14 years ago
leans against a table, watching the going-ons.
latest #61
14 years ago
, feeling he's spent enough time greeting guests, is mingling, still using his best manners - and that's saying something. "And how
14 years ago
are you this evening, Miss Wagner?"
14 years ago
replies a little delayed. "Oh, just fine, thank you." She smiles, trying to be... girly or whatever.
14 years ago
inquires as to how Mr. Davis is doing?
Elizaveta says
14 years ago
he's doing just fine, though his knee seems to be getting worse.
14 years ago
proceeds to ask her a number of business questions. Well, half of the reason he threw this ball was for the informatino.
14 years ago
*OR information that too
14 years ago
proceeds to make educational-guesses on all the answers (aka bullshitting), getting a little exasperated, and realizes that women have fans-
14 years ago
because yes, dresses are hot as hell to be in.
Roderich is
14 years ago
getting...odd vibes here. Sort of a deja-vu in the way this woman phrases things. "I'm sorry, have I met you before?"
Elizaveta gives
14 years ago
him a confused look. "Well, no, Mr. Davis didn't have me accompany him last time."
14 years ago
frowns slightly. "Oh...my mistake. You just seemed slightly familiar."
14 years ago
shakes her head. "Well, with everyone's masks on, I can imagine it's easy to mistake people."
14 years ago
chuckles politely. "I suppose that's true." In lieu of conversation, he figures that the next polite thing to do would
14 years ago
be to ask her for a dance. He does.
14 years ago
didn't expect this, and has to resist laughing, because for some reason it's just fun. "I'd love a dance." She holds out a hand.
14 years ago
takes her hand with a smile, and leads her into the middle of the room, placing one hand on her hip.
14 years ago
mirrors his position, and remembers, oh right, she's in *heels*.
14 years ago
begins to lead, a very dignified waltz with few variations.
14 years ago
follows a bit, attempting to pick up on how the eff a lady is supposed to dance, and then ends up giving up thinking on it and just goes-
14 years ago
with what she's used to. "So, business must be fairing well for you, if you can afford a masquerade such as this."
Roderich is
14 years ago
...a little confused by Miss Wagner's *leading* in the dance, but figures it would be rude to comment and just tries to quietly regain
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control. "Oh, quite well. In fact, I've been thinking that I should contact Mr. Davis again. Could you inform him I'm interested
14 years ago
in doing business?"
14 years ago
smiles and nods. It's not her problem if it doesn't happen after tonight. "Of course." She's not too surprised how much Roderich is using--
14 years ago
her for purely business relations.
14 years ago
nods in a businesslike way. "I just got in a large shipment from a colleague of mine, actually."
14 years ago
He then goes into the vague but impressive sounding (/boring) details.
Elizaveta feels
14 years ago
as if this is starting to be a repeat, and starts to lose focus on Roderich, and slips more into the music moving her feet.
14 years ago
eventually starts to feel the lack of response. "I'm sorry. How silly of me to bore a lady with business talk."
14 years ago
blinks, and then does her best attempt at a girly laugh. It was odd, not having to follow Roderich's orders, but it also reminded her just-
14 years ago
why she crossdressed. "It's fine, Mr. Edelstein. The music is just so enveloping, that I can't help but wonder who the composer is."
Roderich is
14 years ago
now more appreciative of Miss Wager's company, and is instantly more animated. "Oh, this is Joseph Lanner's '
14 years ago
Trennungs-Walzer,' or Seperation Waltz." He then starts on an entirely different and more enthusiastic tangent.
14 years ago
laughs to herself lightly. He always got so much more lively whenever music was brought into the subject. "You have a very vast love of--
14 years ago
music, it seems."
14 years ago
smiles slightly. "Of course. It's my passion. Tell me, do you play any instruments?"
14 years ago
shakes her head. "Sadly, no, but I do sing." Or she did when she was a little girl. Her mother made her. Reason #34 why she now
14 years ago
Roderich is
14 years ago
still trying to ignore the fact that he's not really leading, whilst being polite. "Really? Perhaps you could sing for us later."
14 years ago
... well fuck. "Ahah... well, I don't have anything prepared, even."
14 years ago
shrugs. "It's your decision, of course, but I was planning on persuading a few guests to share their talents."
14 years ago
hasn't ACTUALLY sung in a while. "Well, I'm sure other people have much finer talents than me. It's... just a hobby, really."
14 years ago
smiles slightly. "Technically, music is my hobby as well. I make no money from it, other than selling the more expensive instruments."
14 years ago
shakes her head. "No no, you see, piano takes years of dedication and practice, while singing... anyone could do it if they tried."
14 years ago
shakes his head. "I'm sure you're marvelous." Technically he's sure of no such thing. But...pleasantries.
14 years ago
smiles nervously. "Thank you, but I'd rather be an audience than a performer."
14 years ago
smiles politely. "What a pity. Well, perhaps you'll enjoy it regardless." It might not be a bad thing, if she didn't turn out to be good.
14 years ago
nods. "I'm sure I shall." And then realizes she wasn't supposed to be leading this dance, but thinks Roderich makes the better girl anyways.
Roderich is
14 years ago
sort of...trying to regain the lead and failing. "You're quite the...spirited dancer."
14 years ago
Awwwe shit. "Afh... I'm sorry. I sometimes get ahead of myself." She forces herself to give up the lead, a bit sad.
14 years ago
smiles slightly. "It's quite alright. Sometimes women do get a bit ahead of themselves in a dance, but it doesn't do any harm."
14 years ago
at first, has no words. Something in her stirs and rears it's ugly head, but sure as hell, she's confident, not as ugly as whatever just --
14 years ago
came out of Roderich's mouth. "Of course," she says, her lips in a thin smile. "How silly of me to think a woman might lead."
14 years ago
notices nothing amiss. "It's certainly not your fault. Sometimes we just tend to forget ourselves, and our relative places."
Elizaveta feels
14 years ago
something in her smile twitch. This would be reason #35. "Oh, right, right. It's similar to how a woman can't be a pilot, or a man a
14 years ago
14 years ago
nods pleasantly. "Certainly, it can be seen as a metaphor for such things. A man's place versus a woman's, the workplace versus the home."
14 years ago
debates revealing herself just to prove him wrong, but decides against it. She'd like to keep her job for now. At least. "It's a surprise--
14 years ago
you're not married yet, seeing how well you understand these things." Sarcasm? Nooo. At least she didn't make it sound that way. Entirely.
Roderich thinks
14 years ago
for a moment that she might be being sarcastic, then dismisses it, because why would she? "Ah, I haven't quite had the time for courting."
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