[ ;3;!! Like I said, I couldn't resist. ]
chose the best moment to decide to visit Kiku, didn't he? He blinks when he sees a little Kiku instead, "... How... why..." Aiya! He can't -
resist the urge to pick him up though, "What happened?"
(;w; Waiii baby Japan is too cute >3<)
squeaks when he's picked up, blushing and looking at him oddly. "... I need clothes." He shivers, since... yes, he is naked. Apparently--
his clothes didn't shrink with him.
wraps him in his arms, good thing his sleeves are long, and nods, "I'll find you something aru!" In the meantime he'll find something in-
Kiku's closet to clothe him in.
nods, grabbing onto his arm tightly. He doesn't want to fall, after all...
wanders into his house and walks to his closet, pulling out a shirt to wrap him in. He has a smile on his face, because he can't help but-
think about the past when Kiku was small and cute and kinder, "This will have to do for now aru. Are you hungry?"
crosses his arms over his chest, gripping the fabric of the shirt in his little hands. He nods a bit, to indicate that he is indeed hungry.
a small laugh and pats his head, "I'll make us something good." He carries him to the kitchen, the smile never leaving his face, and -
holds him in one arm, using his free hand to grab food and pots from the pantry.
holds on to his own shirt, as well as China's, as tight as he can. Once again, he doesn't want to fall. And he certainly doesn't want--
--the oversized shirt he's being covered up with to fall off. With a sigh, he rests his head on the larger man's chest.
looks down at Kiku when he does that and his smile grows, but then he coughs and turns his attention back to the cooking, "Do you know how-
this happened aru?" Maybe there was a way to change him back. Though... he was much cuter this way. It was hard trying not to squeeze him.
shakes his head a little. "... I am glad you're here, though." Of course, he can't take care of himself in this state.. and who better to--
--do it than the person who raised him when he was originally this small himself?
pauses and looks down at him, "Y-you mean that?" A small blush appears on his cheeks. Okay, he can't help it anymore and he squeezes him.
blushes as well, with a shy nod.. and then a slight yelp when he's squeezed. "C..Chuugoku-san..."
a small laugh and resumes cooking, "Sorry, sorry." When he's done he serves them each a plate and some tea, and places the dishes -
and cups on the table. He also lets Kiku sit down and takes a seat beside him, "Where do you keep your sewing supplies aru?"
starts to eat, slowly and carefully, only pausing to point to his living room. "In a box under the TV."
starts to eat as well, nodding as his eyes follow to where Japan is pointing to, "I'll make you an outfit once we're done." He-
thought it'd be easier than going shopping.
puts down his chopsticks, looking right at China, and.. gives him a small, barely there-type of smile. He goes back to eating--
--right afterward, with a hint of a blush on his cheeks.
smiles back, though his smile is bigger. He might not want Kiku to change back now. Once his meal is done though, he stands up and walks-
into the living room, pulling out the sewing kit. He takes it into the bedroom and looks for some bedsheets. He-
Kiku won't mind and begins to sew a mini kimono and hakama.
still eating when China goes to sew. At his size, he can only eat so fast, after all.
comes back out some time later with a small outfit, "Kiku! I have clothes for you aru." He holds it up for him to see, a smile lighting-
looks up from his food, that barely there smile coming back for a split second. He finishes off his last bite of food, stands up, and goes--
--over to the older man. "Arigato." With a slight bow, he takes the clothes, and tries to put them on himself right where he is standing.--
a small laugh and leans down, helping him with the clothes, "There." He pats his head, "I'll stay with you until you turn back to normal-
and I won't take no for an answer aru."
thanks him again for helping him. "... I.. was going to ask you to." There's that blush again.
blinks, a little surprised by that, "Aa, good then!" He nods, keeping a big smile on his face, "Let me know if you need anything aru." He-
picks him up again, intending to clean the dishes up and put everything away.
nods slightly, and holds onto the other again. After a bit of cleaning, he nudges the older man slightly and asks him in almost a whisper--
placed all the dishes in the sink and has begun to wash, "Mm? You can help dry." He grabs a dish towel and gives it to Kiku as he places-
him on the floor. Now he rolls up his sleeves and is able to wash quicker, handing the bowls and cups to Kiku -
so he can dry them. He'll pick them up off the floor when he's done.
glad to help, since China has already helped so much. He dries each dish carefully, setting them on the floor even more carefully--
so he doesn't break them.
finishes washing and dries whatever is still in the sink before neatly placing everything back, including the dishes on the floor, "There,-
all clean aru." He smiles down at Kiku and takes the rag from him, "What do you want to do now?"
watches him do so, stepping back so he has more room to walk around. He shrugs at the question; he hasn't been a child in so long,--
he doesn't really remember what he and China used to do together.
fixes his sleeves and picks him up again, smiling, "Aa we can watch television for a while. Or go for a walk aru."
shrugs again, leaning on his chest like he did before. He'll leave the decision-making up to Yao.
ends up going out. A nice walk in the afternoon sun would be nice and they could get an ice cream later, "It's so nice out."
nods. "It is summer. Always nice. Except when it rains." Sighing a bit, he nuzzles the other's chest lightly.
nods as well, agreeing. He can't help but smile down at the small child in his arms. It reminded him of nicer times, "Want an ice cream aru?
looks up at him, and nods again several times. His attention is then occupied by a bird flying by. Even he gets distracted sometimes,--
laughs softly and also watches the bird. He walks a little slower so Kiku can take in the scenery as he makes his way to the ice cream shop.
watches more birds and rabbits and even a stray cat walk by with fascination. "Vanilla."
nods and asks for one scoop of vanilla ice cream in a cone. He waits until the ice cream is handed to him and pays. And yes, they're-
blinks, tugging on his shirt a little. "Aren't you getting any?" He's confused, having not picked up on the 'sharing' idea.
the ice cream a small lick, "We're sharing of course!" He holds it out for Kiku to take.
blushes. He doesn't remember this part of being a child. "O.. oh." He takes the cone in his hands, licks it quickly, and holds it back out--
for the other to take back.
doesn't take the cone back though. Instead he puts his hand over Kiku's and brings it a little closer so he can give it a lick, "Ah, a-
bench aru!" Now they can sit and enjoy the ice cream under a shady tree.
blushes more. "Nnnn... ah." Though that caught him slightly off guard, he takes his hand from under Yao's and grabs one of his fingers.--
Just.. just because. He looks over at the bench, nodding a little, as if to say 'oh, good. Let us sit.' Or something.
had almost forgotten how cute little Kiku looked when he blushed. He plops down on the bench with a small ah. "How's the ice cream?"
pulls his legs to his chest, taking small licks of the frozen treat every few minutes. "Good."
smiles and pats his head. "Good," he murmurs and adds, "Don't forget to save me some aru."
frowns at his selfishness. Taking a few more licks, he holds the cone out for the other to take back. He left about half of it for him.
happily takes the cone, "Xie xie!" He doesn't eat all of it though and only takes a small bite of the actual cone before handing it back-
to Kiku, "How have you been?"
shakes head, trying to force the cone back into Yao's hands. He's not hungry anymore. ".. Fine, thank you. You?"
gets the hint and returns the cone to his lips, "Pretty well." He watches wind blow some leaves around as he eats. It was getting late-
and children needed to sleep. He wasn't sure if he should treat Kiku as if he were a child though, even if he technically-
. Aiya, why were things always difficult with him? "Are you sure you don't want anymore," he asks, holding a little piece of cone out.
nods a little. "Good..." He sighs a little, taking the cone just to humor him, taking a bite.. but stopping to yawn. It *is* getting late,-
and he is getting quite tired. It takes quite a bit of willpower for him to keep his head up at this point, trying not to doze off and drop-
the remainder of the cone.
takes notice and smiles, "It's bedtime for you aru." He stands and grabs the rest of the cone, walking back to Kiku's home with the boy-
wrapped in his arms. He lays him on the futon and crawls in beside him. "Wan an," he whispers as he tucks him in.
closes his eyes, not opening them until they're home and tucked into bed. He only opens them at the Chinese that he doesn't recognize, just-
giving him a 'what?' look instead of speaking up and asking.
gently pets his head. "Good night," he repeats and then yawns, resting his head on the pillow.
nods. "Oh... oyasuminasai." He closes his eyes again, before scooting slightly closer to the other, barely touching his head to Yao's chest.
closes his eyes and smiles, snuggling the little boy. (Baaaaaw chibi!Kiku stop being so cute ;w; I die at this pair too orz)
grabs onto his shirt tightly, in that half-asleep half-awake state. [ I know he is ;A; and FJDBSHF me too it's like my otp seriously ]
softly pets his head, until he falls asleep. (;w; I want to squish him, seriously HFDFBHFVDNJ you rock <3 they're so bittersweet idk)
hums quietly at the petting, until it finally lulls him to sleep. [ well don't hurt him :'D HEHEHE thank you <33 they are, it's so sad ;3; ]
(xDD I won't~ but yea ;w; I love them though xwx)
[ me too, me too~ I wish it was less... sad. ;_; and more popular. but eh, that's how history is I guess. ]
(The sad is... strangely appealing to me |D;; idk, it gives them so much depth e.e I do wish it was more popular though ;3; )
[ ... Me too. :'D though I do like fluff with them as well. It's just rare. A RARE GEM. ]
(Oh gosh I love NiChu fluff |D I think those two have so much potential xD It's a lovely rare gem at least! And I'm starting to think we-
need to plot something, if you're interested ;3; )
[ They do!! I mean, they've only known each other forever. ;__; FDKSDFJS of course I am! I would love to plot something, I don't get nearly-
enough of this pairing anymore since my China in another group kinda lost interest... ;A; ]
(Omg yesss I know ;_; AAA then we should def. plot! I don't get enough of this pair either! ;w; <3)
[ 8D yesss we definitely should! <3 it's a win-win for both of us, then! ]