitán
14 years ago
into the night, his blood addled senses telling him to go one place; the witch's encampment.
El Capitán
14 years ago
(wow, that was long =u= done now~)
14 years ago
14 years ago
[[-w-llllb Spain...I love you...]]
El Capitán
14 years ago
( Feli I will try not to fail! )
14 years ago
[[=w=~ will be lurker~]]
14 years ago
Lovino sat contentedly on the windowsill, swinging his feet over the edge gently. He didn't feel sore anymore, so he was taking every
14 years ago
oppurtunity to do things after the day or so of laying in bed apathetically. The camp was shimmering with moonlight, and he couldn't help
14 years ago
but allow himself a small smile of satisfaction. Things seemed so... *Right*.
El Capitán
14 years ago
(Done? :3 )
14 years ago
[[Yuuup~ |3]]
El Capitán
14 years ago
14 years ago
14 years ago
[[I TRY, I TRY. If you're talking about what I think you are, fff.]]
El Capitán
14 years ago
Antonio meanwhile, raced towards the encampment, flying through the woods like a shadow alive. It wasn't like he didn't know the path; even
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if his usual thoughts were buried deep between the aching, needy throb for blood, he'd been here so many times he could do it blindfolded.
El Capitán
14 years ago
How convenient for the moon driven werewolf, who dared through trees and bushes-it was almost like he'd been taken over by another
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personality entirely, and it showed. With what almost sounded like a laugh, the werewolf wildly paused to howl at the moon above, visible
El Capitán
14 years ago
through the treetops, and carried on his way.
El Capitán
14 years ago
(done o3o)
14 years ago
The witch took a deep breath, the night air crisp and cool in his lungs, hat perched carefully atop his head. He was oblivious to the howls,
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merely swinging his legs still, the blowing wind pinking his cheeks from exposure.
El Capitán
14 years ago
There it was, the edge of the encampment. Antonio skidded to a stop for just a moment, figure barely illuminated by the moonlight behind him
El Capitán
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and looked the place over. The smell of h uman was downright tantalizing, wafting over the entire camp. With a howl, Antonio streaked into
El Capitán
14 years ago
the camp, tackling one of the witches guarding the entrance in front of him and ripping her throat open.
14 years ago
[[Oh god damn, it's over between us. You killed my distant relative. >u>]]
El Capitán
14 years ago
( XD )
14 years ago
(( NOT TERRY! ))
14 years ago
((oh god, this is so good))
El Capitán
14 years ago
( alkdjkdjg ;///; Ivan_Ru r-r-eally?)
14 years ago
Upon hearing the sound, he leaped off the windowsill, unclicking his spellbook from his thigh, considering calling for Antonio through the
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link but choosing not to drag him into this.
14 years ago
[[I would get all wibbley but I'm not really contributing much.]]
14 years ago
((yeah, its been a while since i read some action and killing here))
El Capitán
14 years ago
That was a smart idea. Would he try anything through the link, it would be violently blocked out; this form was in no way interested in any
El Capitán
14 years ago
of Lovino's thoughts. Barking out a harsh laugh, the wolf leapt at the other guard and repeated the motion--the moment she lifted her hand
El Capitán
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to hit him with magic, he tackled her down, streaking sharp claws down her chest to open it up wide.
El Capitán
14 years ago
(/yanyanyanyan >u>;;; th-thanks guys asafsfasf i'll try not to fail)
14 years ago
14 years ago
14 years ago
((@uk:XDDDDDDDDDDD spain:you'll do great))
14 years ago
His grip tightened on his spellbook, foot twisting on the ground at the second scream. No one was around this late at night, but no one ever
Lovino was
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, the witch had discovered after many years of nightmares and insomnia.
14 years ago
[[/W-was done with that if you didn't know]]
El Capitán
14 years ago
(sorry, had to run ad hide cause I thought mom was up >u>; )
14 years ago
[[O-oh, sorry!]]
El Capitán
14 years ago
Antonio meanwhile, streaked his way through the camp, taking out witches as he went; he was aiming for utter destruction, now wasn't he?
El Capitán
14 years ago
Utter destruction...and a taste of that one human's blood. He could smell it on the air, stronger than the other's--so familiar, almost--but
El Capitán
14 years ago
14 years ago
El Capitán
14 years ago
(I knew that was gonna happen)
14 years ago
[[-Deletes- AKDGNALKHI SO STUPID /Shame]]
El Capitán
14 years ago
it wasn't like he couldn't attack the others, now was it? An appetizer before the main course. Howling wildly as more witches came out,
El Capitán
14 years ago
firing spells at him, the wolf simply leapt at them, something mad on his face as he took down one, then another, then another, blood
El Capitán
14 years ago
spurting through the air with each torn throat. God damn, it felt good to be so alive.
El Capitán
14 years ago
(now done XD)
14 years ago
14 years ago
14 years ago
14 years ago
El Capitán
14 years ago
(....You guys XD)
14 years ago
Everything was crashing down around him, blood coating the ground everywhere. He knew this was nothing he could handle when he saw the form
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of a werewolf running around. It was time to call Antonio, it see-- The spellbook clattered from his hand, skittering across the ground.
14 years ago
That... That was Antonio.
14 years ago
((;A; ))
El Capitán
14 years ago
The clatter caught his attention; the wolf picked his head up, ears pricked forward, and locked gazes with the witch. That was where the
El Capitán
14 years ago
scent was coming from. That was him. There was a moment where he just stared, eyes yellow, mouth frothy, the blood on his snout shining in
El Capitán
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the moonlight--then, he dashed forwards, aiming to rip the other's head off and bleed him dry.
El Capitán
14 years ago
(/listens to thriller)
14 years ago
14 years ago
((/loves thriller, and so appropiate for this XDD))
14 years ago
[[Just cause he died a year ago today does not mean we can speak of him. Ever.]]
El Capitán
14 years ago
( XD It's just perfect music for this auuugh)
14 years ago
((....I hate that I just watched the Bollywood version a few mins ago.. ))
El Capitán
14 years ago
(and besides I know the dance ;3; so I was getting up and dancing between responses XD)
14 years ago
[[....I have lost all respect for you.]]
El Capitán
14 years ago
( D8-)
El Capitán
14 years ago
(...lol that face XD)
14 years ago
((i love bollywood version XDDD))
El Capitán
14 years ago
(but no seriously fff. If anything, people should honor his music ono )
14 years ago
((you should see the mexican parody of it, its hilarious))
14 years ago
14 years ago
It stung horribly, the way the wolf looked at him, almost like he didn't know him besides the smell of his blood. But that look fueled his
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ability to do the following-- waving his arm and calling out the command for the freeze spell, sparks racing up and down his hand. This was
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all so heart-breakingly familiar but twenty times worse.
El Capitán
14 years ago
This Antonio was a lot less dopey than his usual self; he rolled out of the way of the spell and leapt at the other, slamming him down into
El Capitán
14 years ago
the ground, massive paws resting on his chest. There was a crackly voice through the link, but it was low and growly, barely understandable
El Capitán
14 years ago
. *Smells....amazing...good meal...haaa, haaa*...."
14 years ago
His eyes were wide with fear as he placed his foot on the wolf's underbelly, kicking up with as much force as possible. He was so horrified,
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what had happened to the werewolf? But it was staring him right down from the sky-- he realized with a glimmer of terror that it was the
14 years ago
full moon tonight.
El Capitán
14 years ago
The kick sent him careening off of the witch with a grunt; but he got right back up again, tenaciously attacking the witch and sinking his
El Capitán
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claws into his wrists, pinning him into the ground.
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He let out a cry of pain as the claws sunk into his flesh, wriggling furiously and only succeeding in tearing up his wrists more. *Stop*...!
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he yelled through the link desperately. *Don't you see what you're doing*!? It was probably useless, though.
El Capitán
14 years ago
He leaned in further, exhaling hotly against the other's neck, letting go with one paw and sniffing him, almost. Lifting the free one, he
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brought it down the front of the other's dress, ripping it open to expose his flesh. Any thoughts coming through the link were near broken
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14 years ago
as the wolf pressed his claws just above the other's heart, leaving a good sized mark. " *Wonder if heart...tastes good as rest*..."
14 years ago
His face twisted into a bitter scowl, lifting his now-free hand and flicking it once, twice, blue and purple sparks coating up and down his
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arm, and he drew the hand close to him before backhanding the wolf across the snout, smirking at the singeing sound of the magic sparks.
El Capitán
14 years ago
He whimpered and rolled off of him, but took the hit like it was nothing--if anything, it just made him angrier. The wolf immediately sprang
El Capitán
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back into action, leaping at the other even faster than before.
14 years ago
Lovino lifted both legs to his chest, kicking out furiously. He wouldn't let the wolf kill him. "Stay the fuck away from me, Antonio. I
14 years ago
don't want to hurt you but I will."
El Capitán
14 years ago
Tenaciously, he returned to the other, catching onto his arm with those sharp teeth and biting down, hard, growling loudly.
14 years ago
"Ah--!" the witch yelped, tugging his hand away. Had the wolf broken skin? He couldn't tell; his whole arm was already numb. He smacked
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Antonio again, sparks flicking wildly, a few yellow ones standing out in the cold-color mix.
14 years ago
[[...To be clearer, he smacks him with the other arm. You're still biting one.]]
El Capitán
14 years ago
(Gotcha XD)
El Capitán
14 years ago
Antonio grunted but held on, stubbornly, sharp teeth sinking in as he used his whole body weight to pull the other down; there was a sick
El Capitán
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*crack*! as the bone broke under the force of his powerful bite.
14 years ago
Lovino's scream echoed through the air, eyes bubbling with water from sheer shock, adrenaline quickly flooding away some of the pain. The
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incantation for the knockback spell was just on the edge of his tongue, but it would be useless if he didn't get Antonio to stop biting his
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arm; the witch would merely be thrown along with the werewolf. "Let. *Go*!"
El Capitán
14 years ago
The taste of blood filled the wolf's mouth, still holding on with that iron grip; so it wasn't the most desirable point of entry, but it
El Capitán
14 years ago
definitely worked. He held on valiantly, ears twitching forward, the blood filling every one of his senses.
14 years ago
The thin witch was starting to lose hope, shaking up and down his body, pain-blocking from the adrenaline ebbing away, his arm searing in
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pain. Even the wolf's numbing spit wasn't helping the pain in the slightest. "L-let go, let go, let go...!"
El Capitán
14 years ago
When he finally did go, he dropped to the ground, only to tackle the other again, this time going in for his neck, the killing blow. He had
El Capitán
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gotten a taste; there was no stopping him, now.
14 years ago
Finally. He yelled out the words to the knockback spell, hoping desperately that it hit. It was his last chance, after all.
El Capitán
14 years ago
(What does it doooo ;u;' )
14 years ago
[[Knockback spell. Knocks you back. XD Pretty much, sends you flying away? Standard spell.]]
El Capitán
14 years ago
(XD I'm sorry, I am so tired ;; is it like far away type thing, or just enough for the caster to escape?)
14 years ago
[[;w; Sleep if you're tired. It's like, a few meters?]]
14 years ago
[[Further or closer depending on how strong of a witch you are/how much magic you have left.]]
El Capitán
14 years ago
(Sleep's good. ;u; '/will reply tomorrow)
14 years ago
(( ... *feels the urge to hit Spain with her frying pan* HOW COULD YOU HURT MY BB D8 < ))
El Capitán
14 years ago
14 years ago
El Capitán
14 years ago
It did. It hit him like a ton of bricks, the spell powerful in Lovino's desperation. The wolf screamed in pain as he was thrown back against
El Capitán
14 years ago
a wall--he slid down it in a pool of blood, half of it other's but mostly his own.
14 years ago
Lovino cringed, almost, *almost* wanting to leap up and go after the wolf, help him. But he knew that he'd only end up dead. Standing up, he
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began to back away, quickly, eyes never leaving the werewolf.
El Capitán
14 years ago
The wolf was bleeding, his vision going fuzzy, irises changing from bright yellow to their usual, soft green. Everything ached, and he felt
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14 years ago
his conciousness slipping with every second. "*Lo..vi*..."
14 years ago
((;A; ))
14 years ago
His mouth opened in a little gasp, and ran forwards to the wolf, nearly tripping over his ragged and torn dress more than once until he
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reached Antonio, burying his onse into the other's soft, blood-soaked fur. *I'm sorry, I'm so sorry*--
El Capitán
14 years ago
He barely moved, lifting his snout to nuzzle gently against the other's cheek, the best he could. "*Hurt you...sorry....so sorry...monster*
El Capitán
14 years ago
14 years ago
*I-it wasn't your fault, please*... He closed his eyes, concentrating, using their new familiar powers to transmit memories of them
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together, every kiss, hug, m-more, repeating, over and over *You're not a monster*...
El Capitán
14 years ago
(berb )
14 years ago
[[Uwahhh.... /Gets breakfast to distract self]]
El Capitán
14 years ago
(XD Sorry, had to switch computers. My friend has my usual laptop charger, so was stuck using the fail one, and it finally failed.)
El Capitán
14 years ago
There was a soft smile on his face as he let his head fall to the ground, eyes half closed, everything going white. " *So sorry...shouldn't*
El Capitán
14 years ago
*have gotten close...knew this wuld happen...*"
14 years ago
[[Aww. XD I don't have laptops, but like, everyone in my family has an LG phone, so me and my sisters swap between 'em.]]
14 years ago
*Y-you couldn't help it, it wasn't you*-- Why was he making excuses? The werewolf had attacked, killed tons of witches without a second
14 years ago
thought. But... He couldn't, wouldn't let himself think Antonio was a monster. Lately, the werewolf was the only thing keeping him sane.
El Capitán
14 years ago
(Me and my dad have the same charger but my brother broke my dads XD I'm waiting on mine to get back later today)
El Capitán
14 years ago
He whined softly, his eyes nearly shutting. Everything was starting to white out now; the only thing he could really see was Lovino's face.-
El Capitán
14 years ago
" *You're...really good at...that spell I...am so proud*..."
14 years ago
His eyes bubbled over with tears, soaking the werewolf's fur, loud, throaty cries the only things audible besides breathing. *I never*
14 years ago
*should have had to use it on you, g-god, I hate this*--
El Capitán
14 years ago
"*I think I'm... dying*." he mumbled, bluntly, looking up at the other through sooty lashes; he butted his snout very lightly against the
El Capitán
14 years ago
other's knee and smiled, gently. "*Glad I...met you...*"
14 years ago
Lovino shook with sobs, each one louder and louder. *No*! *NO*! *Please, please, y-you can't*.... *God, d-don't, don't leave, please*...
El Capitán
14 years ago
The wolf rested his head on Lovino's knee, that smile still on his face, blood dripping from his mouth-definitely his own. " *I...love you*-
El Capitán
14 years ago
14 years ago
A flood of tears was dripping down his face, trembling, any pain of his own forgotten. *I-I love you too, so much, p-please, please*! He
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rebbed at his tears with his good arm, placing two outstretched palms on the wolf's back, praying with every bit of his soul this would work
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as it had before on the wolf, the only time he successfully used the healing spell, and murmured the incantation.
14 years ago
El Capitán
14 years ago
There was silence from the wolf, who's head dropped on the other's knee, eyes closed, breathing stilling. Everything was so warm...
14 years ago
The witch looked down, hands glowing faintly green, and he nearly broke out in tears again from relief. *Oh god, it's working*!
14 years ago
[[/Assumes that it worked because that's a lot cooler than you miraculously not dying ;3]]
El Capitán
14 years ago
(XD sure~ Actually, for a minute I wanted to kill him off for good XD; )
El Capitán
14 years ago
(but I guess I can reconsider \o/ )
El Capitán
14 years ago
The wolf took in a shuddering, painful breath, lung contracting, and whimpered softly. Being pulled back from the brink, from that warm,
El Capitán
14 years ago
soft place where everything was numb and white *hurt*.
14 years ago
[[W-what!? Then we couldn't revisit this theme!]]
El Capitán
14 years ago
(Like I said, I was just thinking about it XD; )
14 years ago
He pressed his face into the wolf's fur, tears leaking silently, mixing with the blood matting Antonio's fur. *I'm sorry, I c-can't live if*
14 years ago
*you're not here... G-goddammit, you've turned me soft*....
14 years ago
[[Y-you can still die if you want... /T-t-thought when you said warm you meant the healing spell was warm]]
El Capitán
14 years ago
He probably didn't realize how literal that was; of course, neither did Antonio, at the time. The wolf whimpered in pain, softly, squinting
El Capitán
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his eyes shut.
El Capitán
14 years ago
(fff, that;s okay XD; It was just good for the drama.)
14 years ago
*J-just, just rest, okay*? *I'll go find some medicine and stuff*. His dress was already torn enough, so he took it off, blushing, and put
El Capitán
14 years ago
( When the Day Met the Night - Panic! at the Disco - Lyrics ;u; )
14 years ago
it under Antonio's head as a replacement for his knee, figuring he could grab another outfit after he got medicine.
14 years ago
El Capitán
14 years ago
El Capitán
14 years ago
He nodded, spasming a touch as pain shot through him, and buried his head in the dress below him. *Don't...too kind to me. Should just*..
El Capitán
14 years ago
*let me die*."
14 years ago
El Capitán
14 years ago
( ;uuuu; <3 )
14 years ago
As he stood, he shot a glare down at the werewolf, eyes red from tears. *I didn't waste the last of my magic to heal you for no reason*,
14 years ago
*Antonio. Will you please stop being insufferable and realize that there are people who can't live without you*?
El Capitán
14 years ago
There was silence for a moment from the wolf, who closed his eyes and replied, link faint. "*Yes sir*."
14 years ago
*Better*. He offered a sliver of a smile. *When the full moon is safely out of the sky, I'll let you drink from me. Should help you heal*.
El Capitán
14 years ago
Antonio took a slow, wheezy breath, mumbling, " *Not...don't want to drink from you*."
14 years ago
*I don't care what you want. I want you to live, so you'll do what I say. I can't trust you to not off yourself when I'm not looking*. He
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frowned, the witch growing nervous. What if he wouldn't drink? What if he let himself die?
El Capitán
14 years ago
"*But I might...hurt you again*." he replied weakly, a shudder going through him. He was still losing blood, and fast.
14 years ago
*I don't mind. Love hurts, right*? Each twitch and shudder from Antonio made Lovino wince, and he wanted to drop down and hug the tawny
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wolf, if he weren't injured so badly. *Plus, I hurt you. A lot*.
El Capitán
14 years ago
"*but I deserved it*." he replied quietly, trying to hide the whimpers escaping him. "*L...Lovi...? The...f-first aid kit*...?"
14 years ago
Lovino's eyes widened, heart seizing with panic. *G-god, I'm so sorry, I'll*-- Flushing from embarrassment at his state of undress, he
14 years ago
scooped up a cloak, lying unused on the ground from who-knows-what witch, and wrapped himself up best he could, making a mad dash for the
14 years ago
storage cabin for medicine.
El Capitán
14 years ago
(move onto Feli's Plurk? :3)
14 years ago
[[/Moved on, but yes]]
14 years ago
(( .......))
14 years ago
[[Need a link to Feli's plurk?]]
14 years ago
(( sure. ))
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