doing Bio and get bored! argh!
latest #51
aaaww how's you biology and chemistry going?
i didnt get kicked out of chem phew!
Thats Fab
yeah, im getting the hold of this
hows everything at your college?
mind if i join the convo
I'm catching up with forensic science
forensic science is fun
lol. I might be just stopping going to school and getting a full time job soon... only cause I wanna move back to the UK to take a year
again. I'm sooo behind
sorry guys gotta go my friends coming rounds, talk to you later xxx
I've been reading merlin/arthur ....
lots of bondage ones for some reason... o_0
I'm readinga threesome at the moment Arthur/Lancelot/Merlin
Its very hot
I was considering going for a cold shower
......i think i will soon i need to wash my hair anyway
I need to wash my hair too
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