abah ckp dorang nak buat maulid besar besaran untuk officially menandakan hari terakhir pat sana!!
maulid this friday jadi!!
I knowwwwwwwww
i oso cannot goooooooo, i hope this month is not the last! hopefully its other month or i will regret not going
hmmmmmmmmmm, yeaaaaaaaaaaaah. I Think not this month, tapi yes they are going to buat besar besaran. I don't think this months
*month, kalau yes, sunggohh mepek!!
Yeaahp! tu ayang taktau, abeh semua org cakap ade maulid!
abeh ustaz announce pat masjid lagi tadi, nanti org dtg takde ape hal?
skali team firkatul huda ekh..
stop it sey..tkle angz!! haha