14 years ago
trots along the counters late at night, snickering as he flits over to the sugar bowl, swapping its contents with the salt shaker.
latest #108
14 years ago
stirred slightly in his sleep to the sound of something crashing in the kitchen, but he rolled over and tried to ignore it; there couldn't
14 years ago
possibly be anything in his house, and he couldn't be bothered to get out of bed when he had just gotten so comfortable.
14 years ago
He laughed at the vase he'd pushed onto the floor, purple shards spread across the kitchen's tiles. "Shows that Vittra, moving into my
14 years ago
house." He flew over to a crystal candleholder, pushing that too, after a bit of struggling-- Stupid objects were bigger than him!
14 years ago
had nearly fallen back asleep when the sound of something shattering caused him to jump in to a sitting position. His eyes peered through
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the darkness of his bedroom as though it would give him answers. He sat motionless, listening and sensing for anything... then he heard a
14 years ago
second shattering sound. Cursing under his breath he stood up and shoved his glasses up his nose, and pulled a robe tightly against his
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body. He slid in to a pair of slippers and delicately opened the bedroom door before tiptoeing down the hall as quietly as possible.
14 years ago
The fairy continued his way around the kitchen, making milk (fresh milk, he noted proudly) go sour, eggs rot, and a variety of other
14 years ago
Svi was
14 years ago
practically growling to himself in frustration at having been pulled from his sleep at such an unreasonable hour; he would surely kill
14 years ago
whatever creature had decided to disturb his home. He narrowed his eyes as he glared in to the dim kitchen that was scarcely illuminated by
14 years ago
the waning moon outside.
14 years ago
Peter's ears pricked and he turned around to see the huge Vittra behind him "B-bloody--!"
14 years ago
Berwald hadn't actually *seen* the small fairy like being until it spoke up, it's tiny voice just barely reaching his ears. He lowered his
14 years ago
gaze and glowered at the tiny *thing*... This was the thing that had destroyed his kitchen?!
14 years ago
O-oh god, that glare-- Despite his slandering of the male earlier, seeing him in person made him shake in his velvet green boots.
14 years ago
stepped in to the kitchen slowly as he debated the best action for executing his extreme fury towards the foolish beast in his house.
14 years ago
He flailed his arms desperately, sensing his imminent doom. "W-why hello there!"
14 years ago
didn't need the light to know that the creature was growing somewhat worried and fearsome. He couldn't help but smirk with satisfaction as
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he continued to close the space between them. He would feel guilty killing him... but no one intruded in his house so rudely... and no one
14 years ago
should have dared to wake him from his sleep.
14 years ago
[[Wow, Vittra!Svi's pretty dark. XD]]
14 years ago
"U-um...." He wanted to be noticed, but not like *this*! "O-our house is nice, right? Homey!"
14 years ago
(( He has mood swings. He is either apathetic and doesn't care about anyone, or angry and wants to kill them. ))
14 years ago
"Our?" He inquired darkly, wondering how on earth this creature had thought that *they* shared a house.
14 years ago
Now that, that made him mad. "Oi! It would be *my* house, if you hadn't moved in!"
14 years ago
"Didn't see a sign on th' door, an' y' didn't exactly stop me." He countered in a low, growling tone. How dare the fairy try to say that it
Svi was
14 years ago
*his* house.
14 years ago
He crossed his arms over his chest. "Other fairies, they can tell I live here! You... you tallings," he hated using the phrase coined by
14 years ago
his brother, "you can't tell, though!"
14 years ago
"Maybe y' shoulda said somethin'." He spits out. "'s my house now."
14 years ago
"*Our* house," he corrected, a sudden smile breaking out over his face. "I've never had a human friend!"
14 years ago
"HUMAN?" He roared angrily, his eyes practically glowing with rage as his hand swooped down in one fell movement to clutch the creature
14 years ago
tight enough to show his strength, but not so harshly that it would hurt him.
14 years ago
Peter squeaked at the feeling of being pulled through the air, swallowing to calm himself. "W-well, you're not a fairy, and you don't have
14 years ago
ears, or fangs--" he makes a biting motion, "so you're human! Human-formed Vittra!"
14 years ago
glowers at the foul fairy. "Vittra are *not* human."
14 years ago
"Y'look like 'em! So that's how you're classified! Witches are human, wizards are human..." He paused. "Oh wait, are you guys immortal?"
14 years ago
nods silently, his eyes narrowing dangerously as he raised the fairy up to be level with him.
14 years ago
"Oh, then. I guess you aren't human!" He smiled broadly, wings flitting behind him. "I'm Peter! How 'bout you?"
14 years ago
That was it?... He stared at the creature with anger that was slowly turning to complete confusion as to how quickly its expression had
14 years ago
brightened up. Though he did owe it at least the decency of giving his name, even if he would only kill it later. "Berwald."
14 years ago
"Berwald!" He laughed, trying the name out. "That's funny to say!" The Vittra's confusion was understandable; the mercurial pixie baffled
14 years ago
a lot of people.
14 years ago
"Peter's boring to say." He countered with a frown, unsure of whether or not Peter was poking fun at his name. He assumed it was better to
14 years ago
assume the worst in this situation.
14 years ago
"Boring? Y'think? Peter, Peter, Peter. You have to kinda lilt your wonds like my accent." He offered a toothy grin.
14 years ago
"Peter... Pee-ter... Pay-ter..." He tried to mimic the lilting intonations of the high, chirpy voice of Peter, but it was difficult thanks
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to the fact that his voice was the exact opposite, and was much lower than many men he'd met. He frowned; the *thing* had made him sound
14 years ago
like an idiot.
14 years ago
"Wow, you actually tried it! Awesome!" If it was possible, his smile grew even more, wings twitching happily. He put on a scowl, grumbling
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out in a gruff voice, "Berwald."
14 years ago
a slight laugh of amusement escaped his lips before he could stop it. He covered it quickly with a serious frown, though he couldn't deny
14 years ago
that Peter did seem very amusing, and while he didn't mind the monotony of caring for the animals every day, it did get quite boring.
14 years ago
He bit back a grin at the Vittra's laugh, seeing that he was the type to grow more introverted if socialization was pointed out. "It feels
14 years ago
so nice to be acknowledged!
14 years ago
(( awww. XD ))
14 years ago
14 years ago
glared at Peter. Despite his dark expression the words struck a soft nerve in the Vittra's chest. There had been a time when he, too, had
14 years ago
yearned to be acknowledged by someone. Those days had long passed, and he had quickly learned that humans and Vittra's did not mix well...
14 years ago
Peter felt a bit uneasy at the glare, but smiled again, wings flitting. "My brother was always like--" he pauses, pressing the top of his
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nose up, mimicking a pig, and continued in a squeaky voice-- "'Peter you can't let the tallings see you, Peter you gotta play it safe, Peter
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causing mischeif like that is only gonna get you in trouble.' Such a mom he is... Was..." It'd been a while since he'd seen his brother.
Svi was
14 years ago
taken back by the talk of a brother. He vaguely remembered thinking that he had a brother of some sort at some point... or maybe it was just
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someone that he had been close to... or maybe it had been a dream. He shook his head and set Peter down. "Clean up y'r mess."
14 years ago
"My...?" He looked down at the shattered glass on the floor. Oh, if only his brother were there now, cleaning freak. "D-do you have a dust
14 years ago
pan or anything...?"
14 years ago
Berwald huffed indignantly and turned his back to Peter as he walked to a small closet to pull out cleaning supplies that were nearly as
14 years ago
large as Peter was. He held them out to the small boy, somewhat entertained at the image it gave.
14 years ago
He looks at the objects, pouting a little, resisting the urge to throw a tantrum. "Could you just set the dust pan down right there?" He was
14 years ago
scared by the shards of glass that could probably cut him in half.
14 years ago
nodded and set the dust pan down. He held a large hand held broom to Peter... though while it was hand held to the large man, it looked
14 years ago
larger than Peter was. He waited to see what the boy did with it.
14 years ago
Peter eyed the hand broom, pushing at it, but he could barely move it, and doubted it would be of any use. He pushed the shards of glass
14 years ago
into the dustpan, trying to be careful and avoid cutting himself, though it was slow work.
14 years ago
Despite still being cross with Peter, Berwald couldn't help but feel bad for making such a tiny creature do all of the work. He lifted Peter
14 years ago
with a huff and set him on top of a table; he then moved about quickly to clean up the mess that would have taken Peter hours.
14 years ago
"Eh--" he squeaked again at the sudden grab-- This was a habit he'd have to break Berwald from-- and looked down. "You sure? I mean, I made
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the mess." Things like 'You made the mess, you clean it' had been engraved into him by his brother.
14 years ago
"Y' took too long." He answered brusquely with a shrug. As much as he hated cleaning up others messes, it was something he had gotten used
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to from living on a farm. One couldn't exactly tell a cow to pick up after itself; and even if Peter had been willing, he did the job much
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more efficiently, so there was no reason to waste the time in allowing him to play for hours at cleaning.
14 years ago
"Oh. Okay then." He flopped into a sitting position, legs dangling off the edge off the edge of the counter, swinging them. "Hey Berwald,
14 years ago
what kinda animals d'you got?"
14 years ago
Berwald shrugged, not wanting to list all of his animals.
14 years ago
(( oh yeah, don't bother to list a mermaid on it. :-P ))
14 years ago
Peter blinked, but didn't let the lack of a response deter him. "They're loud, too!" He tried to imitate the sound of what was obviously a
14 years ago
cow's moo.
14 years ago
He rolled his eyes and dumped the broken glass in to a trash can. He glared at Peter, refusing to show let him know that he'd found the
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sound to be funny. "Don't break m' stuff again."
14 years ago
"Ah... Okay!" The reason he was breaking the stuff was to make a statement, and to rebel against Berwald moving into his house. But he was
14 years ago
actually a nice guy! He wrinkled his nose, recalling. "Best if you don't touch the milk, either..."
14 years ago
turned his attention to the milk in confusion. "Eh?"
14 years ago
"I can turn milk sour!" He beamed in pride of his meager abilities. "...But, bad thing is, I thought you were a meanie, so I turned yours
14 years ago
14 years ago
"A meanie?" He asked seriously, his mouth pointing downwards in to a frown. He had been called many things in his life, but he was pretty
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sure that this was the first time anyone had called him a *meanie*.
14 years ago
(( /IS LOLLING SO HARD oh god the mental image of shocked Svi ))
14 years ago
"Yeah! Like, someone who is mean." He nodded self-assuredly, proud of the (unrequired) definition.
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frowns blankly. He had known perfectly well what a meanie was; he was just perplexed as to why he had chosen that term. He wasn't mean, was
14 years ago
14 years ago
"...Did I not explain good enough? Maybe you haven't met many meanies before." He flitted his wings, nodding.
14 years ago
He shook his head with a frown. "I'm goin' t' bed."
14 years ago
"Hmm. You sleep on a weird schedule." It was the middle of the day for the fairy. "Enjoy your sleep!"
14 years ago
nodded, not bothering to ask what he meant. "Don't break anythin' else..." He warned darkly before walking back towards his room.
14 years ago
"I won't!" He waved enthusiastically, waiting till the Vittra was out of view before fluttering into a flour holster, where he usually
14 years ago
slept. He'd made a friend!
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