wyntermoon shares
16 years ago
latest #13
msesheta says
16 years ago
wyntermoon says
16 years ago
no problem, can't wait to see you on Saturdays! 9:30-10:30 CST
jen says
16 years ago
Neat! 9:30-10:30 am or pm? (I'm looking it over at the moment, so I might find the answer. lol0
wyntermoon says
16 years ago
whoops! Sorry! It's AM and central standard time though I'll probably forget that part and be there an hour early
jen says
16 years ago
I caught the CST part. Just not the AM part until I read more on the site. :-) I signed up.
wyntermoon says
16 years ago
great, see you there!
jen says
16 years ago
Yup yup. :-)
Rebecca L-S says
16 years ago
ICK! I didn't catch the CST part... I think that makes it an hour later in the evening for me. Will figure it out when I get there. lol
wyntermoon says
16 years ago
what time is that in Oz?
Rebecca L-S says
16 years ago
Didn't I say I'd figure it out when I get there? *starts attempting to make her brain work* *clunking sounds occur*
Rebecca L-S says
16 years ago
I think it's like 10:30pm... Maybe.
Rebecca L-S says
16 years ago
Um. It's 11:39pm here right now.
Rebecca L-S says
16 years ago
Does that help?
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