14 years ago
has come back from a print shop with five copies of a comic he made about a girl who likes pandas. The panda is the best character in this--
latest #64
14 years ago
--thing really.
14 years ago
is slightly curious in this comic. Pandas?
14 years ago
holds his comics close. "Oh hello xian sheng." He will ignore Yao's curious gaze.
14 years ago
smiles, "Ni hao, how are you aru?" His eyes graze the comics.
14 years ago
holds the comics tighter. They have pandas printed all over them and a girl holding one on the cover. "Ah... well I suppose and yourself."
14 years ago
sees them and wants to wibble and take a comic, "I'm good aru." He points to the comic, "May I see?"
14 years ago
holds them even tighter against himself. "Glad to hear... and well.." He looks off to the side. "This is important work that I have yet to--
14 years ago
14 years ago
blinks, "Aa, I didn't know you drew LiXiang!"
14 years ago
still doesn't look at China. "It is really nothing special.*
14 years ago
gets a little closer, "It looks special aru. Let me see?"
14 years ago
sighs. "Xian sheng. This is not for children." He says with a nod, not to say China was a child.
14 years ago
sighs too, "What exactly are you drawing aru!?" Did Arthur corrupt him that badly?
14 years ago
looks at China. "...some pandas... mostly." He takes a step back. "So..."
14 years ago
doesn't see why that isn't for children... and he's not even a child. He steps forward, "Aiya, can't I see?"
14 years ago
turns away. "I think it is best if you did not for your sake and mine."
14 years ago
blinks, "W-why not?" If it's just pandas then it shouldn't be bad.
14 years ago
looks serious, but that is how he usually looks. "It is not for xian sheng. Definitely not."
14 years ago
is starting to think LiXiang is drawing panda porn. Oh what did those Europeans do to him, "Just a peek aru?"
14 years ago
"By a peek you mean only the first page or are you trying to get a look at the whole thing? That is not for free."
14 years ago
is appalled that LiXiang would even think about charging family, "Just the first page..."
14 years ago
has to treat everyone equally with prices, of course his favorite customers get stellar treatment. "Okay..." He shows him the first page. --
14 years ago
--it only has the title. 'Girl who likes panda a lot.'
14 years ago
wishes things were simpler like they were in the past. He blinks at the page, feeling cheated, "Aiya, I wanted to see your drawings!"
14 years ago
shakes his head. "We had an agreement. The first page only."
14 years ago
frowns, but it was true, "Okay aru, I won't pry."
14 years ago
is glad because there was definitely something not for children in his little comic.
14 years ago
wonders if he can somehow talk LiXiang into showing him another page, "Aa, are you hungry?"
14 years ago
thinks damn it. He does look uninterested though. "Not particularly. I mean... I suppose I could eat."
14 years ago
flashes him a big smile, "What are you craving?" He could make him whatever he wanted.
14 years ago
knows this but there had to be a catch. "You seem awfully friendly today."
14 years ago
frowns, "I can't treat my family kindly?" He just wanted to feed him... and look at a drawing.
14 years ago
has learned from Taiwan not to accept a meal from China, specially one offered exclusively to him lightly. But it was food. "Aa... okay I --
14 years ago
--will go with you and have something to eat."
14 years ago
smiles, "Okay aru!" He walks over to his kitchen, "What will you be having?"
14 years ago
"Oh. I want some steam buns and spring rolls and some jasmine tea." He almost feels like he is in a restaurant.
14 years ago
nods and gets some ingredients out, "Since you won't show me pictures, tell me what your comic is about aru." It had to be more in depth-
14 years ago
a girl who likes pandas.
14 years ago
sighs. He knew it. "It is about a girl who collect panda items and likes pandas a lot. So she ...umm gets a lot of panda items and goes --
14 years ago
--to Ocean Park."
14 years ago
listens intently while he cooks, still not seeing why this isn't for children, "You never told me you could draw."
14 years ago
places the comics down next to him. "I am not as talented in all honesty. So I would be ashamed if you saw my work." But really because--
14 years ago
--it was very naughty. And he did not want to get scolded.
14 years ago
eyes the comics for a split second and continues cooking. He still wanted to see his drawings; he'd never be ashamed! -
14 years ago
"You're just being modest aru. I'm sure you're as talented as Yong Soo."
14 years ago
looks down at his comics. "...Korea. No, this is not like his. It is my own. If you start saying things like that he may come claim my art--
14 years ago
--as his own."
14 years ago
serves the food and the tea, taking the dishes to the table, "Aiya, sorry." He hadn't meant it that way, but Yong Soo would claim it either-
14 years ago
way. He sets a plate in front of LiXiang and then places one where he is going to sit. That is, if he doesn't snatch the comics and run -
14 years ago
first. He's tempted since he wants to see LiXiang's cute panda drawings. He's sure they're cute.
14 years ago
does not think China will snatch anything. He is being a bit trusting now, mostly because he is blinded by the thoughts of delicious--
14 years ago
--foods. Go figure his weakness was something China was very good at. He would have to work on this. He knows it not that he is thinking--
14 years ago
--about it at this very moment. In fact he is getting ready to eat. Of course China does snatch one and runs, then Hong Kong will run in --
14 years ago
--the other direction fearing repercussions for his art.
14 years ago
finishes setting the tea down on the table and lets out a soft sigh. Okay, here goes. He was going to see those pandas no matter what, -
14 years ago
"Enjoy your meal aru!" And there, as fast as he can he snatches a comic. Damn it, he's acting like a child, but there were -
14 years ago
pandas in this! He's running down the hall now, flipping the comic open, hoping LiXiang will forgive him.
14 years ago
will not forgive him of course. Forgiveness does not come easy! He watches him go and drops his chopsticks. Okay, he was out of here. He--
14 years ago
--picks up the rest of his comics and leaves. Because that is a smart decision. Specially because he is sure China is getting past the--
14 years ago
--pictures of pandas and the girl looking at the pandas to the very explicit scene of the girl and her special friend.
14 years ago
stops and almost crashes into the wall. He could feel his eye twitch a little. W-what? "LIXIANG!" Oh no! He *has* been corrupted by the -
14 years ago
Europeans! What did Arthur teach him anyway?! He drops the comic and laughs at himself. This is what he gets.
14 years ago
can still hear China call him but he knows he needs to keep going! He had to admit at least it was a work of art of its own kind. A rather--
14 years ago
--beautiful piece. It had to be his best work yet. He does hope now China never realized who he modeled the girl after.
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