Xiang thinks
14 years ago
"going incognito" is another way of his crew to have an excuse to dress him as a doll. A female doll. Doing errands in drag is really hard.
latest #131
14 years ago
passes him on his way home, giving him a look before stopping to watch "her".((sdfghjyay lmao))
14 years ago
continues down the street, looking over a list moodily. He hasn't noticed the officer watching him.
14 years ago
frowns a little, and turns around to follow.
14 years ago
luckily is only doing mundane errands. He continues down the streets, looking at the items in the windows. "Ah...they put me to find the
14 years ago
strangest stuff sometimes..."
14 years ago
catches up, and tugs on her sleeves. "Ah, excuse me, are you alone?"
14 years ago
jumps a little and turns to stare at him blankly. "O-Oh. Uhm yes." Recognizes you oh shit. "Why do you ask?"
Korea thinks
14 years ago
he recgonizes that voice... "I'm not on duty, I can escort you if you are. It's getting late, isn't it?"
Xiang gives
14 years ago
him a surprisingly sweet smile. "It's quite alright. I'm just window shopping. I'm on my way back anyways."
14 years ago
shakes his head. "No, no, I insist, let me escort you!" He smiles in return. Oh yes, he DOEW recgonize that voice.
14 years ago
*DOES blaaahh
14 years ago
backs away a bit. "Oh please. I'll be fine. There are definitely other ladies who are far prettier who need an officer's help." Trying not
14 years ago
to give him a dirty look or glare.
14 years ago
shakes his head. "No, no, allow me, please." He keeps grinning, touching his arm.
14 years ago
flinches and backs away more, smiling nervously. "Please do not worry about me. I'll be fine."
14 years ago
"No, no! I'm going to escort you! It's my duty, you know!"
14 years ago
"Please. I insist. I do not want to take up your time when I can take care of myself quite well."
14 years ago
holds her arm. "No, no. Allow me. Unless you have something to hide?"
14 years ago
"A lady never tells her secrets. Surely you have heard of that saying." Doesn't like where this is going.
14 years ago
smiles a bit slyly. "But what would a sweet lady like yourself have to hide?" He asks, holding her arm a bit tighter.
14 years ago
"If you must know, I was shopping for undergarments. I do not wish to carry them around a male officer." Half true. Undergarments for his
14 years ago
14 years ago
shakes his head. "Oh, no, it wouldn't bother me! I have a sister, after all."
14 years ago
"Ah, but sir, it bothers me. I am easily embarrassed about these things."
14 years ago
isn't leaving anytime soon. "Well, it is getting late, maybe you can buy them tomorrow!"
Xiang thinks
14 years ago
you're being awfully stubborn. "I suppose I could." Is very close to stomping on your foot and running. He can run in a dress if he tries.
14 years ago
keeps close anyways. "Now, where do you live?"
14 years ago
"Please sure. I don't want someone I barely know, know where I live oh so suddenly." Has a gun and knife concealed by the way.
14 years ago
smiles to her. "I'm an officer, you can trust me!" He's got his gun at his side, just in case.
14 years ago
smiles back, there might be a slight hint of malice. "Oh, but either way. I find it makes me anxious to know that strangers suddenly
14 years ago
know where I live."
14 years ago
holds onto her arm. "Don't worry, I won't follow you around!"
14 years ago
getting really tired of this stupid game. "Let go of me please."
14 years ago
shakes his head and doesn't let go. "No, I insist."
Xiang gives
14 years ago
him a look. "What do you want from me." He knows you know already.
14 years ago
grips his arm. "Same thing I wanted last time. I'm taking you in!"
14 years ago
"You take me in like this and I will make sure my crew finds you and cut your balls off." Is very much dead serious.
14 years ago
leans closer. "Oh, I think the others will be amused! Unless you're REALLY set on taking me to your base and changing..!"
14 years ago
"Like hell I would show you my base. And don't think you can turn me in so easily. Just because I'm out right now doesn't mean I don't have
14 years ago
anyone around to watch my back." While he was speaking, he brought out the concealed knife and has it pointed behind Korea's back.
14 years ago
doesn't let go, even at the threat. "You're saying that like I can't fight, and I'm not armed!" He pulls on his arm, gripping tightly.
14 years ago
"You sound like you can take on a whole group of armed women then?" Will totally knock you out if you grip his arm any tighter.
14 years ago
laughs. "Maybe. But I don't see any armed women, just you!"
14 years ago
"Just because you can't see them doesn't mean they aren't around." Thought you understood this after he followed you.
14 years ago
frowns, almost pouting, before pulling him down a darker street. "Fine, then, I'll bring you here where no one can see!"
14 years ago
waits patiently before pushing the blade of his knife against Yong Soo's neck lightly and slamming him against the wall. He hopes to dear
14 years ago
god you aren't stronger then him in strength. "What did you expect to do, pulling me into a dark street?
14 years ago
presses his back against the wall, trying to shrink away from the blade. "To..to get away from the girls!l
14 years ago
"God you are such a bloody pansy. Are you sure you're an officer?" Is totally making fun of you.
14 years ago
grabs his arms. "I am! Get off of me!" He pushes on him.
14 years ago
stumbles back a bit. "Then act like one why don't you?"
14 years ago
turns and shoves him against the wall. "Good enough for you?"
14 years ago
hears the knife clatter onto the floor. "Heh. What are you going to do to me?" Gives him a cocky grin regardless.
14 years ago
grips his arms. "I-I...I'm going to take you in! What did you think?"
14 years ago
"You dragged me all the way to a dark alley. And you're going to take me in? You do realize just how far that location is from here right?"
14 years ago
looks around, then stuters, "Y-yeah, well...you're the one in this part of town! A-and now, everyone can see you being taken in!"
14 years ago
"You're in my turf now you git. You attempt to bring me in from around here and you'll get more then just beat up. Guys around here aren't
14 years ago
exactly a walk in the park."
14 years ago
doesn't respond, but doesn't let go. He frowns, sort of scowling. "...s-so? I can do it!"
14 years ago
raises an eyebrow. "You rather take the chance of getting raped by a bunch of thugs to bring me in? Your loss."
14 years ago
pales at that, "W-what are you saying, then? You want me to do something to you here?"
14 years ago
"I want you to let go and go on your merry little way. To be honest, you'll leave here in one piece doing so instead. Unless you got other
14 years ago
14 years ago
shakes his hea. "No, I won't!" he shoves him against the wall again, just to make this point clearer.
14 years ago
rolls his eyes. "Then what are you going to do? You're in a bad area for being an officer by yourself."
14 years ago
glances down the street. "I don't see anyone coming for me!" he pulls him away from the wall. "Come on!" He pulls him along, down the street
14 years ago
kicks you behind the shins. Oh hey he's even wearing high heels. "Let go of me already."
14 years ago
winces but keeps holding on to him. "No!" He's mostly holding on to him to stay in control. He's a bit afraid of being attacked.
14 years ago
smirks a little. "I'll help you get back to the better side of town if you don't turn me in. I can guarantee you'll be safe if you agree."
Korea thinks
14 years ago
this over, then lets go. "Fine. That doesn't mean you're rid of me! I'm going to take you in eventually!"
14 years ago
laughs idly. "Of course. Of course. holds his arm out so it looks like he's "escorting" a young lady to a safer place.
14 years ago
takes his arm, looking very displeased at this situation.
14 years ago
walks him daintily, idly watching as the scenery slowly starts looking nicer.
14 years ago
starts relaxing as they walk, but he doesn't look any less displeased. He pouts as they walk.
14 years ago
stops walking once they start getting to the much cleaner streets. "You surely know how to get home at this point yes?"
14 years ago
doesn't let go of him. "Yes, but you're not going back!"
Xiang wonders
14 years ago
if Lan would beat this guy up for being an idiot. He'll have to ask her later. "What? You think I walked those streets because they were
14 years ago
there? I made sure to go through the areas with the bars and pubs. So they know who I'm with."
14 years ago
doesn't let go. "I don't care, I said you're under arrest and so you're under arrest!"
14 years ago
"Ah. Even officer's back onto their words when I went and promised then they'd be safe. No wonder I hate you guys."
14 years ago
frowns. "Why would I keep my word to a pirate? None of you have ever done anything good for me!"
14 years ago
"And like you guys have done anything for us. But I technically just escorted you out of a very dangerous area for you. I technically did
14 years ago
something for you."
14 years ago
shakes his had. "I could have done it myself!" He pulls him along, very determined.
14 years ago
stands his ground, giving him a rather contemptuous look. "Arrogant, thickheaded, rude, and stupid. I've met decent officers before, but
14 years ago
you're definitely not one of them."
14 years ago
glares, before backhanding him across the face and pulling him along. "Are all pitares as big of jerks as you?"
14 years ago
pirates LOLISUCK
14 years ago
"I wouldn't be as much of a jerk if you were at least a decent person. But you definitely aren't." Doesn't seem at all bothered that you
14 years ago
just hit him.
14 years ago
scoffs. "You're a pirate! I doubt you could be decent!" He turns away to look around the street for another officer.
14 years ago
"Now you're stereotyping. Just because I'm a pirate doesn't mean I'm my own person." Sounds just a bit agitated at his words.
14 years ago
not my own* wtf english fail
14 years ago
glances back at him. "But what sort of decent person would be a pirate?"
14 years ago
"One who couldn't stand scraping the bottom of the barrel for the rest of their life."
14 years ago
glances back at him. "Then you could have joined the military like me!"
14 years ago
snorts. "And what? Work long, tiring shifts and become a pompous ass like you?"
14 years ago
scowls. "And HELP people!" He jerks on his arm, a bit harder.
14 years ago
hits him across the face. He will not be pulled around like a toy any longer. "Why should I help people who didn't give two cents about me?"
14 years ago
flinches. "Because they have familes and friends and people who care for them, and sometimes need more help than they can give! It's not
14 years ago
like you'd know that about that, anyways!"
14 years ago
swings at him again. "You're giving people too much credit. Not everything is a nice person. Most of them don't want to offer anything to a
14 years ago
less unfortunate person. I watch them all the time! And you are right. I don't know. Perhaps you do, but I don't!"
Korea is
14 years ago
hit again. He swings at him in return. "That's the difference between me and you! I'm a decent person who will help!"
14 years ago
ducks. "Decent my ass! You think you're helping people. How is feeding my crew and keeping them housed and well not helping either?"
14 years ago
stops, and scowls. "Your actions! They're illegal! Selling things stolen from actual hard-working people!"
14 years ago
laughs a bit. "Hard working people? Those rich people hardly work a dime. They collect taxes from those hard workers and a lot of them are
14 years ago
corrupt and involved in the black market anyways."
14 years ago
swings at him again, not replying, just glaring.
14 years ago
stumbles back after getting hit, but staying his ground. "You have nothing to say to that do you? You know it's true. I've heard arresting
14 years ago
corrupt politicians is pretty normal."
14 years ago
swings at him again. "I want to protect all the people that ARE hard working! Why don't you see good in people?" He tries not to pant; he's
14 years ago
already quite tired.
14 years ago
blocks it and aims a punch at his stomach. "Because no one has shown me a reason to look for it. I've already seen enough from people."
14 years ago
groans and the hit, and grabs for his hair. "That's because everyone around you are pirates!" he snaps,
14 years ago
"You think I was born a pirate? I lived on the streets for my childhood you bloody git." Hits your wrist harshly. "My crew are the most
14 years ago
decent people I've been around."
14 years ago
pulls his hand away, holding his wrist. "What, the women? They're all theives and whores!"
14 years ago
"They aren't whores! I don't let them sleep around when they have talents for other things. And they're as close as a family as a real one!"
14 years ago
talent*...english fail ORZ so fob
14 years ago
frowns at that, and swings at him one more time. "Fine, then, ex-whores! And theving isn't a talent!"
14 years ago
swings at him at the same time. "Now who is it looking at the less unfortunate for not having a job anywhere else? And it is a talent,
14 years ago
whether good or bad."
14 years ago
immedietly holds his cheek, before spitting a little blood onto the ground. Apparently, he'd cut the inside of his mouth. "We can't protect
14 years ago
everyone from everything!"
14 years ago
"I didn't say you could. But don't you think it's degrading to call them a whore when that's how they're working hard to just feed
14 years ago
themselves?" Aims a punch at the side of your head.
14 years ago
stumbles and falls, groaning when he hits the ground.
14 years ago
folds his arms, watching the other. Did he just knock the guy out? "Oh.."
14 years ago
doesn't get up again. Oh yes, he's knocked out.
14 years ago
couldddd leave him here. But that wouldn't be any fun. With some difficulty, he picks the officer up and heads back to the ship.
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