gimmchuann has
15 years ago
got the latest ipod touch (LOL)
latest #12
Samuel says
15 years ago
ipod touch 2g? damn it. i'm using 1g only. not fair
gimmchuann has
15 years ago
dunno what g but it just came out yesterday :-D
Samuel says
15 years ago
i know. build in speaker with volume control at the side right.
gimmchuann says
15 years ago
dun have volume control
gimmchuann says
15 years ago
i cannot find it
gimmchuann says
15 years ago
i found
Samuel says
15 years ago
wth. lol. have fun with it. best device ever other than iphone.
Samuel says
15 years ago
wanna know anything ask me.
gimmchuann says
15 years ago
LOL. jailbreak?haha
alvinD says
15 years ago
ishh...where u get wad
alvinD says
15 years ago
gimmchuann says
15 years ago
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