14 years ago
wanders the ball nervously - she knows Mr. Edelstein is a rumored black market dealer, and has absolutely no idea why she was invited.
latest #44
14 years ago
[[OH lawl I think that may be made of a paper plate. WHATEVER it's more sturdy than that okay. >_>; ]]
14 years ago
had arrived not too long before. He waves to her; he recgonizes that short hair and..well, chest.
14 years ago
blinks at first, not sure it's Yong Soo, but waves anyway on a guess.
14 years ago
crosses to her, smiling to her. Yes, his haircurl is still visible. "Hey, you were invited too?"
14 years ago
nods, smiling after seeing the hair curl. "I was - but I'm not sure why. And...isn't Mr. Edelstein a...bad person, or something?"
14 years ago
scratches his chin. "That's what I thought! Maybe he wants something?" He shrugs. "Or thought it'd be suspicious?"
14 years ago
agrees. "Maybe we could use this as an opportunity to keep a close watch on him - or maybe there are other pirates here!"
14 years ago
nods. "Yeah...but that's not to say we can't do anything fun, either!" he grins.
14 years ago
nods excitedly, then falters. "I've never been to one of these before...I don't really know how to act."
14 years ago
makes his way towards the food table and hopes nobody can see through his cat mask.
14 years ago
blinks. "Erm...we can...dance!"
Katyusha thinks
14 years ago
...that could be fun! As long as he's not expecting her to be super good or anything.
14 years ago
isn't that good, either. He takes her hand. "Come on, I'm sure we can do this!"
Katyusha is
14 years ago
kind of excited about this! She follows him onto the dance floor.
14 years ago
turns to her when he's there, holding one of her hands in his, his other hand on her waist. "Is this right?"
14 years ago
stammers, "I-I think so." She proceeds to accidentally step on his foot. Already. "I'm sorry!"
14 years ago
smiles. "Oh, no, no, it's fine!" He starts to sway, leading her.
14 years ago
follows his lead, but is now flustered enough to step on his feet a few more times. >>;
14 years ago
doesn't seem to mind; He's acually surprised he hasn't stepped on her feet. He leads her as they dance, no idea if he's doing it right.
14 years ago
wouldn't have a clue if he was doing it wrong anyway. She sort of enjoys the spinning.
14 years ago
spins her slowly, being careful not to step on her toes. "You'rre doing great!" He says, smiling.
14 years ago
smiles back. "It's more fun than I thought it'd be!"
14 years ago
keeps smiling to her. "Hahaha, it is, isn't her?" He spins her again, grinning brightly.
14 years ago
nods, until she realizes that that's a bad idea while spinning. >>; "Have you ever done this?"
14 years ago
admits, "No, I haven't! Am I doing okay?"
14 years ago
grins. "You're doing great!" And she's even stepping on his feet less!
14 years ago
smiles. "So are you!" He's having fun with this.
14 years ago
applauds the musicians when the song ends. "It sure is a fancy party..."
14 years ago
applauds as well, then nods. "It is! It's really nice..."
14 years ago
frowns slightly. "I wonder why we haven't caught him doing anything yet, if he's made so much money doing illegal things."
14 years ago
frowns a little. "Maybe he's really sneaky?"
Katyusha thinks
14 years ago
that makes sense. She feels sort of bad for having so much fun here now.
Korea feels
14 years ago
a little bad as well, but he still wants to have fun!
Katyusha thinks
14 years ago
that it's probably okay to have fun here then...but only if Yong Soo thinks so too. >_>;
Korea thinks
14 years ago
it is okay! They aren't doing anything to hurt others, after all... "Oh! Have you checked the rules?"
Katyusha has
14 years ago
checked the rules! And learned that...they're not supposed to fraternize BUT that's okay. >_>;;;;
14 years ago
rubs the back of his head. "Well...then...it will be a secret!"
14 years ago
nods. "Besides, it can't be such a bad thing. It's not hurting anyone...
14 years ago
nods. "That's true!" He glances around. "Do you want anything?"
Katyusha thinks
14 years ago
about this. "Some of those pastries looked really good."
14 years ago
nods. "Okay, stay right here!" He darts off to get some pastries.
14 years ago
stays, peering at all of the people in masks and wondering if any of them were pirates in disguise.
14 years ago
returns a short while later, holding a small plate with a few pastries. "Here, I brought a few kinds!"
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