what happen?daijobou ur still young
nuu...just now, I was trying to calm down a friend of mine...and I rlly sound...like an old woman o_o
maybe I ate something wrong.
ooo just give him/her choco. i always eat choco when bad mood or feel sad. it'll help u them better
choco specially dark chocho is good for our mood XD
yeah..my mom always bought me that, too when I'm feeling a bit blue. But...I was helping a friend that lives a bit far from me.
>3< we're just connecting via text messages
remember the one I said is my sister who loves yaoi as I do? that's her~
oooo i c ...
text messaging ne? maybe u should call her. hearing ur voice maybe will make her feel better.
yeah..I want to. But she said she's on a meeting. So can't disturb her.
Maa...she evn said if she could, she would've go to Japan as soon as she could so she won't feel like a bird in a cage like that.
Even if she'll have to work part-time job like Misaki from JR. That's what she said.
. u know i kinda felt the same. when im stuck with my job. i really wanna backpackers to japan. wanna try onsen,just walk in shibuya
maid cafe n host club if i have enough money
so ganbatte for ur sis, maybe we can met in japan
Ya~~ me too XDD but I still hav school~~~
Ahh...thats it. She said "so u'll hav to think hard before getting to college, sis."
Yeah *smile* But I'm already so not pure!
jiahahha thats good idea why u dont try study abroad in japan
for exxample maybe u can take kinda syudent exchange program to japan
Well, I wish XD buut I'm not the smart type. Except if I can win on some writing competition~
Ah...I remembered I talk about host clubs n things like that...and my sis said there's a Gay Club in yogyakarta. O_o
my cousin said (he won scholarship taking phD in japan), he said to me u dont need to be smart to get this scholasrship.
all u need is dilligen n willpower
gay club really?
I'll try hard
hopelly they're bishi. if not maybe u'll throw up
Hey, I'm immune to gay stuff. It's weird really, even my friends said I'm a maniac...
My sis said she talked to her gay friend, but he won't tell where is the exact place.
And he said too, that they wont let girls screwed up that place, even if the girls are gay as well...
*sigh* I wish I'm a guy. So I could...uhm...
yeah2 i wish i was born as bishi
Me too
if tht happen, I can b Yaoi King!!
*being stupid*
jiahahah yaoi fettish
yeah...my friend asks me what kind of Yaoi King would I want to be...Demon Yaoi King, Angelic, or King of all Yaoi King.
It's fun, dominating.
greedy ur too much greedy
. but same with u i'll choose that one too
I know
and my friend says she'll have to give me exam papers for the "King Of All Yaoi Kings"
what kind of test would it be~~~
seme uke test maybe
No way~~~ XDD
since I already kno what I am..a Seme >w<
well...a Sadistic Seme, to be exact...
ahaha~ how about u, Aza-san?