[[Russia's calling him Sebastian. XDD]]
*is cleaning the kitchen*
((So I've been told, lmao- xD <333 Kuroshitsuji eeeee~))
(( maid? IT'S BUTLER XD!))
*Starts to become increasingly frustrated when she finds that his room is deserted.* Where next...? *Makes her way down the stairs, to the-
((SHHH. >u> Vash would make a great maid- /shot And ohgosh, I'm just making the house layout up. orz;

*is trying to defeat the evil jello monster living in the oven*
(( it's fine xD *likes the wording* ))
*Pauses at the kitchen, staring at the maid for a few seconds. Flustered by his actions, she speaks up* ..W-What are you doing?!
I was trying to clean... but I found this... creature living in your oven. *motions to the monstrosity*
*Walks over to the oven, giving the creature a rather confused look* ...Do you have any idea what it is?
Not at all. *continues to try and defeat it with a broom*
Ah, I see.... *Regains her composure once again, frowning* ...Have you tried pouring water on it, then?
Not yet... *tries to fend off the creature while moving back to get some water*
It might be a good idea, then... *Nods, getting another broom and fending the creature back while Vash got water*
*throws water on the creature, gripping the boom in his other hand* Er... I think it's growing....
W-What? That's ridiculous! *Nudges the thing slightly, realizing that it actually did grow* ...oh, my.
*grips his broom with both hands and continues to fight the thing* Great.
...and I think it just ate the top half of my broom, as well. Now what do we do? *Glares at the thing, then at Vash.*
Maybe we should force it back into the oven? *winces as the creature gets a good grip on his broom and wrenches it out of his grasp* Shit.
Er...okay, so water didn't work, and the thing just ate one and a half brooms. Got any other ideas?
Maybe... *looks around the kitchen for something to fight with*
*Swats at the thing with the small portion of her broom that's left* Hurry and think of soemthing, already! It'll be done with my broom-
*grabs a banana and throws it at the creature* I hope you don't eat much fruit!
...I think it's retreating back into the oven. *Raises an eyebrow* ..try throwing another one!
... I think it is.... *throws another banana*
Okay, you keep throwing fruit- Or, ah, bananas. I'll close the oven when it's far enough back. Agreed?
*nods* Agreed. *throws a few more bananas*
((lol, i caled him sebastian because of lucky star, not because of kuroshitsuji XDD))
[[No, because of Kuroshitsuji! >T]]
((but, konata was so funny when she called that brown haired guy just because she felt he was a sebastian! XD))
[[-Doesn't watch LS, ahaha....-]]
((D: its so damn funny!))
[[=w=b I have a hard time getting interested in stories without a plot.]]
[[well, yeah, but the opening was so cute]]
[[i used to dance every time i played it XD]]