Roel has
14 years ago
a massive headache and...oh god why the hell is he naked in his living room?! (hibacktonormalNeddy~ <3)
latest #163
14 years ago
14 years ago
14 years ago
heard something about someone being in her brother's house so she went to investigate! Knock knock.
14 years ago
14 years ago
14 years ago
Eva thinks
14 years ago
someone was just making fun of her. I: Knock knock.
14 years ago
( OW /SHOE'D ; A ; )
14 years ago
scrambles around, wincing in pain and trying to find his damn pants. "J-Just a minute! Who i-is it?!"
14 years ago
... Wait is that--? Wait but wasn't he with Arthur and and... What the heck? "Eva."
14 years ago
........ffffuuu--! scrambles even faster and SUCCESS PANTS! He awkwardly stumbles to the door, jamming a leg in and another and hah he's-
14 years ago
-not naked anymore. "O-Oh hold on!" *throws the door open, zipping up his pants and staring after her, panting a bit* "Y-Yo. What's up...?"
Eva needs
14 years ago
a moment to start thinking coherently again. Why is he. What. What the hell. Seriously. She blinks a couple of times. "... I think I got-
14 years ago
here at a bad time." This is her 'I don't even know what to think but it probably wouldn't be anything good' face.
14 years ago
......blinks a few times himself, sort of leaning awkwardly against the doorway and letting this process. Wait she thinks....she...-
14 years ago
-..OH DAMMIT. "N-Nee neeneeneenee! Nee zuster, s'not like that! I just w-woke up naked a-and I couldn't f-find my pants...and you, know-
14 years ago
-your here n-now and and....ffff.." *rubs at the bridge of his nose, groaning*
14 years ago
nods a couple of times. "Mhmm, you keep saying that, broeder..." This is right about when she takes a step back, still looking at him with-
14 years ago
an arched eyebrow and her arms crossed. "I thought you were still at Arthur's but seems like you don't need someone taking care of you -
14 years ago
anymore." Cough cough. Take that whichever way you want.
14 years ago
blinks, his eyebrows going up and a completely confused look crossing his face. "........I was never at Arthur's....?"
14 years ago
rolls her eyes. "You were. You just don't remember."
14 years ago
throws a hand up, frowning. "Oi, I think I would remember being at his house, zuster. Seriously, what are you talking about...?"
14 years ago
scratches the back of her head. "You were..." She makes a vague gesture with her hand, indicating his previous height. "And I sort of... -
14 years ago
L-left you there with him for a couple of days."
14 years ago
blinks, looking even more confused and this headache is not making anything better. He copies her hand motion..."I was w-what--?" He stops-
14 years ago
-though, and narrows his eyes. " left me with England?"
14 years ago
swallows dryly; uh oh, she doesn't like that look. She nods slowly, however. "You were a little boy. He-- he offered to take care of you..."
14 years ago
closes his eyes and rubs at his face again, groaning. "I was...a child, ja? And you. left. me. with. England?! Of all the damn people..."
14 years ago
nods slowly, looking down at her shoes and wincing a bit at his tone. "He offered to take care of you! I- I thought it would be alright..."
14 years ago
sighs, letting his hand drop as he looks back at her with an exasperated look. "Well apparently m'still in one piece, so whatever...."-
14 years ago
-he groans loudly, though, closing his eyes again as his head starts pounding. "....god...neuken..."
14 years ago
doesn't even look at him, both because of his current condition and because she sort of feels bad about all of this. "Het spijt me. I-I'll-"
14 years ago
- stop by some other time when you're feeling better."
14 years ago
manages to crack an eye open though and wave his hand. "N-Nee s'okay...just need to take an a-aspirin..I wanna k-know all what happened-
14 years ago
-anyway..." *sighs, pushing the door open more and not waiting for her response as he goes to scrounge through his cabinets*
14 years ago
stays outside biting at her nails for a good moment, well after he's gone back inside. It's with much resignation that she finally walks-
14 years ago
inside and closes the door behind her gently so the noise won't bother him further. Thinking she knows how this will end, she opts to wait-
14 years ago
for him by the door. At least she won't have as much trouble if she's told to leave.
14 years ago
finally finds that damn bottle of aspirin and manages to swallow a couple before going to flop down on his couch and stare up at Eva.-
14 years ago
-"Oi, ya can come and sit down, ya know...m'not gonna bite or nothin'..."
14 years ago
would rather stand, really, but she'll be polite enough and take a seat across from him. Suddenly it dawns on her that any little mistake-
Eva is
14 years ago
enough to throw her off when it comes to dealing with her brother - even though right now it really is her fault. "..."
14 years ago
sighs and rubs at his forehead, peeking at her from between his fingers. "So uh...what h-happened again?"
14 years ago
shrugs, directing her attention at the decoration. It seems to be easier to talk that way. "You were a little boy. A-and I was packing and-
14 years ago
couldn't leave you behind when I left, ja? But Arthur said he'd take care of you while I was out, so..."
14 years ago
tilts his head, staring blankly for a second. "...did you steal my pipe?"
14 years ago
sighs in exasperation. "Nee, I didn't. Is it that difficult to believe that Engeland would do something nice for someone else in need? I-if-
14 years ago
you don't believe me, *fine*, but have fun looking for another explanation."
14 years ago
shakes his head, letting his hand drop. "Het spijt me...I-I didn't mean to call you a lier...m'just really confused is all..."
Eva is
14 years ago
silent for a moment and when she speaks again, her tone is much quieter. "Nee. I should have taken care of you myself."
Roel feels
14 years ago
himself stop and he bites his lip, looking concerned. "...oi, whaddya mean by tha'...I mean if ya trust 'em then..."
14 years ago
looks over at him exasperately for a moment but quickly focuses on the wall again. "It's not that; you wouldn't understand."
14 years ago
furrows his eyebrows, a scowl crossing his features. "Explain to me then."
14 years ago
crosses her arms again. "I was leaving, but you were little. I should have stayed or taken you with me, not left you with someone else. It-
14 years ago
-was a bit selfish, don't you think?"
14 years ago
sighs, scooting a bit closer to her. "Heyyy look. If you thought that was best, then its fine...n-nothing happened right?" *looks concerned*
14 years ago
inches away slightly, if only because she feels sort of guilty. "No, I did not think that. I was being selfish." She shakes her head. "Nee."
14 years ago
keeps scooting closer because her acting like this is making HIM feel bad now. :'| "...." *touches her knee, sighing* "...don't be like-
14 years ago
-that, please..."
14 years ago
can't really scoot away anymore or she might fall off the couch. Thanks broeder. I: She winces slightly. ".. I'm just saying what happened."
14 years ago
shrugs, staying where he is. "Well don't make me feel so bad when ya do that..."
14 years ago
frowns and finally looks over at him. "Why would you feel bad? It's not your fault."
14 years ago
shrugs again. "Dunno..I guess I make ya feel bad a lot and its startin' to bother me..."
14 years ago
raises her eyebrows, her eyes wide-open as she stares at him. "Y-you don't! Not like before.."
14 years ago
coughs, frowning and moving his hand away. "...oh...thanks..."
14 years ago
frowns a bit now, moving a hand as if to reach out to him... But she hesitates. "I-I didn't mean..." She sighs. "... I meant when we -
14 years ago
argued more."
14 years ago
sighs softly, looking away from her and just settling back into the couch. "...yeah..."
14 years ago
sighs again. Oh. Fun. Way to put a foot in your mouth, Bel. But still, she's stubborn. "It doesn't mean I hate you. Should I leave now?"
14 years ago
looks down and then back up at her, shaking his head. "Nah...s'okay. I understand what ya meant anyway...I'm an ass." *chuckles weakly*
Eva gives
14 years ago
him an unimpressed, if slightly sad look. "All you do is make yourself look like a terrible brother. I don't get it."
14 years ago
arches an eyebrow, his face still sort of stoic and unamused. "I do?" *shrugs* "Yer just so unhappy with me most of the time, I guess..-
14 years ago
-...I guess I'm starting to believe I am one." *sighs, scratching at his scar and just closing his eyes* "I miss it when we were younger..."
14 years ago
nods. She's unsure of what to make of all of this, really. "Ja, you do. But I'm not unhappy now, am I?" Granted, sometimes it's hard to -
14 years ago
break the habit but what can you do about it? She knows they don't have the happiest past, anyway. "I like it now. Before there was Spanje-
14 years ago
and we both know how it went. And before that... We were too young. I don't want to be a child again."
14 years ago
doesn't open his eyes again, staying quiet for a moment. "I do. It would be easier than making my sister hate me slowly."
Eva feels
14 years ago
like she could cry just from that. She reaches out to hold his hand. "I don't hate you, Roel.."
14 years ago
flinches and nearly moves his hand away, but stops himself and just lets his eyes open a tiny bit to stare at the ground. "...really? Do-
14 years ago
-you really not hate me for all the shit I've pulled...?"
14 years ago
squeezes his hand gently, tilting her head slightly. "Do you honestly think I would be here if I hated you? I am no saint myself."
14 years ago
chuckles even more weakly before but doesn't really respond much further to that. He's scared whatever he says in response will offend her.
14 years ago
doesn't really mind that; she would have to accept anything that was true, anyway, right? Still, she sighs. "I like being with you."
14 years ago
finally his gaze flickers up to meet hers. "....I like you, liking being with me." *laughs softly, feeling cheesy*
Eva thinks
14 years ago
that really was kind of cheesy. I: But it's better than him thinking he's this or that, so she offers a small smile and kisses his cheek.
14 years ago
"Don't forget that, then."
14 years ago
he knows it was but he didn't know what else to say. :| And he just shuts his eyes again and almost leans into the kiss. "...I won't."
14 years ago
didn't really mind it. "Good." She rests her head against his shoulder, looking down at her hands. " Ik hou van jou. Remember that."
14 years ago
looks a bit surprised but smiles softly, moving a hand up to tentatively pet at her hair. "...Ja, I will..."
14 years ago
smiles just a little bit, but it almost seems a bit sad. "It's so confusing."
14 years ago
chuckles, playing with a few strands. "What is, dare I ask?"
14 years ago
shrugs, twiddling her thumbs. "Everything. I-I mean.." She pauses. "It's all been different lately. No fighting, nothing. I like it but-
14 years ago
it's still... Different than what I remember, I guess."
14 years ago
pauses himself for a moment but then just goes back to petting her hair, staying silent for a moment. "....what do you mean "different"?-
14 years ago you...." *stops again, furrowing his eyebrows and not being able to say what he just thought of*
14 years ago
looks up at him, frowning. "Like me, what?"
14 years ago
shakes his head. "Nevermind. M'not gonna try and explain what'cha mean. Ya gotta tell me first before I say something stupid..."
14 years ago
tilts her head slightly, giving him a somewhat pleading look. "You won't say anything stupid. Tell me?"
Roel gives
14 years ago
her a slightly exasperated look, but now he's not exactly in pain anymore thank god so maybe he can explain..."Er. D-Did ya mean-
14 years ago
-"different" as in...different than when we were younger. With the whole...liking thing..."
14 years ago
remains silent for a moment and looks down at her hands again. "... Ja. That too. That makes it all the more confusing, I think."
14 years ago
nods softly. ".......ja, I understand..."
14 years ago
doesn't say a word or do a thing for a while, apparently lost in thought. It seems almost random when she hugs him tight, almost like she-
Eva will
14 years ago
die otherwise. She's not crying, but she could almost be. "I just... I don't know what to make of it. I-It's not wrong, is it?"
14 years ago
makes a bit of an "erk" sound, but keeps petting her hair regardless and silently listening. "...o-only if you make it to b-be. It feels...-
14 years ago
-..almost right t-to me in a sense, actually." *sighs* "....I-I don't know..."
14 years ago
sighs as well, revelling in the comfort and that tender gesture. "It does?" She exhales softly, smiling a little. "It kind of does."
14 years ago
closes his eyes and leans against her, caressing her head with another soft sigh. "...ja? M'glad ya think so too..."
14 years ago
hasn't let go of him yet, nor is she planning to anytime soon. "But what does it mean? Do we just... Let it... Go away with time?"
14 years ago
doesn't really mind at all, cause he'll just keep petting her hair for as long as she wants. He stares at her though, arching an eyebrow-
14 years ago
-in confusion. "...what do you mean?"
Eva is
14 years ago
happy with that. She shakes her head, however. "I. I don't know. I just..." She sighs. "I'll never know what to make of any of this... -
14 years ago
Whatever this is."
14 years ago
laughs softly, pulling a bit on her hair in a playful manner. "Well...whaddya want it to be?"
14 years ago
squirms slightly and looks up at him with a confused expression. "What do you mean what do I want it to be? What do *you* want it to be?"
14 years ago
holds up a hand, staring back equally confused. "I dunno. M'leavin' this up to ya..."
14 years ago
pouts. "Why me? You should have a say in this too."
14 years ago
shakes his head, chuckling weakly. "....nee, I wanna hear what you have to say first."
Eva thinks
14 years ago
he's just being a cheeky bastard now. I: "I want... I want to believe this is meaningful."
Roel is
14 years ago
not. He's just confused and a bit scared? "....I-I do too..." *laughs softly* "You know I don't necessarily like other people. Your-
14 years ago
-the only person...I've truly connected with..."
Eva feels
14 years ago
about the same way. She smiles softly, nodding in response. She knows that. "It's ironic that we had to turn out to be siblings."
14 years ago
sighs and nods. " really is."
14 years ago
leans closer, resting her chin on his shoulder. "It shouldn't matter.."
14 years ago
lets out one more little sigh and just goes back to stroking at her hair quietly. "I-It shouldn't."
14 years ago
bites her lip. She figures there's no point in trying to not be awkward about this when it's this awkward already. "Does it matter to you?"
14 years ago
stays silent for a moment before looking down and shaking his head. "Nee."
14 years ago
doesn't turn to look at him. He face is all red and she's horribly embarrassed and surprised at her own courage to just talk to him. "Then-
14 years ago
tell me what you want to make of... All of this."
Roel is
14 years ago
silent for the longest time before he looks back up, his face flushed as well. "...Ik denk dat ik wil van je houden."
14 years ago
must be shaking the tiniest bit by now and she can't really bring herself to say anything, though she is smiling a bit. "... Really?"
Roel feels
14 years ago
Eva shaking and he hugs her closer, petting softly at her hair in an attempt to calm her. "...ja. Really."
14 years ago
takes a few deep breaths. She can't really help that kind of reaction. She nuzzles at his shoulder, keeping her eyes closed. "... Me too."
14 years ago
smiles softly, closing his eyes as well and just quietly stroking her hair, reveling in the warm feeling he's getting. "I'm glad..."
Eva feels
14 years ago
much better about... This whole situation, whatever it is. She really doesn't know what else to say, though it doesn't seem necessary to-
14 years ago
actually say anything. She pulls away from the embrace just enough to look up at him. "And if anyone complains?"
14 years ago
stares down at her, chuckling. "Don't listen to 'em. God knows I won't..."
14 years ago
tilts her head slightly. His laughter is contagious; she smiles. "That sounds just about right.. No matter who, right?" Hint hint, Lux.
14 years ago
nods. "No matter who~"
14 years ago
kisses his cheek. "I'm happy, then."
14 years ago
blushes a bit more and leans into the kiss, smiling. "So am I."
14 years ago
sighs softly, and makes a move to pull away from the embrace and stand up. "You should get properly dressed and take care of yourself-
14 years ago
you must be tired, no?"
14 years ago
......just nearly sadfaces and turns away from her, sighing. "..ja, I suppose so."
14 years ago
places a hand on his shoulder. "I can stay if you want."
14 years ago
doesn't want to seem like he's begging because he's a MAN GDI. But...he really does want her to stay. "...would you?"
14 years ago
reaches up to kiss his forehead, making sure to not touch the scar. "Why would I *not*?"
14 years ago
appreciates this and is very red, staring up at her. "I dunno~" *chuckles weakly*
14 years ago
shakes her head before moving to stand up. "Idiot. Go put on something proper and I'll get you something to eat."
14 years ago
sighs happily and nods. "Ja, okay~" *shuffles off the couch and heads over to his room to go find a shirt...*
14 years ago
, in the meantime, makes her way into his kitchen to prepare something for him to eat. God knows what Arthur might have fed him.
14 years ago
finally comes out after a few minutes in his baggy futbol shirt and walks into the kitchen, nonchalantly coming up behind Eva and wrapping-
14 years ago
-his arms around her waist. "Nn what'cha gonna make?" *nuzzles into her shoulder*
Eva was
14 years ago
not expecting that at all, so she jumps in surprise, though she soon relaxes against the embrace, resting a hand over one of his.
14 years ago
laughs softly. "Soup."
14 years ago
kisses her neck a bit, blushing and chuckling himself. "Sounds good~"
14 years ago
bites her lip, shuddering slightly from the sensation. "Ja.. It's almost done, too."
14 years ago
presses another kiss, smiling widely cause he felt that shudder. C< "Good~ M'hungry..."
14 years ago
reacts the same way to it ( I:< )and arches an eyebrow at his comment which she thinks could have been taken the wrong way. "Then sit down?"
14 years ago
rolls his eyes, but chuckles again and complies, slipping his arms from her waist and going to sit down at the table~
14 years ago
shrugs lightly, looking over at him. She was enjoying the proximity, so.. In any case she focuses on finishing up the meal and sets two-
14 years ago
bowls of soup on the table after a while. She takes a seat in front of him; hey, she's hungry. I: "I hope it's good."
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