...will take it off his hands if he doesn't want it.
would as well. ...will pay for it even.
will not wonder why they want it. But either can have it. Its in German. Have fun.
is a bit..skeptic with it being German, but takes it anyways! And thanks Ivan.
...will take it from Tina if she ends up not liking it...because she knows she likes German...porn. Ouais.
will probably give it to her in a day or two. Just needs it for...curiosity.
already claimed it! Back off. >>;;
mumbles 'Pervert' under his breath before skulking off.
sputters! "I'm not a pervert!"
thanks her! And tells William she has a nice collection he can borrow from if he'd like.
thanks her! And tells William she has a nice collection he can borrow from if he'd like.
.... is kind of uncomfortable getting that from Matthew's father figure. *Shuffleshuffleawkwardturtle*
[Oh my god you guys. Lol ]
is the stepmother figure. :U She knows several people he might be able to borrow from, though.
is kind of dying inside as he nods along. He coughs. 'It's okay... I don't really watch it,' he lies.
"Mm, that's why you were interested in getting this one then?" Turning the case over to read the back.
blushes, 'I wanted to know what everyone was excited about.' *flail*
doesn't think there's anything *too* freaky in this film, from what she can read. Bondage is okay. "Mm-hmm..."
can't believe that he doesn't like porn. But he's close to Mathieu and related to Arthur. So it must be denial.
"German bondage is amazing, by the way."
will now use this opportunity to attempt to disappear. He doesn't need to know about Bondage... he hopes.
"So I've heard. Guess I'll get to see for myself~.."
will not press William to stay. "I'm sure you will not be disappointed."
is not usually a porn-watcher. "Mm, we'll see."
is sure she will. Hopefully.