Father_John_Paul_Mary is
16 years ago
taking some additional italian conversation lessonsfor tomorrow's test. Hard 2 learn if everyone speaks english...
latest #8
stfrancisgirl says
16 years ago
I can't believe my 'new deacon' friend has to do lessons in Italian. He is now at Santa Croce.
Father_John_Paul_Mary says
16 years ago
yeah, we all have. but being among english speakers all day does not really help.
stfrancisgirl says
16 years ago
whenever my college felt tough, I would tell myself, at least I am doing it in English.
16 years ago
they expect that if things go well for you that you might spend more time in Rome later :-)
Father_John_Paul_Mary says
16 years ago
To be honest, I don't hope so. Am pretty homesick...
16 years ago
even though you have less online time at "home"?
Father_John_Paul_Mary says
16 years ago
yes, but more brotherhood and more orthodox people... europeans are very liberal comparing to US catholics.
16 years ago
so sad that there are so many that are not orthodox everywhere
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