looking for some ice. Italia hurt her knee and he's gonna make it better. (pasta for her would probably help too)
latest #30 *wibbles more, sniffling*
*continues searching for the ice* "I'll find some, don't worry italia!"
*manages to get some* "Here, look I got some!" *moves over to ice her knee*
*blushes a bit shyly* "Grazie." *sniffle* "You're nice."
*blushes* "Aw shucks, I'm sure anyone woulda got you ice..."
"No...they ignore me and almost step on me..."
*puffs up a little* "That's mean of them!"
"No.. They just don't see me."
*looks at her* Is the same height "No, they're just tall. They should be more careful"
*nods* "Just cause they're so big doesn't mean they can just kick us around..."
*leans over and kisses his cheek*
*giggled happily and smiled at him*
"Sure! *hugs impulsively*
*giggles and hugs tightly*
*smiles at and takes her hand*
"Will you help me here on the ship?"
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